Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 19, 2011 (onix cant use hyper beam can they) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 19, 2011 (According to the Kanto Region Pokemon Guide in the game Brock's Onix can use Hyper Beam) "Onix.Let's finish this.Slam."Brock says.Onix uses Slam."Dodge it!"Azura says.Luna dodges it but just bearly."(I need to finish this now.Luna won't be able to hold on muhc longer.)"Azura thinks."Slam."Brcok says.Onix does a Slam and sneds Luna flying."Water gun!"Azura says.una uses water gun on Onix's face."Bend!"Brcok says.Onix went in for a bend."Dodge."Azura says.Luna uses her tail to jump up."Bubble!"Azura says.Then Luna uses bubble.But the bubble was stronger and fast this time.It hitted Onix in the face and it fell down."Now way.Luna forgot bubble and learned Bubble Beam."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 19, 2011 (hu never would of know never knew rock types could use it quess you learn a few new things everyday) joe and the others looked on as onix hit the floor they cheered and pichu and pikachu jumped up and down with each other "come on azura finish it!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 19, 2011 (Yeah.When I fought Brock in my first game and the Onis used Hyper Beam on my Charmander I was like."What teh hell?!Since when cna he use Hyper Beam?!"*Charmander dies*"NOOOOO!">_<) "Right.Luna!Bubble Beam!"Azura says.Luna takes a deep breath and does the strongest Bubble Beam she could do.It hits Onix and an explotion happens.After the smoke cleared up.Onix was knocked out cold."It seem that you have won."Brock says."Yes!Allright!Luna!You did it!"Azura says.Luna,who was just standing there besides teh fallen Onix,didn't responded."Luna?"Azura asks.Then Luna fell down on her face."Luna!"Azura says.She jumped into the field and ranned over to her.She kneeled down and picked her up."You allright?"Azura asks."Squirtle..."Luna says."You did amazing."Azura says."Good job.Now Onix.Retu-"Brock says when the earth starts to rumble around."Earthquake?"Azura asks.They all look around when an explotion happens on the roof.The pieces of roof fell down on part of teh stands.Then a giant net came and got Onix and Luna.But eneded up getting Azura as well sinche she was in teh battle field.They hear familiar laughs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 19, 2011 joe looked on as the net fell "what the" he then saw three figures in the distance "owe great them again" team rocket then started there dump song so joe turned to pikachu "got any three" "pikachu" "hey you little brat how dare you ignore are song" "owe come on like its just embarrising" "lets see how embarrising you think it is when we take your pokeman" james then throw a net at Pikachu Kurt and Pichu and pulled them away "Pikachu" "ha ha there ares now so see ya" team rocket then began to fly away in a ballon "get back here with are pokemon" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 19, 2011 Azura was inside teh net and saw all of this."Hey!Let us go!"Azura says."Squirtle!Squirtle!"Luna says.They look down at the net."It's a twerp."The three of them say."Let all of us go!Now!"Azura says.They just laugh.Azura looked at Kurt."String shot!"Azura says.Kurt does so and it falls on them.They get angry."Stop it!You'll ruin my hair!"Jessie complains.Azura then saw Onix knocked out."If he wakes up.He would freak out and knock us all down."Azura says.She looks hoe high they were getting."And we would be in a whole lot of trouble."Azura says.She then tries to break free from the net."Luna."Azura says.Luna started to bite the net.She did her best since she was weak from the battle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 19, 2011 joe brock and tori ran after the ballon joe then took out pidgeottos pokemon "pidgeotto go poke a hole in the ballon just enough to lower it down easy" pidgeotto nodes then flys up to the ballon and pokes a hole the ballon then began to get lower and lower "okay pidgeotto good job" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 19, 2011 The ballon went down slowly."We're going doooooown!"The three of them say.The ballon came down and they softly crahsed down.Azura slowly stood up as she was almost crushed by the Onix.She quickly broke the net and freed the Onix.Then she looked at Team Rocekt."Give us back our pokemon.It's over."Azura says.Luna wanted to fight but she fell on one knee.They laugh and grab the machine that was holding Pikachu,Pichu and Kurt."Come on out Ekans!"Jessie says as Ekans came out."Posion Sting!"Jessie says.It was going straigh to Luna.Azura got in the way and protected Luna.The Posion Stings got her on the arms,leg,back and neck.Azura looked at Luna."You allright?"Azura says as she was flinching a bit because humans are not used to egtting this much posion in their system.Luna just steared,Azura quickly stooded up and ranned after them.Luna went to try to stop her since the posion could only ge worse. