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Your O w n S a n c t u a r y ;) ( RolePlay)

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( We are officially starting. The Signup thread is here: http://kh13.com/mybb/showthread.php?tid=14864 Post any questions there.)


Giovanni was in his sanctuary. Listening for any melody but heard none. "WHY WON'T YOU LET ME HELP YOU!" He said cursing. This is his third day trying to figure out his melody. " PK FIRE!" He shouted sending a ball of flame into the water around the sanctuary. The fire disapated. The mural on the wall shown a sun surrounded but seven other symbols which he thought were links to the others. Four others were glowing. The Water, Ice, Wind and Fire. Outside, pollution streamed into Venetian canals. His anger boiled. " How can this be happening to beautiful Italy?" He asked himself.

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Claus sat among the reeds meditating. He was peaceful and in touch with his powers. Around him animals buzzed, swam and lived their life in the everglade swamp. There was a pool of water with the symbols of the other sanctuaries. The sun one was lighting brightly. " Hmm, isn't the sun sanctuary in Italy?! OMG I SO WANNA GO THERE." Claus exclaimed gaily. He didn't hear someone sneak up on him and grab him. " HEHEH, I finally have one of the sanctuary guardians." Claus saw his enemy. It was a Star-man, servant of the ancient god of evil Gigad. "PK FIRE." it shouted sending a blast of fire towards Claus. In retalliation he dodged then said, " PK Flash!" As a blast of energy blinded the star-man and hurt him. " Hmm, I've gathered enough data. I'll return at a later date to finish you. PSI TELEPORT!" it said disappearing in a flash of light.




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Dawn was in her sanctuary sitting down and thinking. This was her faveorate place. She was all nice and alone when she needed to be and to just think to just wonder and just have alittle peace and quiet. She smiles and thinks of her friend back home. She misses him alot. But all of a sudden she felt a wierd presence next to her. She then got startled when she looked at a man behind her. The man smirks then dissaperes. She looked confused. "I wonder what that was about." She thinks. She then looked below her where 4 symbols were glowing. She was even more confused now. But hey this was her sanctuary. Her place where she can escape from the real world and just have some peace and serenity. So she wasent really worried about it. But there was one thing she was worring about. She could tell that man wasent a very nice one.

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( OK Aqua my character is in your town.)

Giovanni was on a train heading towards a city in Holland. Time to check with the wind Sanctuary. Hopefully there isn't any trouble. He thought. The train stopped outside a factory near windmills along with a few patches of Tulips which Holland are known for. " This is somewhat like Italy. I see why a sanctuary is here."



On Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa the earth guardian stood still. A man approached him. " This is my sanctuary. You must leave." The Earth guardian stated. The man snickered having just visted the wind and water sanctuaries he wanted some battle practice. "PK DARKNESS!" The man shouted thrusting balls of darkness at the guardian. The guardian dodged and stated, "PK THUNDER!" As a ball of Thunder shocked the man. Eventually, though the man weared him down. " Now, submit to the darkness and become a dark guardian." He said touching the earth guardian's African skin and hypnotising him.

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Claus was suspicious. He worked the rest of the day on his ranger job, giving tours, helping animals ect. He didn't see any more star-men. " I wonder what the other sanctuaries are going through. I better check back soon." Claus said to himself. His tour jeep was now full of people as it moved through the swamp. " To your left you should see a Blue Heron nest. Back in the 50's these guys were almost extinct." Claus told the tourists as they took pictures and asked him questions.

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Back in Holland, Dawn was again trying to make some money at the Town Square (basicly where most of the people is during the day) she was in the middle of the street to perfourm to make some money. She yelled "Come one! Come all! Wacth me blow your mind with magic!" Only a few people came most of the people in Holland think thats noncence.

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Giovanni,one of the crowd, was watching Dawn intently as she performed magic using her PSI skills. He threw five dollars into her hat. " WOW what nice tricks you have." Giovanni commented. Giovanni was intriged by this girl. Is she the Wind Sanctuary Guardian? If so why is she using her PSI in front of these people. He thought to himself, wondering who this girl really is.



The Star-man Commander was kneeling down next to a pod that contained an angel looking thing. "Master Gigad, we have acquired the Earth Sanctuary and it's guardian." The angel's eyes opened and it changed into a blob of darkness with two red eyes. "GOOD, NOW ACQUIRE THE WIND SANCTUARY. THERE SEEMS TO BE TWO GUARDIANS NEARBY." Gigad said morphing back to it's angel form and falling asleep.

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Back at Holland Dawn continued her magic. She kept on continuing. After she put fireballs into the hat she turned it over and water came out. She then took a stick wicth was lit on fire and blew into it and blew fire in the air. She then went on to her last act. "May i have a volunteer from the audience please?" The reason why she uses her PSI and PK skills is because it earns her good money and she figured no one believed in magic anyway.

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