Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 16, 2011 I'mboredXD Welcome recruits to the Pokemon world.Some of you are humans who have just mysteriously turned into a pokemon and have no idea of what to do next as others of you are normal pokemon wanting to know more of Rescue Teams.Well.You are now about to enter Vivian Village,one of the many pokemon villages of the Pokemon world.That's right.No humans.Just pokemon.Here it is recorded to have the biggest population of Pokemon Rescue Teams in history.And the reason of that is because of the evil pokemon teams that are after messing up the worlds balance. That making the cause for Pokemon who live in the outers of the villages wild and savage against innocent pokemon who don't know how to fight.Some of you pokemon already know this kind of stuff so you probably alreayd belong to a team.Some of you pokemon are new at this and are probably planning to start a team or join one.And you humans obviously are confused of all of this and are probably planning on making a team or joining one as well. Either way.Let the adventure begin.Normal pokemon please exit through the nearest exit on your right.Humans.Stay still.Cause in order for you to go in.You're going to become a pokemon yourself.After we turn you into a pokemon.You might have a small amnesia about all that I have told you about.But don't worry.The lovely pokemon folks will be more than happy to re-fill you in with the current events.Now hold on tight.Cause this is just getting started. Rules: -No godmodding -Minimum cursing -No killing or controlling other people's characters unless you have their permision -Your maximum level as a pokemon here when you start is 7.You will gain more level as you go on your adventures. -3 members per team.But if someone is left out without a team he/she can be added to any team as a extra member. -YOU CANNOT GET LEGENDARY POKEMON TO JOIN YOUR TEAM!In the game you can but here let us be fair and so legendary pokemon cannot join the team.Battle against them.Yes.Make them join.No. -Don't make pokemon around the dungeons to easily join your team.Put up a good fight before they get impressed and join your team. -Don't level up so fast.Get through a few tough battles first.You can evolve depending on the pokemon you are too.Since some pokemon evolve at an early and later level than others. -You are starting your journey as a FIRST STAGE POKEMON.Witch means your pokemon must be at his/her first stage and must have at least ONE evolution stage. -No text/quick gammar please.When I mean by that is not to write like this. Ex: I am going 2 defeat u.*hits with a Flamethrower attack*u r weak dood. Normal grammar please.Text grammar can be very confusing and quick grammar is not acceptable either. -Have fun -If I forgot a rule.Tell me and I'll add it. Character sheet: Human(If you were a human and just became a pokemon): HUMAN Side(Good or Bad.Good If you don't mean any harm even though you just became a pokemon.Or Bad if you just became a pokemon but yet you have evil intensions): Name: Age: Gender: Witch pokemon have you becomed(Remember.Must be at first stage and must have an evolution stage.): Team (will join later or make a team.Choose one of those two.Either you join a team created by a fellow RPer.Or go solo.): Bio(You're a human so you have no idea how you becomed a pokemon.Just that one day you're at home and now you're here as a pokemon.But just add a thing or two.): Pokemon(If you're a;ready a pokemon there.): POKEMON Side(Good or Bad.Good if you mean no harm or Bad if you mean bad intesions): Name: Age: Gender: Witch pokemon are you?(Remember.Must be at first stage and must have an evolution stage.): Team (will join later or make a team.Choose one of those two.Either you join a team created by a fellow RPer.Or go solo): Bio: This is mine: POKEMON Side:Good Name:Azura Age:14 Gender:Female Witch pokemon are you?:Chikorita Team:Millemium Bio:Chikorita has always loved adventure from little.When she had enough age,she made Team Millemium and is willing to accept anyone who means good and justice as a member. Remember to put on the top of your character sheet if you were a HUMAN before turning into a pokemon or if you were already a POKEMON in the first place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WolfTheDemon 414 Posted February 16, 2011 GOOD POKEMON Name: Taylor Age: 14 Gender:Female Which Pokemon are you?: Charmander Team: (Join a team) Bio: Outgoing;Brave;Smart;Funny;Inquisitive;Loving;Kind and always ready for adventure Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vanitas 127 Posted February 16, 2011 Pokemon Good Name: Rex Gender: Male Age:13 Pokemon: Duskull Team: Make a team Team: Razor Wind Bio: Smart, Strategic, natrual leader Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 17, 2011 TJWolf,accepted. RoxSar,accepted. We can start when we have enough people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dancinmoonlight 