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Text You Could Be Happy.

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So, yes, this is another Axel/Roxas story but it's an angsty one. It's also AU and kinda short. But anyway... Here it is. Be sure to let me know what you think after you're done. :) Oh and I didn't link it to ff.net like I normally do because I thought it might be easier for you guys to just do this instead. If the other way is easier, let me know and I'll just make it a link.


You Could Be Happy...

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The only issue I really see is that you have a choppy sentence flow in parts. Just try to work on the flow and then you are going to have an even more amazing story because most of your grammar is right on with minor errors; giving this the advantage of being incredibly easy to read. Making it one of the best stories I have seen written on this site :D

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You. Are. Amazing. :D


I know some of it is just... horrible. I didn't have a Beta with this one so I expected there to be some errors. >.<


I'm glad you think so highly of it. I'm actually pretty proud of this one myself because of the personal value I embedded in it.

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