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you owas say that but bad things still happen

not to just me but to everone

today was one of the worst days for me

its was the frist day i felt helpless

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nothing just nothing

[lays on the bed twords the window]

Trigger&PAR: [look from the side lines]




[lol im 99 years old]


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Jester: i dont mind

in fact it helps me sleep better when your around...

Trigger&PAR: walk to living room]

Trigger: wow just like that and his gone

PAR: i know i supprized that antineosidf;lasgh;a died just like that

i wonder whos next


Trigger: dont start with that

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Jester: [looked out the window.. thinking of things for a whole hour untill his eyes got to heavy for him then fell asleep]

PAR: i wonder how lee will take it if Jester died

Trigger: she woldent make it

PAR: your vary nice

Trigger: well its the truth

PAR i know but with troy leaving and the death of antineoasdf;asghaqa has just got me thinking

Trigger: its not good to think like that

PAR: i know

Trigger: we shold get some rest .. i got a bad feeling that tommro is going to be a bad day

PAR: i hate to say it but ,,, i think your right

PAR&Trigger: turn on Tv and watch CSI untill they fall asleep]


[im calling it a night to]

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Kitty ran into the lounge. Lee had created a special room next to hers just for Kitty, and it was coverd in orange. She saw Trigger. "There you are!" She smiled.

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[gose to par and says vary loudly]


PAR: [wakes up] yes

Trigger: points to girl] shes hungry

PAR: i dont know how to cook

Trigger: [shakes head]

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