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i was wondering how cool would it be if oswald made a surprise appearance in a future kh game. i know it would be stupid cuz oswald isnt real important character but he made an awesum combak in epic mickey.

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Well, he's a Disney character. and I'm sure Disney would want to show off their recently-reacquired rabbit. I imagine he'll be a background character at Disney Castle or something, or Nomura could work him into a major role in the storyline. Who knows?

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If Oswald is a dark character, then maybe seeing him in the realm of darkness. Or, as people ar saying, if we ever go back to timeless river. Be good to have him as the Boss instead of Pete or someone else again.

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Disney doesn't own Oswald. He was the original Mickey, but Walt Disney wanted to do something else with him and the people who owned him said no. So instead, he made Mickey Mouse, who was based off of Oswald, just as a mouse instead of a rabbit so he wouldn't get sued. Disney had to pull some strings just to get Oswald in Epic Mickey. They wouldn't do it for KH, since they hate it.

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Disney doesn't own Oswald. He was the original Mickey, but Walt Disney wanted to do something else with him and the people who owned him said no. So instead, he made Mickey Mouse, who was based off of Oswald, just as a mouse instead of a rabbit so he wouldn't get sued. Disney had to pull some strings just to get Oswald in Epic Mickey. They wouldn't do it for KH, since they hate it.


you are paritionally right but very very poorly miss informed.


Disney has gottwen the rights back t oswald they own oswald now. You do not know anything about this lil rabbit of fun. I think theres a chance he could be in KH not in timeless river but probley on an off world place. he has been specualted to become an anti-hero which would be interesting.

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