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The monster feels queezy/ glancing down at his stimach.. he sees the mn he ate burst from his stomach....

weakened.. he fell to the ground..

Shuriken ran foward and cut the monsters tail off...

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Eye color:stone grey

Hair color:really dark brown

Hair length:to end of my neck, it looks close to zexion's ahri style but brown

Weapon:Fist, and a keyblade that can turn into a blue bracelates liek roxas's

Power:SPEED, and fire

Appearance: zexions hair style but brown, black jeans, a red and black version of roxas's shirt

Personality:Nice, funny, btu very very short tempered, and adventourous, also loves to study animals, liek a biologist kind of btu never harms them

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Shuriken walks into an alley... seeing a few kids... a cute girl... a fat boy... and a grumpy blonde....

"Whoops... sorry... didn't mean to disturb you guys.." Shuriken said.. backing out of the alley...

Olette: "Hey! Wait up!

she said running up to Shur'...

Olette: "Is there anything we can help you with... ummm... whats your name? I didn't catch it..."


Olette: "Ok.. Shuriken,, is there anything we can be of assistance with?"


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