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Harle: *staring at the stars from the glass roof*


Sephis: *fades in room out of nowhere* heh! they think you killed those innocent people! noone will trust you anymore Harle! you may as well just let me kill you nw instead of fighting it! *holds up scythe*

Harle: You cant kill me on youre own regardless of if youre immortal so you result to ruining my life and making me suffer emotional?

Sephis: *grins holds sythe to Harles neck*

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the funeral ended and troy walked up to antonio."you were going to help me...get to the top of this country....and you go and die,huh?hehehe...predictable...."He looked at lee."its going to rain soon."The sky was clear,however.

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troy put on his officer hat and looked up.He tilted his hat so it hid his face."yes...its raining..."Troy started to cry clear tears.

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Harle: tsk you just dont get it sephis

Sephis: *makes dark bolts in hand* no you dont get it I get stronger every time we fight! eventually i'll be imposible to fight in combat!

Harle: *reverses bolts folowed by ice threads wraping around sephis* Ive been by myself for my whole life years more years of lonliness doesn't mater *starts to freeze sephis*

Sephis: *grins breaks ice and flies twice as fast as normal at harle* hah! *pins harle to wall with scythe * then aparently you must be holding back cus youre attacks are usually stronger!

Harle: ...

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Jesse: i dont kare if he says his doing it alone im going to help him [runs off]

jester: ... [is about to go after her but gose aginset it] if you say so.... [looks sad]

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Harle: how did you do it?

Sephis: what this? *makes clone to keep harle pinned to wall with scythe and the real sepjis transforms into harle* heh... thats how I killed those innocent people and youre "friend"

Harle: what are you talking about?

Sepis: that antonio guy I attacked him in your form *makes scythe * with my diferent powers which took him by surprise.

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