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I would vote, but not for the more popular one but for the one I believe is the more intellgent one. The One you can picture and knwo would life better for you or the one that ifits you personally. Voting is imabotu them. you apperently donl;t like them,so ehres your chance to vocie not only your oppion but change the world, or irland whatever works for you the most my friend.portant, becuase if you don;t vote you'll have to have those fionna fail guys agian,and form what you say

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if i could vote, i'd scribble 'firetruck you' onto the card.


i hate politics, if you hadn't guessed.


Ive been thinking of spoiling my vote as a "firetruck you" to the government in general. I really dont think I care anymore, I could care less about politics!

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I can't tell you who to vote for because I know nothing of Ireland, but you definately should vote. That's how (democracies) countries work. They are based on what the people want. Some of the most important things in your life are decided by politicians, so you want to help choose a good one, right? (One good for your causes, at least). Which is why I've convinced practically everyone I know they will not vote for Obama or I will nom on their heads. frsrs.

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I agree with Fredfredbug4. You should always vote. This person could ultimately change your life, and you're just going to throw away the chance to make it better for you? That's really stupid I think.


^ this. also I to do not know nothing about irland, or anything other then Bano, and leprechauns. but still voting is a good thing. becuase would you rather change the world, or F@&k it up. THe CHOICE IS YOURS!

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This is just my opinion but I feel that voting shouldn't matter because society is doomed to fall into a black abyss. BUT if it makes you feel better to vote, then do so but don't vote for the one that others want. Your desicion should be best on your opinion and your opinion alone.

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i know people always say i'm wrong, but 1 vote doesn't count


but, if you're lucky enough to find anyone who you think would be good (which is VERY rare when it comes to politics) then vote.


I think you're right 1 vote really never matters, I never really believed in any of the candidates so it would've just been a waste

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hoenstly do you have any ideas, or meanings? you should vote for omeone, your gonna have to make a change, or become the darkside and be called Justin Bieberpool. ewh....

@Eterna I agree with a name like fail. the country is probley run like crap.

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