12 Posted February 17, 2011 Side:Good Name:Sky Age:12 Gender:Male Pokemon:Piplup Team:( um can a join a persons team or no caus idk ) Bio:Piplup Has always been helpful and kind. when he sees evil he will never give up and when hes done he will be happy and is even more happy heelping good people Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 17, 2011 Denied.Sorry dancinmoonlight but I have seen that you do quick RP and that's against the rules in this RP.Also your missing something important.That if you're a human that turned into a pokemon or if you were allready a pokemon.And you must decide if either you're going to join a team or if you have one.IM me if you want to talk about this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 17, 2011 Human Side: Good Name: Joe Age: 15 Gender: Male Witch pokemon are you?: Cyndaquil Team: My own team team Blaze and to have a team mate to begin with if i'm allowed Mudkip Bio: joe was an ordinary human who loved pokemon and had been a trainer for quiet some time traveling solo when one day something strange happened to him and he turned into a pokemon not remember how or why it happened he just remembers he use to be human thats it and well his name to Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 17, 2011 sora mahon,accepted.We just need atleast one bad guy to start.If it takes a little bit to long I'll start the RP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted February 19, 2011 POKEMON Side: Good Name: Sanchez Age: 16 Gender: Male Witch pokemon are you? Torchic Team: Will join any who accepts me Bio: Sanchez has allways been a Torchic and is allways made fun of for being so tiny and adorable but really he is fiesty and fiery but he hates how being 16 he hasn't evolved yet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 19, 2011 (CK,Accepted.We still don't have any bad guys but I guess we could start the RP now.The sighn-ups are not closed.) Azura runned along the village with her blue rose just besides her leaf in the head and a royal blue scarf that simbolized that she was part of a team.Azura sometimes had second thoughts about this team thing.To start no one would come with her team since she was,as they said,'childish' and 'daydreamer'.Also she wasn't the strongest.So what?Eiteh rway.She was willing to accept people in her team or just join one.Sadly.Everyone she asked just either didn't joined or didn't letted her join their teams. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted February 19, 2011 Sanchez walked around hearing laughter from the other Pokemon and he noticed that they weren't laughing at him because he wasn't evolved but because he wasn't on a team. Sanchez saw all these scarves and didn't know how they got them or how they were cool but Sanchez didn't care for now but he hated the laughter so he started to run until he ran into a Chickorita Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 19, 2011 Azura kept running as she daydreamed."(I need someone who's willing to-)"Azura thinks when she runs into someone."Uf!"Azura says as she rolls back.She shakes her head and sees it's a Torchic."Oh,sorry.I wasn't looking."Azura says as she uses her leaf to brush off the dust off her.She then saw some pokemon laugh."Hey,going solo I see,huh feathers?"An Ekans says as he laughs with other posion type pokemon.Azura then notices that they were lauging at the Torchic.Azura walked up to him."Atleast he would be brave ebnough to actually go on a solo mission.You guys must be real cowards if you're mocking him of such a brave act."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted February 19, 2011 Sanchez heard the laughter and got into a position to fight but realized he knocked over that Chorkita and went to help her up when she already was up and started defending him. Sanchez blushed hten brushed it off grabbed her and started walking away "THats right wuss out" They said to him. Sanchez then went over to them and started to fight them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 19, 2011 They smriked.Ekans used Posion tail,Venonath uses Pision spikes and Arbok used Posion fang on the Torchic.Azura then uses Vine Whip.It gets to hit Arbok and Ekans.The torchic dodged the Posion spikes.Azura then used Razor Leaf on the Venonath.It got hit."You little-"Ekans says as he uses posion tail on the ground.Making Azura fly up.Venonath used Posion spikes and they hit her.Azura falls back down and quickly stands up."That all you got?!"Azura asks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WolfTheDemon 414 Posted February 19, 2011 Taylor walks around the village looking around and then he sees a Chickorita,Torchic and ekans getting into a fight."I don't like fights.But I don't want to see other pokemon getting into one." Taylor says.So she walks right into the fight."Hey.Break it up you three." Taylor says."And why should I listen to you?" The ekans asks."Urr...How about you pick