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The 'not again' line suprised Hinako. Something similar had always happened to her. She always got headaches and fell unconscious, not having an idea what ahad happen.

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Xena: *Laughs* Bring it. You can talk the talk, *Summons large amount of energy* But can you walk the walk?! *sends it flying at rob, disabling the usage of his keyblade (though he shouldn't really know that ^^')

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Xena: *Glares at Harle*: You want to be next?! I'm not firetrucking around when I say I'll kill people. My daughter may have saved you but I can kill you! (HINT: Xena is the spirit of LAilex's mom that's taking over her)

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'You need to help Lailex, Hinako. I can hear what she's thinking. Xena is her mother and Lailex can't stop her. You need to help her!' Noxia said.

"I'll try.."

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Shuxriken summoned his keyblade, which is akin to Shuikens dark forms.. but only inverted colors... slapping Lailex around like nothing..." you may be good with magic.. but I have al of Shurikens abilities... plus a plethora of my own.. so dont screw with me....

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