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 19, 2011 joe looked to azura and the others "pidgeotto use wing attack" joe then took out garadoes pokeball "team rocket now your in for it garadoes come on out" "not good that kids magickarp evolved" "ya and he doesnt like you guys after last time we meet" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 19, 2011 Azura felt dizzy.But she didn't had time to worry about that.Azura looked at Luna."Luna,Quick.Skull Bash on that machine."Azura says.Luna nods and she uses Skull Bash on the machine.The machine breaks in peices and Pikachi,Pichu and Kurt fall down.Azura gets Kurt back into his pokeball.Then Garadoes and Pidgeotto attacked Team Rocket and sended them flying away.Azura pants heavily.Luna stears at her."Squritle?"Luna asks."I'm fine."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 19, 2011 joe then puts garadoes and pidgeotto in there pokeballs then looked to azura "azura we need to get you to the hospital and the pokemon need to get to the pokemon centre" Azura waits a moment then nodes joe then bends down to luna "dont worry luna azuras going to be fine i promise" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 19, 2011 Luna slowly nods.Brock calls Onix back into his pokeball.Brock looked at Joe and Azura."There's a hospital just a few blocks from the pokemon center."Brock says.Joe nods and turns to Azura.Azura shkaes her head."Guys.I'm fine.Really."Azura says.She felt fever take over.Joe crossed his arms at how Azura was trying to avoid the hospital even with the posion inside of her."I'm fine.We should take care of the pokemon first after that encounter.Espeically you Luna.You're to weak.You need to be taken care of."Azura inists.Luna stears at her with a worried expresion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 19, 2011 "azura your going to the hospital or pikachus giving you the shock treatment isnt that right buddy" "pikachu" pikachu said as sparks came from his cheeks "so azura which is it hospital or pikachu and beleave me it hurts when he shocks you" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 19, 2011 Azura just steared at Joe and mumbled something under her breath.She see that there wasn't much of a choice.It was either the hospital or a full charge thunderbolt.She didn't liked the thunderbolt idea.But she just hated going to the hospital for so many reasons.She looks at Joe and growls."...F-Fine."Azura says as she shakes a bit.Then Kurt came out of his pokeball and used String Shot on her not wanting for her to get away."H-Hey!Kurt."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 19, 2011 "owe no you dont" joe picked up kurt as pikachu went behind azura and tried to push her along joe then grabbed her and dragged her to the hospital when they arrived "a i'd like to report my friend here being hit by an ekans poison sting" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 19, 2011 Azura just steared down.The nurse noded."How long since she ha been injected?"The nurse asks.Azura growled."15 minutes."Azura says.The nurse nods."Allright.Come in."The nurse says when a doctor brings a pen bed."Oh no.You guys are not making me lay down there."Azura says.Luna gets angry and shots a water gun at her.She looks at Luna and growls.They get her to a room and they got some needles filled with antidote.Azura started to shake.The doctors tried to get her arm to inject the antidote but Azura got her arm back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 19, 2011 "dont worry doc we'll hold her down" "thank you" joe then pushed down on azuras arms and she wasnt able to move them she tried to kick joe but luna and pikachu held her legs down "okay doc stick in the needle" the doctor nodes and injects the antidot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 19, 2011 Azura looked away and whimpered a bit when the doctor injected the antidote.She hated needles with all of her heart."There we go."The doctor says as he putted a bandage on the injection."You should be fine now.Thankgoodness it was only a few minutes.Any longer and it would have spread causing numbness.How did you even got hit?"The doctor asks."The Ekans was attacking Luna and I got in the way."Azura says."It was a very brave act.But you must remember that pokemon are much more imune to posion than pokemon.Remember that."The doctor says.Azura slowly nods.The doctor walks out of the room. