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Razorwind Keyblade

Maleficent got played. TWICE!

Do you think Malificent is a fool for getting played twice?  

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  1. 1. Do you think Malificent is a fool for getting played twice?

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Malificent the misstress of all evil is supposed to be one of the baddest, meanest most sinister characters in KH. So how come she got played twice? At first she thought that the Heartless were here loyal servants. But really they tricked her so she can help them find the final keyhole. The 2nd time was when Org XIII released her pet bird out of a cage to bring her back to life, only to help Org XIII collect hearts for Kingdom Hearts, and so she could later on die. So do you think it will happen again ppl?

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tutti frutti. It always seems like the any type of witch, wizard, sorceress, sorcerer, or any other type of being related to these seems to have some type of way to be immortal, or at least coming back at some point in time. You woul think that Maleficient would create her own create her own plan to where she isn't screwed over at some point in the game and a least gain so sort of edge over the heroes and other villains. Unless she already is like MX and misleading the rest of us for some crazy elaborate plan to take over evrything (unlikely), though overall I would more likely believe that Mickey and Sora would dethrone Master Xehanort as being evil and a schemer, over Maleficent not getting pawned in some way shape or form.

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when did that cage part happen never saw that i though the second time she was played was bbs by xahanort when he tricked her into using terra to help him have terra get closer to his darkness


Edit: I just realized what you said about him tricking her, in that case, you might be correct. After all, it makes sense.


Well, from the way I see it, he didn't trick her, he just told her about some stuff (I don't really know what lol) and she basically decided that she wanted to gain the power of Kingdom Hearts, and wanted Terra to help her do it.

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