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Jester:[wisper to Trigger] you think his treating her to much like a chiled

Trigger [wispper back] a little .. i dont know much about kids

Jester: same here

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Kitty was about to say something, but Lee stood in between her and Troy. "It isn't too dangerous, but still dangerous," she growled, looking at Troy. "She can't hurt herself critically, but she CAN hurt herself!"

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Lee shook her head. "That's not what I'm worried about." She stood close to Troy, glaring at him and keeping her voice down. "You know there are people out there who don't like Keyblade wielders. I'm not having Kitty get involved with any of that crap."

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Trigger: you think she will take it

PAR: of she dose lee willl take it away

Trigger: only because she wants to keep her safe

PAR: but shes got to grow up sometime

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Trigger: shes only 7

PAR: yay soo look at jester when he growed up

Trigger: that was 150 years ago

PAR: soo nothing changed from then to now

Trigger: true

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Trigger: to late now

PAR; i dont think so

Trigger: why you think that

PAR: i think that kitty is going to get it from him one way or another

rather lee likes it or not

Trigger: yup

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Harle: looks up* what the? *sees the moon she destroyed reformed and started to look around and saw there was 5 moons at the 4 corners of the sky and the original white moon was at the center and they were alll 10 x as bvright as normal and the same color as the chrystals in the sky pallace where except for the black chrystal : red, blue, yellow, green , and white* I've gotta investigate! *goes up to the blue moon*

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