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Shuriken and Katana attack the Heartless repeatedly...

Katana uses the KeyBlade with great skill... she is also faster and more swift then Shuriken, who usses brute strength

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"I know! Let's ask Trigger! He's a Heartless!" Hinako exclaimed. They walk over to Trigger. "Hey do you know where Shuriken and Katana are? Noxia says they're in a place of pure darkness..."

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Shuriken met blade for blade with the heartless, who weilded a strange type of Bo staff...

Shuriken did a front flip landing a blow to the back of the mans head.. whilst Katana slammed her balde into his chest.., the man Slapped Katana... throwing her back.. landing with a nice *THUD* on the ground...

"KATANA!!!!!" Shuriken screamed...

"Oh no! Kataaannnnaaa!!" The man said mockingly...

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Katana lay unconcious on the gorund.. she was wounded defintely...

Shuriken: "You Bastar*!"

Shur' charged after the man fighting with a force unnatural... Shuriken felt the darkness sprout within him again...

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Trigger: [sniffs.. sniffs . a little more] nothing .. i lost the trail .....................[sniffs .. ] WAIT . ..

i can .. smell . drakness ,, lots of it . all of a sudden

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Shuriken felt the darkness over power him... he pushed it back for now.. but he doesnt know how long he can hold it in.. distracted he is knocked out by the Heartless and cast away...


The man laughed and started to brign his wepaon down on them,..


It looked like this was the end for Shuriken and His sister...

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