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Pokemon League Victors

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(Oh yes!Let the annoying guys who seem to win at times but yet they lose and it is so very predicatble when they do appear!xD)


Azura stood up and looked around."You guys allright?"Azura asks.Then they hear three people laugh.They look around.They look up to see two people and a Meowth."What the-?!Who are you people?"Azura asks.They laugh again."To protect the world from devastation."The girl says."To unite the people within our nation."The man says.And so they continued in that order."To denounce the evils of truth and love." "To extand our reach to the stars above." "Jessie." "James." "Team rocket blast off at the speed of light." "Surrender now or prepare to fight."Then the Meowth came up."Meow.That's right."The Meowth says."Team...Rocket?"Azura asks.Then she shakes her head and stears at the Meowth."Holy Arcanine!A talking Meowth!"Azura says surprised.

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joe began to listean to the beginning of team rockets song then snored then heard azura speak "wait they wait azura did you say talking meowth" azura nodes joe then looks to pikachu "you okay buddy" "pik pikachu" pikachu said happly "good now how do we get out of this hole" "you dont not until were long gone with your pokemon away" "hu like thats ever going to happen"

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Jessie,James and Meowth laughed."You see.We need pokemon for our boss."James says."After we caprture the pokemon we will send them to him."Jessie says."And we will surely get a reward and probably a promotion."Meowth says."Right...if you want pokemon for your boss.Catch your own on.Don't steal others."Azura says.They laugh."But then what's the fun of it all?"Jessie asks.Then Meowth gets a strange machine on hand and presses a button.Then two machine hands came out and grabbed Pikachu and Luna."Luna!"Azura says.They just laugh.

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HEY U STUIPD HEADS!!! * and dam u guys post so fast xP slow down xP* guys ill get ur pokemon spear use aerial ace *he uses it and natches the net* alright squrtile use water gun and the spear use airlea ace throught the ballon *they do that then...* WHERE BLASTING OFF AGAIN *bing* a ha i got them and they are so dumd really really dumd for trying to steal and guys wow wow wow i think ill be the watcher next region ill do gyms or contests :)

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joe trys to grab pikachu but he couldnt reach "thats it no one steals my pokemon pidgey come on out" pidgey then came from her pokeball and flew out of the hole "what you call that dump bird a pokemon" "dont insult pidgey you'll regreet it" "owe dont make us laugh kid now ekans come on out" jesse then let out an ekans "okay ekans poinson sting" the poison sting then hit pidgey "pidey no" joe tried to get out of the hole to help pidgey but it was to steep joe then felt magickarps pokeball open in his pocket magickarp then appeared beside pigey "magickarp no dam i cant reach them to put them in there balls" team rocket laughed "really a magickarp thats the best you got now thats just said its worse then the pidgey"

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(dancinmoonlight,slow down.It seems that you and your character are desperate to get to the other region but chilax.Let's take this RP slowly have have fun in it.Not hurry it up so it can finish at nothing.:))


Azura glares at them.Luna seemed afraid.She tried to climb out of it but she fell back down.They only laughed more.Azura glared at them.Then Kurt came out of his pokeball."Kurt!"Azura says.They laugh again.Kurt gets angry and shoots string shot at them."Yuck.It's sticky.Enough of it.Posion sting Ekans."Jessie says.Ekans does posion sting and Kurt dodges.He does tackle at him.But it bearly did any effect.Jessie kicked Kurt back down."Kurt!"Azura says.They laugh and get Pidgey,Kurt and Magikarp in a bag."Well,we better go.See ya!"The three of them say as they run away."No!Damn it!"Azura says.She looks up."Joe.Help me up.If I get up there I can pull you guys up and get them back."Azura says.

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joe did as azura said then she help joe sky and tira out of the hole joe then legged it after team rocket "get back here with my pokemon Pikachu Pidgey Magickarp i'm coming" joe and the others then saw a bright light coming from the bag that was holding pidgey kurt and magickarp the size of the load in the bag then got bigger "what the" joe then saw shape claws rip throw the bag and a pidgeotto emerged followed by magickarp and kurt joe then figured out pidgey had evolved "owe okay Pidgeotto airly ace"

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Pidgeotto used Arial Ace on Ekans.Ekans got knocked out."Ekans!"Jessie says.Azura got Kurt in her arms."Kurt."Azura says as she hugs him.She calls him back into his pokeball.James then throws a pokeball."Come on out Koffing."James says.A Koffing came out."Let's get out while we still have these two."Meowth says as he was reffering over to Luna and Pikachu."Right.Smokescreen."James says.Koffing uses smokescreen.They all cough as the smokescreen covers them.Azura could hear them running away."Oh no you don't!"Azura syas as she runs after them.

