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Two Things I want From Square

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Okay, so I've had this floating in my head for a while, this first one, and I've finally taken out some of the kinks.


So I've been thinking about how Sora will be at level one for KH3, I try not to think about 3D b/c i might be right and even though I'll be happy, it'll just ruin it for myself. So what if we start out with a five-stage battle right at the beginning. Like before Sora leaves the islands, he's called to his station and he has this battle.


Okay so for this you start off at leve 99, but without any perks you'd get by playing through the game, just good, Hp, Strength, and Defense.


Stage 1: Darkside


Stage 2: Twilight Thorn


Stage 3: Both Darkside + Twilight Thorn


Stage 4: A fusion of the two, (To emphasize Xehanort's orrigional form returning)(Also what you'd fight in the tutorial but stronger)


Stage 5: Vanitas (let me explain)


So we don't really know if Vanitas will make a return, I'd say it's likely, cause to save Ven he has to save Vanitas. And if they merged, and Ven's heart is in Sora's...so is Vanitas'...in a way.


At the end of Stage 5, you see Vanitas hold out his hand and Sora is hit by...just some wave, no real color, just a pulse. When Sora returns on the Island, he's at level one, stating he, "Feels Wierd".


Okay so here's the other:


I want Sora, Riku, Xemnas, and Ansem SoD in a Dissidia game. We were robbed of that joy of being able to fight like that. Now I know Dissidia was supposed to be a KH game, but Disney didn't want their characters fighting each other. But these four are WAY more Square characters than they are disney.


Plus, how many times has Disney even accnologed KH? Once? Maybe twice? The only thing that comes to mind is the Disney 411 for the release of KH2 (

) They even called KH an "Abomination" at one point that I can't seem to find anywhere. The only conformation is that I'm positive one of the people on this sight has mentioned it before.


Tell me what you think of them.

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First one seems interesting.


As for the second one, no. Even if Square created them, Disney still owns them, as well as every other non FF character in the KH series. Even if tehy don't acknowledge KH, they still own the rights to it. If they wanted to, they could pull the plug on it and put an end to it all. However, they won't do that since KH is earning them money.

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First one seems interesting.


As for the second one, no. Even if Square created them, Disney still owns them, as well as every other non FF character in the KH series. Even if tehy don't acknowledge KH, they still own the rights to it. If they wanted to, they could pull the plug on it and put an end to it all. However, they won't do that since KH is earning them money.


Thank you, and I figured the second one was out there but it just seems like if Square pointed out that they don't look like classic disney characters so younger audiences don't get all messed up I hoped it could happen.

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i like the first idea alot.


and as for the second, i agree. Disney doesnt treat Kingdom Hearts very fairly (in my opinion based on what ive seen over the years)

but even so, AzureFlame is right... if Disney says no, there is nothing that Square can do about it

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The first idea is great, props to thinking of that too.


The cool part is its very flexible, I could probly name about 1000 theories and possible continuities with this, and its something I could play at any time during the game and it would probably make sense

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well, how canon are the disney characters to the storyline? i'm sorta thinking now that the only two disney characters that have any sort of importance now are mickey and yen sid. it looks like DDD is going to be the mark of mastery exam, so why not let kairi get her own keyblade, have sora and riku pass the mark of mastery exam, have one of them train kairi and give her an easy mark of mastery exam, so that there's 3 keyblade masters, if there's a need for 3 of them, and after DDD, break ties with disney, make the playable team sora riku and kairi, make some original worlds, make some original characters, and from there make KH games that are unique to SE, with no need for any of disney's rules.

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well, how canon are the disney characters to the storyline? i'm sorta thinking now that the only two disney characters that have any sort of importance now are mickey and yen sid. it looks like DDD is going to be the mark of mastery exam, so why not let kairi get her own keyblade, have sora and riku pass the mark of mastery exam, have one of them train kairi and give her an easy mark of mastery exam, so that there's 3 keyblade masters, if there's a need for 3 of them, and after DDD, break ties with disney, make the playable team sora riku and kairi, make some original worlds, make some original characters, and from there make KH games that are unique to SE, with no need for any of disney's rules.


because your forgetting this is a Disney-Square collaboration...


Disney has just as equal authority over KH as Square.

and even if they do change the party members to all KH canon characters, i doubt that it will have any effect on "Disney's rules".


However on the flip-side i honestly dont understand the concept of "Disney not wanting their characters fighting eachother" simply because in the KH games all their characters do IS fight.

Granted, they fight evil-doers BUT how many times have we seen Donald bash on Goofy and what-not?! i can name plenty of times Donald has smacked Goofy around or verbally attacked him in KH and/or Disney cartoons...


is it really that bad for Disney characters to have a lil brawl with eachother? ._. cuz i dont think so

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well, how canon are the disney characters to the storyline? i'm sorta thinking now that the only two disney characters that have any sort of importance now are mickey and yen sid. it looks like DDD is going to be the mark of mastery exam, so why not let kairi get her own keyblade, have sora and riku pass the mark of mastery exam, have one of them train kairi and give her an easy mark of mastery exam, so that there's 3 keyblade masters, if there's a need for 3 of them, and after DDD, break ties with disney, make the playable team sora riku and kairi, make some original worlds, make some original characters, and from there make KH games that are unique to SE, with no need for any of disney's rules.


That can't happen because Kairi isn't a Keyblade Wielder. She can use one, but can't own one or summon one. She can only be given one. Besides, it's not KH without Disney. Without Disney, it's just another FF game.

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well, how canon are the disney characters to the storyline? i'm sorta thinking now that the only two disney characters that have any sort of importance now are mickey and yen sid. it looks like DDD is going to be the mark of mastery exam, so why not let kairi get her own keyblade, have sora and riku pass the mark of mastery exam, have one of them train kairi and give her an easy mark of mastery exam, so that there's 3 keyblade masters, if there's a need for 3 of them, and after DDD, break ties with disney, make the playable team sora riku and kairi, make some original worlds, make some original characters, and from there make KH games that are unique to SE, with no need for any of disney's rules.


That can't happen because Kairi isn't a Keyblade Wielder. She can use one, but can't own one or summon one. She can only be given one. Besides, it's not KH without Disney. Without Disney, it's just another FF game.


i sort of agree with you on KH being another FF game without disney, but if disney doesn't care much for the KH series, other than it bringing them some money, then what do they care what SE does with their characters? if they don't care about the game, i don't see why they would care what their characters do, unless they're that worried about keeping a child friendly image that they're willing to pay attention even to KH for that.

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i sort of agree with you on KH being another FF game without disney, but if disney doesn't care much for the KH series, other than it bringing them some money, then what do they care what SE does with their characters? if they don't care about the game, i don't see why they would care what their characters do, unless they're that worried about keeping a child friendly image that they're willing to pay attention even to KH for that.


They are.

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I liked the first part but about dissidia part : let's say they made one , r they gonna make a game for 4 characters !


No I mean add them with the characters form the other Dissidia games.

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