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Shuriken of twilight jumps up and superglides to the SoL (Shruiken of light) htting him repeatedly....

whilst Flynn sneaks up behind SoL hitting him over the head

SoL: *laughs* You guys have nothing on me!:" he said as he unleashed a blast of pure light,,,

Shuriken Dodges the blast by doing a double front flip... which also landed him directly i front of SoL... Shuriken slashed him across the chest....

SoL, blood soaking his chest... falls to his knees... breathes deeply, then stands back up.. and surprisingly hits Shuriken across the face...

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Shuriken flew backwards.. landing with a resounding *THUD*... Flynn jumped up i the air and swiped SoL in the back of the head...

Shuriken gains his senses... and stands up... summoning his second Keyblade.. he charged toward SoL again... this time landing a successful combo... Shuriken took that chance to unleash a limit with Flynn: Brothers of the Blade" where Flynn and Shuriken tag-team and beat the crap out of SoL....,.


weakened,,... SoL screamed:

"You can't destroy me! Not if you want to be a whole being again...,"


Flynn and Shuriken stopped..

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SoL stood back up... "thats what I thought...." he said..

SoL stuck his hand out emitting a beam of light he revealed a door....

"Now" He continued "we need to unlock this door...." he said standing next to Shuriken and Flynn... they all summoned there blades and worked together to open the door.....

The door opened...

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SoL: Now... wlak through the door...

Shuriken and Flynn did so along with SoL...

upon entering... they saw an amazing world... so filled with light and cheer... that it seemed... almost unnatural...

SoL: we must join together...

Shuriken and Flyjnn along with SoL held there hand together... a greyish light surrounded them all... then an immense blast of color and light came forth... revealing a new person entirely....

it was Shuriken.. but different... in the beggiinning, before all these events... Shuriken was a normal person... not corrupted by the darkness... he had now taken this form... what he was like before...

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The new Shuriken walked out from the light.... and back out to where Hinako, Lexa, and the other dude he had never met before....

he walked passed them...

"OKAY! WTH HAPPENED!:" He screamed, obviously confused about where he was our what he was doing...

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(theres only one now DecoyBoy, The dark shuriken, the light shuriken, and twilight shurikens rejoined)


"Who the he.... wait... I know you..." Shuriken said, glancing at Rob..

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"Well after you blew up to kill Sephis, we all thought you were dead. But we met your Nobody Shuxriken. Then he and your Heartless joined back together, but there were two of you. One was the Dark Shuriken and the other Twilight Shuriken. They came to this place, fought the Light Shuriken, then they joined together and you came back." Hinako explained. She probably didn't explain very well, but she hoped Shuriken woul understand.

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Standing back to his feet... Shuriken realized what Hinako was talking about,,, but.. it was if something else inside him understood... more so then himself... 'Strange' he said in his mind

"So... I've been... DEAD... for about a week now... and now Im alive again... because clones of me... joined together?"

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"humans....so pathetic,ill never understand" said the man as he opened a huge portal."id rather kill than understand" he said as a giant heartless came out.


"WHAT THE HELL" said rob as he looked at it

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