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Wolf on the Run

10 years later (Sequel to 2012 rp and 2013/14)

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Then. All ten people attacked at once. The two couldn't keep up. They couldn't see who was going to attack next. Then Ahtxson stabed Joe. Ignition was stabed by two of tails from Tendo. Then, The one with One tail lifted up the ground. He fired a blast at Joe. Ignition was then filpped in the air. Then five of them then stabed him in the back. Tendo and Ahtxson then clashed with the LD-Blade. Then the other three then stabed Joe from behind. Then Ahtxson and Tendo kicked the LD-Blade out of his hand. they then stabed Joe at the same time. Ignition and Joe were now badly wounded.

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joe and ignition stud up and looked at each other then used cure "back to back" "now your talking joe" joe and ignition went back to back joe and ignition were about to start fighting when they heard an explotion behind them everyone looked to see what was happening then tyler jumped in "tyler your here and your arm" "i know" "but wait i thought you said you couldnt help with this war" "ya well we didnt count for a trater pluse told you if james was kidnapped i'd come and help get him back but see that part is done so now for the trater"

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Then, Tendo and the rest of everybody started fuseing with each other. Ahtxson disappeared and left the world. Tendo and the rest then merged with each other. they then came out of an orb. They were now a huge ginat ceature with nine tails. It then roared. It then started fireing orbs of darkness at them. The castle was have ruined.

(This beast can't be taken easy. Like in one post.)

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Azura just looked upfront. "Can you tell me what's happening back with Joe?"Azura asks. "He's fighting against this...thing."Richard says as he looks down and uses his tiger eyes. He quickly disables them and looks at Azura. "How long?"Richard asks. "Over 20 minutes."Azura says. "It might take a year for you to regain your sight. If you're lucky. Maybe just a few days."Richard says. Azura nods.

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joe and the others looked at the beast "okay this might take a while tyler any other sould bearers around" "i think azuras the only free one the others are watching over suzanne and james for you" "really" "ya" "hum thanks man but i dont think suzanne needs that much protection she can use a keyblade after all" "wait what since when" "since always she just dont use it that much but enough of that lets take care of this think"

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(Sora Mahon,Tyler's somewhere else.He's not there.>_<)


"Get over there and help Joe. We have this covered."Richard says as he makes a portal. "Wait,what about Tyler?"Azura asks. "He's evaquating the base." Richard says a he grabs her arm. "But. I'm blind."Azura says. "You can see aura?" Richard asks. "Um,yeah?" Azura says. "Then No escuse!"Richard says as he throws Azura through the portal. Azura ended up falling besides Joe. "Um,hi."Azura says as she looks down and senses the very very VERY powerful aura infront of her.

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Then, The beast had spotted a tenth tailed. Ahtxson had merged with it as well. All ten tails have been one once again. Its then fired a blast at them. It then destoryed the rest on the castle. Quentin got out and then saw what was happening. The beast then had a tail stabe Tyler. The tail was huge. It put a risk at Tyler even living. The beast then fired more blasts at them.

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joe looked to tyler hanging "ignition boost me" igniton noded then caught joes leg and lanched him into the air joe then flew up by tyler and cut at the beasts tail causing one tail to fade away "hum it them hard enough and long enough and they fade wonder those that mean the member for that tail is gone to"

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Azura could sense...Tyler."Oh you rat."Azura says. Tyler saw her and walke dover to her. "Hey Azura."Tyler says. He looks at her eyes. "You went blind."Tyler says. "Don't remind me. Tell me what's going on."Azura says. "Um...hard to explain."Tyler says. "You need to go back to the SB base and evaquate the souls."Azura says. "What's the fun in that?"Tyler asks. "That I don't get to beat you up later."Azura says. "Good point."Tyler says.

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joe looked at tyler and azura "hey you two nows not the time to talk but azura is right tyler go check the souls" tyler didnt want to go but he knew they were both right so he went "okay now lets take this thing down once and for all"

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Then the beast started getting real mad. It then fired another after another blasts at them. Then, It felt something stabe it. It was Quentin. The beast then fell to the ground. It started shinking. Tendo then was on the ground of the ruin castle. He was wounded really badly due to the side effects of the fusion. He saw he had nine tails left. He then came up in the air.'' I still have nine lives left.''said Tendo.

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"hu nine lifes and four of us how about this you guys three of us get to kill him twice while one person gets to kill him three times and i call the three one for myself one for suzanne and one for kidnapping my kid" they all node tendo then looks at them all "not go" azura then cut throw him twice so did ignition and quentin and joe finished it off with three then jumping back "did that do it"

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Tendo then had only 1 life left. He then diecied to go out with a bang. He then had The Final Keyblader move come around him. He then got his blade. '' Crown Slash.''said Tendo as he lost his heart meaning he died and everybody was then hit by the strongest move a keyblader can do.


