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depends on the person

anders sems to be nice but dosent like giveing out personel stuff

and is vary snekey

a treit that seems to be in alot of ghost

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uhh i dont get what your trying to say

o well

ive got sooo much work to do now

seams like anders can not do taxes right for tghe life of him

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if you can do taxes then yes




[now with me knoed out i can sort of take a brack from RPing as him]

[and on a side note this is the frist time i ever RPed ]

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Lee: Sure. *grabs her laptop, still curious as to where her CD is* I hope Harle is ok...*looks at Golin* Why don't you go and see her for a bit? Cheer her up like you did me. *watches cat leave before she starts to type on the laptop*

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i know this is not the time to ask

but anders was wondering

why do you have a copie of the jester race

2 HOW in the world did you get it

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