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KHDays Don't You Think It's Unfair?

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    • But i'm counting on there being a PS3 version
    • But i can live with it

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This is mainly for ds users.


so we're all waiting for 358/2 days, and it looks amazing and i bet it will be tonnes of fun. but i always see videos of birth by sleep and it looks abseloutely incredible as well, but the interview didn't help with tetsuya saying how unique and exciting it was, and about all the new worlds. i'll be fine for the worlds, sinces there's a strong chance that they will be featured in kingdom hearts III


but don't you feel annoyed that all these special attacks and great graphics and new worlds don't appear in 358/2 days?


Birth by sleep has a few things to be jealous about, but only if they're an organisation fan or they want to do co-op (which doesn't matter to me since none of my freinds play kingdom hearts (i wish they did))


choose 1 of the first 2 options, and 1 of the last 2

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No. I think it's completely fair.

Try to remember that BBS happens 10 years BEFORE the first game, so there's a high possibility that those extra worlds (especially the princess of hearts' worlds) where taken by darkness, thus no longer...being there. xD

So it'd be quite confusing if Roxas was able to go to worlds that may not exsist anymore.

Also, the worlds featured in 358/2 days were all worlds in KH and KHII, and all worlds Sora had already gone to or will go to in the future.

Try to remember that Days is like Re:CoM in Roxas's point of view, or something. It's a game inbetween KH and KHII, just in another perspective...in a different scene.




If none of that made sense, then I'm sorry. xD

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Well, Nomura has said that since Days takes place between games that have already come out, that there was no need to introduce new worlds. But, personally I would have said that it wasn't fair if I hadn't read the article. Plus, like everyone else, I'm more wanting to play BBS than I am this game (even though I don't have a PSP yet since I'm waiting for a bundle).

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i think the graphics was kinda poor in some videos of 358/2 Days. BbS had was better graphics and all the limit light shows were amazing but Days lacks that and i think it is the producers fault. they could have improved the graphics, but they didnt.

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They pretty much maxed out the graphics on a DS. You have to remember DS graphics are limited. For the best of the best, play days on a DSi.





It's completely fair.


Because they're two completely different games.

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@ Cella

i know i have a dsi just for this game! i was just noticing the careless errors in graphics i saw every time i watched small cutscenes. like how they're cloaks are all messed up with lines of various colors distracting me.

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Once again, it's because its on a DS. Obviously they can do much better, but the graphics are pretty dang good considering its on a ds. xD


Lol, I have the original DS, my graphics will be shat...

-orders days anyways-

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Once again, it's because its on a DS. Obviously they can do much better, but the graphics are pretty dang good considering its on a ds. xD


Lol, I have the original DS, my graphics will be shat...

-orders days anyways-


i understand that, since ds's aren't known for there graphics, but i still think they could've done a better job


i won't be buying a DSi just for this game, but i didn't know the graphics were diffeent on that


i've got a broken psp sitting next to me. after i've used my warranty (psps break alot), how much wold it cost to fix it, or in the worst case get a new one? because if it's not too expensive, i would fix it so i could get birth by sleep


i really hope for every fan's sake that the worlds in bbs haven't been swallowed by darkness so that people without psp's don't miss out

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Once again, it's because its on a DS. Obviously they can do much better, but the graphics are pretty dang good considering its on a ds. xD


Lol, I have the original DS, my graphics will be shat...

-orders days anyways-


i understand that, since ds's aren't known for there graphics, but i still think they could've done a better job


i won't be buying a DSi just for this game, but i didn't know the graphics were diffeent on that


Clearly you dont understand xD

And yeah, DSi graphics are supposed to be a shatload better.

i've got a broken psp sitting next to me. after i've used my warranty (psps break alot), how much wold it cost to fix it, or in the worst case get a new one? because if it's not too expensive, i would fix it so i could get birth by sleep

I don't know, I don't have a psp, sorry... o3o

i really hope for every fan's sake that the worlds in bbs haven't been swallowed by darkness so that people without psp's don't miss out


I'm sorry, but it doesn't work that way. You will miss out on playing BBS if you don't have a psp and you'll miss out on seeing it if you don't go online and watch the cutscenes.

Maybe they'll have the worlds pop up again, maybe not. Who knows.


But it's still all fair in the end.

Again, they're completely different games, throwing in every world in each game would be silly and could quite easily ruin a good plot.

Days wasn't based around world travelling so much as Roxas and Xion, so having too many worlds would be pointless after a bit. owo

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well yeah i agree with you cause 358/2 days DOES look fun....


yeah, it is, except when you have to:

1. Beat up a boss with a frikkin' stick!!

2.Do a mission where you have to defeat around 5 different bosses!!!! (in the order that I defeated them, they had 7,6,18,4, and 4 healthbars approx.)




You're fighting Agrabah Xion, and you're almost done taking down her 7 healthbars, when she puts up a barrier and heals herself to full health (twice in my battle!)



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I think both games are going to be great in their own ways. Each one is going to me unique and of course Days is going to have worse graphics the BbS b/c of the different consoles. PSP just has better graphics. But I know Days is going to be the BEST DS game! xD

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after i read the comments of you guys i agree with you now xD


omg you've played it already??

your sho lucky X3

i've watched a couple of those fighting scenes and i know what you mean. i have no idea how i'm gonna beat the game. i'll probably fail even in easy mode xD

and yeah kushi is right.

both games will be awesome in their own way because of the consoles and stuff.

thank you guys for putting some sense into here xD

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I has a DS Lite now...the only way I'll get a DSi is if that KH 358/2 Days DSi is released over here. xD Otherwise I'm perfectly happy with my DS.

Still need a PSP though...:


exactly the same, but i won't be buying a DSi anytime soon... i still want to play guitar hero on tour...


and for me to replace my psp would be

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