Ahtxson appeared in Hollow Bastion.'' How I'm I alive.''said Ahtxson as he started walking.

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Azura fell back because of the strong hit of the Crown Slash. She slowly got up. The move messed up her sense of aura. So she really couldn't see aura really well. She was more blind that she was before. She crawled around and moved her hands. She slowly stood up and looked around. "Joe,Joe!"Azura says. There was no answer. Azura was getting worried. It would be a few minutes before she could see aura again.

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joe turned to ignition fast before tendo did his final move they both noded and became one again joe then saw quentin get blasted out of the castle "quentin!" joe then though "owe no azura she cant see anything" joe then was blasted against a wall joe then called out "azura azura if you can hear me call out"

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Azura heard him. She looked around even though she could see anything. "Joe?Joe!I'm over here!Where ever here is..."Azura says. Aura was something that living things had. Not things like buildings. So yeah. Azura walked around and then tripped on a debris. "Damn it."Azura says as she stands up and then summons her blade. She raises it up and a beam of light shoots up high.

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joe looked around then saw a beam of light in the sky but he couldnt tell were exact it was coming from as it was going in all directions "azura must be really confused" joe then called out "azura i'm going to focus my aura as much as i can on one hand so focus and look out for it okay"

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Azura heard him. "OK!"Azura says. She looks around and turns around. She got a small glimpse. She started to walk towards it being careful to not trip on debris. "Next time when they warn me no more than 5 minutes. No more than 5 minutes. No exceptions."Azura says to herself. She slowly walked and after a few minutes she finally got close enough and saw it get stronger. She then saw a figure of aura. "Joe. There you are."Azura says.

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joe keeped calling out to azura when he heard her say "joe there you are" joes eyes narrowed he looked around in a panic "not good not good not good" joe then yelled out "azura thats not me" a man then walked out to azura he grabed her hand "you okay"

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Azura couldn't hear Joe's warning. She looked straight upfront since she couldn't see a thing. "Um...yeah."Azura says. She felt the hand that had was holding hers. The person was wearing gloves. Was Joe weariong gloves? Then she thinks of the voice seemed deeper too. It wasn't like Joe's. Azura's eyes narrowed a bit. "You...You're not Joe,are you?" Azura asks as she gets her blade at hand just incase.

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"no i'm not joe but we know each other" while in te distance "think joe think wait i got it" joe then summoned the LD and cast an aeroga spell causing all the dust to clear and joe could see tendos body under some ruble "survese you right" joe then turned and saw azura and some other guy joe ran over then saw someone else with her in the distance joe got closer then saw the mans face "no way" the man smiled "joe its been to long" "Matrix i i thought you were dead" "really you thought i'd go down that easy" "your head was cut off what else was i meant to think wait you you didnt you did the same think as me to come back" "ya" "one of them or both" "both" "matrix thought you of all people would of been smarter"

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Azura could only hear. Joe and this Matrix guy seemed to be friends. So she dissumonned her blade. She looked towards Joe's direction. His aura was clear aquamarine blue. It was a blue yet it seemed kind of green. Matrix's aura was blue mixed with some violet. Azura steared towards Joe. "I imegen you two know eachother. And Joe. You should return to Suzanne soon. She's with James and was worried about you." Azura says.

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matrix then looks to azura then turns to joe smirking "so you finally acted up the nerve to ask suzanne out" joe raised his eyes to the sky then looked to azura "hey matrix you still can heal aura problems right" "ya simple" "then can ya help my student azura out her eyes have been affected by her aura she can see anything but aura"

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Azura sighs. "It's a special move that they tought me. I can connect with my inner aura and get a boost on power. But they warned me to only use it for five minutes or else...this was going to happen. I used it for twenty minutes. Richard says that I'll regain it in probably a few days or weeks...or a year."Azura says as she rubs the back of her neck. She looks towards Matrix without looking at his face. "Think you can fix the mess I have done here?"Azura asks.

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matrix looked at azura then joe "how come you couldnt do this joe is like pre school stuff simple tempary aura swap" "hey it been a while cant remember everything" "hopeless" matrix then turned to azura "okay azura i'll just swap the aura around your eyes with some o mine it will disable that power up thing of yours but once your own aura has recovered it will replace my aura and yours will come back stronger so youll be able to use the power up longer but when it does come back if i'm still around come to me and will figure out the rest okay" azura nodes then matrix takes some aura from his leg and forms it into an orb and pushs it into azuras eye letting her see again

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