one someone your own size!" Taylor says madly."Like you." The ekans says."Grrrrrr..." Taylor growls at the ekans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted February 19, 2011 Sanchez couldn't do much in the fight but he jumped up and started pecking on the Ekan and watched it run away. Sanchez then turned to Arbok and started pecking at him too. Arbok then ran off crying with his friend. Sanchez walked up to Azura and Taylor "Thanks for standing up for me" Sanchez said to Azura "I'm Sanchez the Torchic, who are you?" Sanchez asked Azura Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 19, 2011 Azura smiles and looks at him."I'm Azura.Nice to meet you Sanchez."Azura says.She looks as the enemies run away."And no prob.They shouldn't bother someone just because they think they're superior.Witch they're not."Azura says.She sees that her blue rose fell off.She went and grabbed it and put it again besides her leaf.She smiles and looks at him."I'm leader of team one wants to join a team who has a leader as weak as me.Or atleast that's what they say."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted February 19, 2011 "Well I'll join your team I don't have a team or really know what one is but I wouldn't mind being in one, What are the requirements of being on your team, do I need a scarf or something to show I'm apart of it?" Sanchez asked he felt kind of excited that someone aske dhim to be on a team even though he didn't understand the conept at all he just wanted acceptence Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WolfTheDemon 414 Posted February 19, 2011 Taylor looks at Azura and smiles."Well I'll join your team Azura.I mean.That's why were here right?I could help you get stronger easily." Taylor says with a smile."And if other pokemon like those other guys just now try to bother you I've got your back." Taylor says with another smile."But.Sometimes people say I have a bad temper.Which I don't.At least I don't think." Taylor says as she rubs the back of her head."Oh.I forgot to introduce myself.I'm Taylor.Nice to meet you Azura.Sanchez." Taylor says Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 19, 2011 Azura looked at Taylor."Really?!Oh that would be great!"Azura says as she dances around.She finally got a mamber.She then looked at Sanchez."Sanchez.Do you want to become part of my team too?"Azura asks.Hoping he would answer with a yes.He seemed good of heart.And meant good.She loked at her bag and got a pin out.She putted it on her scarf.It was just a plastic pin.She looked at Sanchez to see his answers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corrupted keyblade 64 Posted February 19, 2011 Sanchez nodded with a grin. Azura pulled out a scarf and pin for Sanchez. Sanchez put his scarf on and his pin on it. Sanchez strutted for a second until he saw some kids laughing. "Look pipsqueak Sanchez has friends and a loser team." some pokemon said. Sanchez walked towards them with flaming eyes. THey quickly ran off scared seeing how bad his peck did to the others Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 19, 2011 Azura walked over to him."Wow.They go scared of you.You're awsome."Azura says.She looks at Tyler and gives him a scarf and a pin."The pin is plastic...for now.As you know.The more popular the rescue teams gets.The higher their ranks get and the better their pins get too."Azura says.She starts to walk towards a direction."Come on!My base is this way!"Azura says as she waits for them to follow her. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WolfTheDemon 414 Posted February 19, 2011 Taylor crosses her arms."Hey don't I get one?" Taylor asks.Azura pulls out a scarf and a pin for Taylor."Awesome!" Taylor says with a smile.Taylor puts her scarf on and then puts her pin on it."Yeah!" Taylor says with happiness.She jumps in the air"Yeah!" Taylor says.Taylor then sees some kids laughing at her."Looks like temper tantrum sam is really mad today." One kid says."My names not sam!" Taylor says getting mad. The kids run off scared."See.They always tease me like that.I hate it when they do that!" Taylor says as she makes steam come from her nose. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 19, 2011 Azura looks at her and nods."I see.I get teased a whole lot.But I have learend to deal with it."Azura says as she stretches."Come on guys."Azura says as she runs towards the base.They get there.It was a decent base.Azura had decorated it with all she could.She even had drawned a flag and put it up in a flgg pole.It was sorrounded by two small gardens with flowers."Other pokemon have come to destroy my garden.They usually burn them.But I just fix them and avoid fights as much as possible."Azura says as she enters the base."Please come in."Azura says as she starts to run around from side to side.She gets three chairs ready around a table and goes to pick some fruit from a garden. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites