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Razorwind Keyblade

KH3D Do you want Marvel in this game?

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tutti frutti. I'm having a tough time picturing it myself. If done right it could happen. But I can see a couple things going wrong. Like Sora annoying Wolverine and ends up running for his life, or Mickey trying to stare down Hulk. There would have to be a good chunk of the series to work on if something like that was going to work in the KH universe. If Square and Disney decide on that, then SE would definitely have their work cut out for them, especially with us grading the games like their lives depend on it. But if I had a final say in it, I can't really see Marvel working unless some miracle happens.

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The answer is...... A MILLION NO!!! NEVER!!!


Really? DC and Marvel would really ruin the concept of the game, correct me if I am wrong.

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I don't know. It might and might not work. Like my thoughts on the tron world when I heard it was going to be in kingdom hearts 2 was "how would thst work?"

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Fine, I'll picture it for you.

Posted Image


tutti frutti. Honestly, I completely forgot about that picture. In terms of being serious, thanks for reminding me about that picture. Halolz.com is a great site for finding some pretty interesting pictures. Especially when you want a good laugh from a bad day.

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NO '-' kingdom Hearts already mix a lot of Disney`s movies and all of them are classic! I`m not saying that Marvel`s chars aren`t, but they are more... how can I say... adult chars, and i think this isn`t the objective of Square with this specific game... And I think even after Xehanort`s Saga they won`t appear.

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