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Sephis *warps from explosion* is Harles powers to much for you? then heres something for you to hear *morphs back to original form* did you know Harle can transform into the moon goddess whom I killed she then fused into Harle to give her more power when I absorbed Harle I also absorbed the moon godess! *jumps in air and transforms into the reverse of the moon goddess instead of a beautiful white dragon a giant black fearsom dragon astrong as all the 6 dragons plus the moon goddess together * ROAR! * light fires at Lexa *

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Sephis: I dont like this im to slow I guess im not used to it yet oh well* morphs back draws scythe* besides I wont dodge youre attacks any time you hit me Harles damaged *makes blue light making it so Harle recieves all the dammage and pain he would recieve* now attacl me to your hearts content! *grin*

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sephis : *prepares to kill the twilight town people again* grgh! *clutches heart couphs up a little blood* What?

Harle's voice from nowhere: Youll pay Sephis!

Sephis: damn *holding heart* I let her soul to far into the physical world gragh! *falls on knees*

Harle's voice: Lexa! use the chrystals magick!

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Sephis: kills nobodies freezes the key blades and uses dark bolts of lightning to make lightning shackles for Lexa *glares att Harle*

Harle: you gonna stop being a coward and fightme head no Sephis?

Sephis: Finaly ! *makes scythe* the last fight I may not have your powers but im far stronger then you *evil grin*

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troy jumped out of nowhere ad smacked Dark Troy in the face,who was hiding in a alley."YOU KILLED ANTONIO!!!"

Dark Troy:DUR!

(sorry im late,mates-At the Halloween dance at my school)

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Sephis: *ignors them and fires dark bolts at Harele*

Harle: *dodges*

Sephis: *gets hit with dice* thats it! *brutally kills the 25 nobodies* all right you! if you wanna be in this fight fine then! *grins makes psychic chain on scythe for 10x the range* ah! *throws scythe at Lexa*

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antonio popped out of nowhere.He looked down at troy."Get up.your not goign to be king with those emotions."

Troy looked up.His eyes widened opened and he slammed a huge mallet on antonio's head.



ANtonio:I..i found something out...

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