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[/font]Well We all thinked that Aqua was trapped in The Real of Darkness, and 10 years later sora will save her..but if that theory is WRONG!

Like the secret ending of KH BBS FM...

Se defated red eye and go to the place where is CInderella!!!

If she escaped?

And saved Ven before he vanish?

If se findes Terra? Sora?

If Aqua is more older than we thought???

Comment your ideas!!


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Grammar aside. Be careful what you take in with the whole secret movie thing. Ven vanishing can mean anything. As for Aqua. People are pretty sure she did finally make it out of the realm of Darkness. Or at least she found a way to get to the border of it. She has not found Terra, because of Xehanort. And, as for Sora. On the dark meridian, Ansem was telling Aqua Sora's name, so they've probably never met after the first time in Destiny Isles. And Aqua is about 27 or 28 I would say. Maybe older. She just doesn't seem to have aged at all.

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Ok your grammar is horrible so you shouldnt be making posts because you speak no ENGLISH! As for this theory there are several reasons why it doesnt make sense.


That is so mean, he even said himself that he's not english.

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Maybe, she does find Ventus but even if she found Ventus, he would still be in a coma because Sora has a heart. By the way, can Sora even enter Castle Oblivion? I mean in 358/2 days, Roxas was unable to go there so how would Sora be able to?

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Maybe, she does find Ventus but even if she found Ventus, he would still be in a coma because Sora has a heart. By the way, can Sora even enter Castle Oblivion? I mean in 358/2 days, Roxas was unable to go there so how would Sora be able to?


Roxas couldn't go in there because he was having flashes of Sora's memory. I think. I guess now it could be because of a whole bunch of things...but Sora's been in there once, he shouldn't have trouble going there again.

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Well look, how are you supposed to understand what the hell he's saying? I mean I dont see the whole point in making a thread here. And Red Eyes doesnt have an official name yet.


I'v seen you make your fair share of grammatical errors, brah.

And if you don't see the whole point in making a thread here, then you should definitely see no point in posting, am I right?

And dude, Mysterious Figure doesn't have an official name yet.

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[/font]Well We all thinked that Aqua was trapped in The Real of Darkness, and 10 years later sora will save her..but if that theory is WRONG!

Like the secret ending of KH BBS FM...

Se defated red eye and go to the place where is CInderella!!!

If she escaped?

And saved Ven before he vanish?

If se findes Terra? Sora?

If Aqua is more older than we thought???

Comment your ideas!!


Friendship is more important to me as anything!

MY friends are my Power!!!


As far as to where Cinderella is, I think that was supposed to be the remnants of that world after Maleficent destroyed it. She's still in the realm of darkness. As for everything else...I've given up on making theories. :P

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look Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep 0.5 happens before she meets Ansem the wise...so she didnt scape. They are waiting sora to rescu them...and sora know that cuz of the letter that he recive in kh 2

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Ok your grammar is horrible so you shouldnt be making posts because you speak no ENGLISH! As for this theory there are several reasons why it doesnt make sense.


That is so mean, he even said himself that he's not english.


I agree Rob it's not their fault

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I have a theory that because Aqua was in the Realm of Darkness for so long, her aging process slowed.


That's our thought. We think that time don't pass in the realm of darkness, so Aqua haven't aged since she entered in the Real of Darkness. As you know, she even says "It seems that I've been walking for ages.. How long have I been down here? "

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I have a theory that because Aqua was in the Realm of Darkness for so long, her aging process slowed.


That's our thought. We think that time don't pass in the realm of darkness, so Aqua haven't aged since she entered in the Real of Darkness. As you know, she even says "It seems that I've been walking for ages.. How long have I been down here? "


yeah, wasn't it said in an interview that time in the Realm of Darkness is different and so to Aqua it hasn't really been 10 years? (Though still alot of time)

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Her aging might have stopped in the ROD. But what happens when she's OUT? I still think she might just age a little when she escapes and returns to the real world(the realm of light or whatever you call it).Y'know, longer hair and such.

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