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(basically, Shuriken is back and is trying to get back his memories on TT, right now hes at the mansion having flahbacks and going a litlle insane whereas Lex is making himself comfortable, and Jester is...Idk)_

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Shurikn was roaming around... and evntually found hismelf facing a group of white pods....

"This is where,,,, Sora slept.... to regain his memories...."

He wondered if it will work the same for him....

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"I say we go to Twilight Town!" Noxia exclaimed.

"Why?" Hinako asked.

"I don't know."

Hinako sighed. "Fine."

Noxia opened a dark portal and they went through it.

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Shuriiken stepped into one of the pods... (he one Sora was in...) and closed it... hoping that when he woke up... his memories would be restored...

(is unaware that Sora had Namine_)

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"Ok so what do we do now?" Hinako asked.

"I dont--"

"If you say 'I don't know' I swear I will punch you in the face."

Noxia backed away and shut her mouth

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Jester: [waches afar ... clocked so noone can see him . al thought the air can be seen moving around when he moves]




[his evesdropping .. ]

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Lailex: (Don't ask what the hell happened, she is somehow lost and VERY confused at The End Of The World, away from her friends...) Great...now I'm back where I started...*Teleports to TT, where she first started out*

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Shuriken floated inside the Pod... his memories hanging by a thread... he saw a girl... and a starnge Spirit taking over bodies.... he saw himself use his Heart to destroy it...

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Lailex: *wanders around, trying to find anybody to explain things. after boarding the gummi ship it had allgone blank in her mind.* where...what happened? where's shuriken, and hinako? where's rob?! anybody?!?!

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"I have a feeling, someone's at the Mansion!" Noxia suddenly exclaimed.

Hinako sighed. "Fine let's go."

They walked over to the Mansion.

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They walked throughout the Mansion and saw these strange looking pods...

"These seem familiar..." Noxia muttered.

"Look!" Hinako exclaimed. She saw Shuriken in one of those pods.

"What's he doing in there?" Noxia asked.

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