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Kingdom Hearts turned Final Fantasy

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tutti frutti. This is mostly inspiraton from FFversusXIII gameplay, to where it looks a lot like Kingdom Hearts gameplay. Would you want Kingdom Hearts games to be more like Final Fantasy, and to define this I mean by the games being far longer than what they are, a large number of side quests, more detailed storyline,etc. To me outside of KH, KH2, and KHBBS some of the others seem short to me. Even though I know that it may take a while for Square to do something like that. But as long as it remained a great series, that would be fine with me.

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I always felt kh could use those side quests, not just mini games or whatever. I feel like kh2fm is the closest it came to be like final fantasy in terms of the quests. There was mushroom xiii, the absent shilloutes, expanded gummi missions, or antlantica; all of these quests could not be completed in one visit to a world (kinda). The quests only in one world might be consider Cavern of remembrance, which could be considered in final fantasy a "dungeon." Besides that there was the superboss "the lingering sentiment" and all the organization fights.


and still this game could hardly be comparable to the content of a ff game in my opinion.

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Well, I think we should just keep the battle system for KH games the way they are. There's nothing really wrong with them. I find the battle systems to be much better than FF battle system. Besides, if you've haven't noticed, Re:Coded does side quests.

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Well, I think we should just keep the battle system for KH games the way they are. There's nothing really wrong with them. I find the battle systems to be much better than FF battle system. Besides, if you've haven't noticed, Re:Coded does side quests.


I get the feeling the kh battle system will just keep on moving forward such as from "Attack, magic, items" to commands, and then to the kh3d system, so I get the feeling that aspect will always be different.


ehh, coded's "side quests" are just going through repetitive system sectors and acquiring certain items which only one person per world will wish to have. Just because something is a quest doesn't mean it is the same as ff or even a decent mission.

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Ehh, maybe. A longer story I could go for, but I am not so sure about side quests. I kinda like the games the way they are. I have only played two Final Fantasy games, and haven't gotten very far in either, so I am not sure what they are like. Maybe something like Fable II? I really liked how they organized quests and stuff in that game. Though, I am not sure how well that would work with KH, since its main story isn't quest based. And finally, I don't wan't KH to turn into a Final Fantasy clone, they are two different series. Just because they come from the same company, doesn't mean they have to be the same.

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Hm...nah. I like the length of the games at the moment. KH 358/2 days was originally meant to be much longer, but the game designers couldn't handle that much stuff to do. As for the battle style, I like the KH style. It's better in FF's style in my opinion.

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Hm...nah. I like the length of the games at the moment. KH 358/2 days was originally meant to be much longer, but the game designers couldn't handle that much stuff to do. As for the battle style, I like the KH style. It's better in FF's style in my opinion.

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Well, I think we should just keep the battle system for KH games the way they are. There's nothing really wrong with them. I find the battle systems to be much better than FF battle system. Besides, if you've haven't noticed, Re:Coded does side quests.


No, it has Fetch Quests. There's a huge difference.


Anyways, the reason KH isn't like Final Fantasy is because it is only Square 3rd most prolific series. That may seem like a lot, but the gap in sales between FF games and KH games are massive. Because Square see's a lot of potential return from a Final Fantasy game, they're more willing to put a lot of money into it. More money means more staff, or even new types of staff. Both these things are what ultimately contribute the the quantity and quality of the game. If you want KH to reach that status, you're going to have to find a way to boost its sales a couple million, but all it takes is getting a couple of your friends hooked.

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KH is fine as it is, but I kinda would like to see a KH game in the vein of FF, maybe a spinoff could work?


I think that'd be fair. FF-style spinoff, but not main series. Hmm, wonder what it would be like.


Maybe a game where the party is Ven, Aqua, Terra, where they all stick together to go on another adventure to save the universe.


Or maybe a Dissidia KH! There are enough Keyblade wielders/FF characters to go around!

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Or maybe a Dissidia KH! There are enough Keyblade wielders/FF characters to go around!


You know, that was the original plan... but since KH is half Disney, and Disney didn't want their characters fighting each other, it was FF instead...

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No. I personaly think KH is fine the way it is, the stories are good, the gameplay is good, it's all good. xD


I've tried playing a number of FF games, but I never get a real feel for them, so I can't say I'd want KH to take any more of a FF approach than it has already.

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No. I personaly think KH is fine the way it is, the stories are good, the gameplay is good, it's all good. xD


I've tried playing a number of FF games, but I never get a real feel for them, so I can't say I'd want KH to take any more of a FF approach than it has already.


lol at your sig.

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