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troy looked at his watch."Uh oh."

Troy opened a portal and walked into it.it took him to the Military Center,where missions were asigned.

Military assigner:Colonel Troy,your mission is to lead a group of rangers into the forest.

troy:any specific details i should know about?

MA:Yes.there were some trolls reported in the forests,knocking trees down.we need you to go investigate.

troy:Any riders?

MA:I dont think so.anyways,your group is already out of the city.they are waiting in front of the gates.

troy:right...-leaves and goes on top of the castle walls--hops off the wall down in front of the group-

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troy:alright..lets roll...

-troy and rangers jog into the forest-

-they start walking on the stone road--they look around cautiously-

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Eeyore: cuzz i want him to feel pain

i want him to feel alone

i want him to give up on the life and join me

after that i will be unstopple

[takes out a black Claymore]

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[the bullite gose right toughtr him and dosenrt affcht him]

[as Eeyore is about to strick Jester tackles him and starts to punch him]

Eeyore: QUIT BEING THE HERO [snaps and jester asplodes and is sent flying thoughr the woods]

[Eeyore gets up]

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