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KHBbS I was wondering...

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This question may sound kinda dumb, but I seriously need to know the answer. I don't have a PSP, so I can't play Birth By Sleep. So I want to know if I should buy a PSP for the game or not. I mean, is the game good enough for me to spend my money on a new consle?

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Yes you should buy it. If you're a big Kingdom Hearts fan get this game. The game got a 4/5. The only problem was the bad camera. This is acually the best KH game yet. You should definitley buy this game because if you don't KH: 3D and KH3 will be very confusing. Also BBS has sold more copies than any other PSP game in the US/NA. So you should definitley get a PSP and BBS. Its so totally worth it. You wont regret it and its a lot of fun.

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tutti frutti. If you haven't spoiled the story for yourself then it will be that much more worth it. But even if you have, the gameplay will make up for it. Great game nonetheless, definitely worth buying a psp for.

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I have just recently bought a PSP for the purpose of playing BBS. I think it was worth it. Add to that the fact that it is a portable game system that has several other enticing games out and coming out, getting a PSP could be a good idea.

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BBS is a really great game, it's one of the best games for the PSP. But are you just going to buy a PSP all just for one game? That'd be kind of a waste of money if you ask me. There are a lot more other games for the PSP besides BBS such as FF Crises Core, MGS: Peace Walker, Dissidia, ect. You should totally get more games other than BBS if you are interested in them.

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I don't have a PSP either, but I'm really enticed to get one, along with a Nintendo 3DS. For one thing, it has Birth by Sleep, which I'm told has the best combat system in the series, as well as a wonderful story told through 3 characters :D. Not to mention the system has numerous other best-selling Square Enix titles such as Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, Dissidia Final Fantasy, and Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy on it. So yeah, if you ever get the choice, BUY the PSP! I have to start saving up before it starts going out of style with the impending release of the NGP. -_-

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Save your money bro.


It is an amazing game, but bbs is coming out on to playstation network soon, and that means you should wait until the NGP comes out and get the game online.


This way, if the BBSv2 comes out on NGP, you wont have to buy ANOTHER system.


Birth by sleep is amazing, but it isn't worth buying 2 systems for. Plus you still need to get the 3ds when KhDDD comes out. Lol.

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