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Hannah Montana.....

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I'm bored so i'm gonna be talking about How much I'm sick of seeing Hannah Montana everywhere!!I mean really do they have to make all those lame thing with HANNAH MONTANA on it??!!I don't hate her..I'm just really SICK of seeing her everywhere!!and i'm not trying to be mean to anyone who likes her..I'm just saying DO they really have to make tons of stuff with her name on it?

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I'm also sick of the JoBro's, HSM, Camp Rock, etc. etc. being plastered on their merchandise.

I mostly see it all at target and what not though. It's insane sometimes. xD

It makes children ignore the real, classic disney. T-T <3

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I find it pathetic how Miley still uses her "Hannah Montana" alias.

-rolls eyes-

It's like people will only like her if she's blonde and has a rymie name.



I hate all the Disney stars. Really I do. They ruin good music and most can't act worth crap.


Except I like Selena Gomez...simply becuase I remember her from Barney when I was little. xD

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Teehee, oh Hanna! *yanks out Death Note* can i have your autograph?


GYAA HANNA!!! *hides Sora Riku Axel & Roxas* SHE'LL STEAL YOUR SOULS!!!!!




yes, i hate her....in fact...i HATE all of those goodie goodie shit heads that think that they can shove their hands up their father's crotches and swing around stripper poles and be loved by everyone!!

BTW i dont mean to sound mean but....(and this is true)...kids who are dished out for entertainment purposes are more likely to be killed by some deranged lunatic/fan...



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I just realized....

Why do ALL actors/actresses nowadays have to SING?!

All the young popular people are all also coming out with Singles and crap!

Seriously?! WTF?!?

And their singing is typically just as bad as their acting. >.>

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I just realized....

Why do ALL actors/actresses nowadays have to SING?!

All the young popular people are all also coming out with Singles and crap!

Seriously?! WTF?!?

And their singing is typically just as bad as their acting. >.>


Your not the only one who just Realized that..

-Coughs And whispers- "I just did..."

"What you thought i said something!?I didn't say a word!"

Lol anyway I totally argree with you on that, like the jonasbros their singing is okay but they are really really really Bad actors

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Yeah I know right? It's like people nowadays have nothing else to do or something.

I say, when I meet them I'll tell them to count the grass in their backyard the next time they're bored!

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Cheese and crackers! Don't get me started on her man! You know, I use to respect Billy Ray but now after I see where Miley is going...Ughs....Does he know how to parent? She's just gonna be another Brittany Spears! And at the Teen Choice Awards, Miley said that "Brittany is my role model" when she was presenting an award to Brittany. And then they show a music montage of all her greatest hits music videos where she's like wearing nothing in most of them and...gawd! it was just bad! And after she was presented the award and he gave her speech, and she's like, "oh, God bless!"


...I usually don't get that mad :blush:

so yeah....Disney channel sucks now b/c they just want all their actors to sing and when they do, they go edit their voices and make them sound crappy (even though most of them DO sound crappy, they just make them crappier!) I really think the only one who can sing is Demi...only b/c she screams in her music sometimes and I like screamo >.< (lolz)

I miss the good shows like Even Stevens and Lizzie McGrier (sp?) Those were the good days. I've like totally stopped watching Disney channel and switched to Nick. (iCarley is the BEST show eva!)


*looks at what she wrote* Oh my....Sry, I can't stop myself from ranting :blush:

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Cheese and crackers! Don't get me started on her man! You know, I use to respect Billy Ray but now after I see where Miley is going...Ughs....Does he know how to parent? She's just gonna be another Brittany Spears! And at the Teen Choice Awards, Miley said that "Brittany is my role model" when she was presenting an award to Brittany. And then they show a music montage of all her greatest hits music videos where she's like wearing nothing in most of them and...gawd! it was just bad! And after she was presented the award and he gave her speech, and she's like, "oh, God bless!"


...I usually don't get that mad :blush:

so yeah....Disney channel sucks now b/c they just want all their actors to sing and when they do, they go edit their voices and make them sound crappy (even though most of them DO sound crappy, they just make them crappier!) I really think the only one who can sing is Demi...only b/c she screams in her music sometimes and I like screamo >.< (lolz)

I miss the good shows like Even Stevens and Lizzie McGrier (sp?) Those were the good days. I've like totally stopped watching Disney channel and switched to Nick. (iCarley is the BEST show eva!)


*looks at what she wrote* Oh my....Sry, I can't stop myself from ranting :blush:


I'm soooooooo With you on that!! I :heart: Demi and Selena.

I didn't know Miley liked Brittany!My best friend loves Miley and Hannah...(She only 10..and i'm Almost 13...But she still one of my bf) I hate Hannah..and Miley...Me and a couple of my friends(Kelsey,Casey and Christain) Started talking about Hannah and everyone but Kelsey HATES her...

Anyway i gtg were going to go watch a movie!

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i just feel plain sad at how much disney channel changed.

i honestly haven't seen any classic DISNEY movies

like pinochio, or the little mermaid, lion king whatever.

i mean even in MEXICO they have like half clasic disney still going on.

all the times i've gone to mexico yeah they do show hannah montana

sonny with a chance bla bla bla


they also showed like 3 disney movies

(aladdin, peter pan, and pinochio)

i watched them all just to see the good ol' classics again <33

it makes me pity disney channel to what it's become

i bet walt disney would be ashamed...

oh crap i'm ranting xD

sorry just expressing my opinion :P;

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Disney Channel is just...fail. :

ToonDisney was good for those old Disney owned cartoons....but they changed it to Disney xD....and now they show superhero crap and dumped t.v shows that disney channel doesn't show anymore....

but they still show classic disney movies from time to time, which is nice. ^~^

though the commercials...ick. >.>

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HEY! I like Even Stevens too!! :P


Anyway this week they're finally showing a classic Disney movie called Tinkerbell!!


lol, well, i wouldn't call Tinkerbell a classic, b/c it's pretty new. But it's a pretty good movie. I thought it was very cute :(

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I am so tired of hearing anything Disney Channel-related now. ESPECIALLY Hannah Montana and HSM ._. I like her at first, but why not just go as Miley? I find the tv show pretty childish, too xD



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