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 19, 2011 joe looks to azura "now see was that so bad" joe said as him luna and pikachu finally let go of her they all had big smirks on there face "so azura was it" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 19, 2011 Azura crossed her arms."...I guess not..."Azura says.Luna smiles at Azura and rubs her head against Azura.Azura smiles and rubs her head."Thanks for caring guys."Azura says.The doctor came back and told them that they were free to go.They all went to the Pokemon Center and waited for their pokemon to heal.They satted in the waiting room that was at the pokemon center.Brock looked at Azura."Oh yeah.Here.Before I forget.You won it fair and square."Brock says as he hands her the Boulder Badge."Thanks."Azura says as she puts it in the case. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EaglesFan887 11 Posted February 19, 2011 Yexgad was walking through a forest with Squirtle beside him. "Hmmph." Squirtle looked up. "I can't help but feel I've been here before." Squirtle nodded. Apparently Squirtle has too. Suddenly, a loud scream made Yexgad and Squirtle freeze. "Agh! What was that?!" Squirtle looked around. Nothing. "Help me!" A girl screamed. "This way!" Yexgad ran, Squirtle following him. When they got to the exit, they saw a horde of Beedrills surrounding a girl. "Squirtle, tackle!" "Squirtle!" Squirtle ran, and tackled the swarm of Beedrills. He did it again, and they all flew off. "Are you ok?" Yexgad helped her up. "I think so. Thank you." The girl looked about Yexgad's age. Maybe a year older. "My names Yexgad." "I'm Scarlet. Nice to meet you." "You shouldn't be out here alone Scarlet. Its dangerous." "I know. Can you do me a favor?" "Yeah. Anything." "I live in Cerulean City. Do you think I could travel with you until you reached there? You are a pokemon trainer right?" Yes I am, and yeah. You can tag along. I need someone to talk to besides Squirtle." Scarlet smiled, and the three friends were off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aqua7KH 5,395 Posted February 19, 2011 Tori looked at Brock. She said with determination "Its my turn!" Brock smirked and said "Very well." Tori said "Wait a 2 on 2!" Brock suprized said "Ok but dont bite more than you can chew." He proceeded to the ring. Tori went saying "Wish me luck guys!" She standes on her side of the ring and braught our one pokeball. "Pichu are you ready for this?" Pichu nodded and jumped onto the ring. She drew the pokeball out of her hand. "Go Polywag!" Polywag came out. Brock took 2 pokeball out of his pocket and sent out Onix and Geodude. This was going to be a tough fight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 19, 2011 after the hospital joe headed back to the gym with azura to see toris match band they made it just in time as the match begun joe then took a set in the stands "this looks like it will be a good match" azura would do anything since she was still mad at joe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 19, 2011 Luna looked at Azura who had her arms crossed.Azura petted her head."Don't worry.I'm not mad.It's just that I don't like needles.That's all."Azura says.She was sitting a little far from Joe.She thinks for a while.Then she stands up and walks over to him.Luna follows."Um.Joe."Azura says.He turned to see her."I'm sorry for not acting how I was soppuse to.I shouldn't be mad either.You guys were just trying to help me for my sake so...I'm sorry."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 19, 2011 "hey azura its okay hey shore think of it this way everyone has something there afraid of" azura raised her finger to joe smirking "dont even try it i'm not saying what i'm scared of so dont give me that look and i dont care how many times you ask" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites