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I'm in the Impact Christian choir. Normally I'd say the full name of it..but I don't want any stalkers so. xD

It's for 8th graders(sometimes 7th graders if they are mature enough.) through their first year of college. We meet every month(one weekend every month)starting in October through March(Though we don't have one in December). So this month is our last for this year. I'm really upset that it's going to be over again...


I joined when I was in 7th grade. It's now my second year and I know I have gotten way more outgoing, not just singing wise but with my personality as well this year. :3


I think next year, my third year, I will try out for a solo or my own song.

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I've been in choir since 4th grade and all through out middle school, it was my #1 priority. I recently started losing my interest in it, mostly because I just dislike my high school director.

I still love singing <3 I'm not great but I do well in competitions and I'm a decent soloist and do alright in a small ensemble.

I was in the Top Mixed Choir in 8th grade and this year I made the District Treble choir as 23rd chair, going up against Sophores, Juniors and Seniors as well (: So it was pretty good.

Yeah, I can go on and on about choir/shuts up

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In both years that i've been in middle school i have taken choir. Right now I'm in an advanced choir at my school known as treble choir. Made up of all girls. We still have a little ways to go to get to the top but we're advancing and slowing getting better each day.

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I've been in the school's Choir since 6th grade.And I love it.Here we don't have divisions of advanced or anything.It's just kids from all of the grades in one big choir with no difference.And I just adore it.We get to get our laughs and in each practice I get to refine my voice better.And we always get an extra grade if we need it.

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I was in Choir for 6, 7, 9th and this is my 10th grade year, last year I made 19th in the top mixed choir for my district and this year I was 16th and qualified for state but I didn't make it. I quit in 8th grade because my teacher didn't teach us anything for middle school no one showed up for our concerts we were terible but now in highschool its a whole different story the teacher is cool and we pwn at competitions


What Voice part are you guys I'm Tenor 2

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I've taken it every year except for this year, because I needed to take one more year of language. Shizzle. D: I plan on taking it again next year, though. I wouldn't say we learn to much (our teacher isn't exactly that good at her job) but I still have fun. Especially since I am the only person in Praise Band, now. Basically, it's a chorus class with just me. Somewhat awkward, but I'm specialaful. 8D I even get a t-shirt only I'll have. /babble

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I'm an Alto. That's pretty much just how it goes.

It gets kinda lonely though, because I'm in the last row and everyone moves up to the open seat infront of them except for me because there's never any room left. All my friends are in band too. Everyone always talks and it's so annoying when we have to write because they won't shut their da-n mouths.

Eh, I joined to sing basically. This is my first year, considering you couldn't get in until 7th grade anyways. I don't know If I'm great or anything, but I think I don't sing loud enough, because nobody comments or anything.

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Haruhime - I wish I could've been in it since 4th but we didn't have that option we had an honors chorus which I was in but it was only for fith graders but us guys hadn't hit pubirty yet so we were taught soprano one crap and we were able to do it so all the kids sang the same way.




I'm actualy trying to get some of my choir friends to try out for American Idol, I won't make it but some of my friends will *knocks on wood*

WHo else is


OOO I also remembered on March 10th my choir will be preforming on AETN I won't tell you which one I am in but I'll just tell you we are the choir that sounded good from the southern section

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I'm actually part of a choir, kind of weird, as ever since elementary choir I never wanted to do it again. I kind of enjoy it, sometimes I do good, sometimes not. The only thing I don't like about it is that I have to get up early to go to it, since it is before school actually starts, other than that, I kinda like it.

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I was a part of a parish youth choir when I was in high school, and I sang for a few masses before I finally switched to playing the guitar and sometimes the drums when our drummer isn't available.


I'm currently too busy with my own music club here at school to attend choir, but I kinda miss it so I hope I get to do it again some time. :)

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