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joe couldnt see a think in the smikescreen but he could hear pikachu in the distance calling out joe coughted "pidgeotto use gust to clear the smoke" pedgeotto then cleared all the smike joe then put magickarp back in his pokeball and ran after team rocket behind azure joe then called to azura "azura let kurt out he can go on pidgeottos back and she and him can then attack team rocket together what ya think"

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Azura looked back at him and noded."Allright."Azura says."Kurt.I need your assistance!"Azura says as she takes Kurt out.Pigiotto came by and Kurt jumped on him.Team Rocket looked back."Oh not again!"Jessie says."Use Sludge!"James says.Koffing then uses Sludge on them.Pigiotto dodged the best she could.One of the sludges went straight at Kurt.But then when it hit.It didn't do any effect.Kurt was glowing silver.Azura saw this."No way.That's Harden."Azura says.Pigiotto went flying and Kurt jumped and tackled Meowth down.Meowth dropped the machine and it broke.Releasing Pikachu and Luna from the hold."NO!"The three of them say.

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(lost post for tonight cause i'm going bed dont go to pewter without me)

"owe now your in trouble team rocket i didnt tell pikachu to use thundbolt before cause i though it would hurt luna because of the machine but now theres no holding him back okay pikachu give them a full blown thunderbolt" Pikachu put all he had into the thunderbolt and team rocket were sent flying into the distance "thatll teach them to try and steal are pokemon" pidgeotto then flew down beside joe and kurt jumped off her and went over to azura joe looked at Pidgeotto "Podgey i mean Pidgeotto you were great evolving like that just when we needed it your the best and pikachu you were great to" joe then hugged hes newlly evolved pidgeotto and pikachu joe then took out magickarps pokeball "magickaep hope you hear me in there but you were awsome coming out of your pokeball like that all by yourself just to help the others i really do have the dream team of pokemon"

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Azura nods.She looks over to Kurt."You learned Harden.That's great.But wait.Dossn't that mean."Azura says when Kurt glows brightly.It was evolving.It had evolved into a Metapod."No way!You Evolved into a Metapod!That's awsome!"Azura says as she hugs him.She looked at Joe."It seems both of our pokemon grew strong today."Azura says.They look to see that it was already dusking.They decide to camp for the night.About and hour later they were just getting ready to go to sleep.Azura satted near the camp fire as she petted Metapod.

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it was the next morning and joe woke up before anyone else he looked to pikachu and pidgeotto and saw they were still asleep so joe headed out to the path alown for a wake while he saw walking he saw all kinds of pokemon sprearow in the sky and nidorinas running around in a feil joe then saw something in the distance it was ovel in shape and brown in colour so joe ran over to see what it was when he reached it he was amazed by the find it was a pokemon egg "woo no way would would leave this hear" joe then picked up the egg and headed back to camp "better find away to keep you warm"

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Azura was training with Luna.She leted Kurt resting on the grass as he took some sun.Metapods cannot move in their state.But after a while.They will evolve into a Butterfree.And can move wherever and whenever they please.But until that day comes.Kurt will just have to stay there and watch from the sidelines.Azura decided to rest for a few minutes.She was looking at a picture.It was of her mom with all of her fire type pokemon.Then she took out a list of three pokemon."These are the ones."Azura says.Then she sees Joe coming back.In his hand.A pokemon egg appearently.Azura ranned over to him."Joe,what you got there?"Azura asks.

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joe smiled "a pokemon egg found it on the side of the road so i brought it back with him so it wouldnt get damaged" joe smiled "i just wonder what pokemon will come out of it when it hatchs cause i have no idea when this egg was layied so it could hatch any time" joe then walked over to his bag and pulled out a small blanket and rapped the eg in it

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"AW!~"Azura squeals.But she couldn't help it by just thinking of what kind of pokemon would come out of the egg."You better keep it warm.And we need to be prepared for when it comes.And maybe we should take it to the next pokemon center to see if it's healthy and stuff."Azura says.Luna came by and steared at the egg.Her eyes seemed to get a sparkle as she steared at the egg.She also squealed."So...this makes you a daddy!"Azura says.

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"hu am a um i guess" joe blushed a bit scratching the back of his head he then thought to him self "me a dad woo never though of that" joe then looked to azura and the others as they were all now awake "so hey lets hit the road try and make it to pewter by tommorrow"

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They all nod.They pick up their stuff and start to walk."Come back Kurt."Azura says as she gets Kurt back into his pokeball.They started to walk towards Petwer City.Sky and Tori were talking about what kind of pokemon would be found in other regions beyond this one.Joe was busy carring the soon new addition to the team.Azura took out the list again."Let's see...a Ponyta,Nidoran,Vulpix and a Growlite..."Azura says as she reads.She had made this list back when she was 5.And she was still holding on to it.

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joe was looking at the egg "man think joe think the colour of the egg should give me some idea okay its brown so its going to be a brown coloured pokemon well that narrows it down" joe then hears azura mentioning types of pokemon he turned to her "whats that about" he asked

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Azura looks at Joe and smiles."You see.Back when I was five and at the Pokemon Trainees Academy.The teacher told us at the start of the semester to write a list of pokemon that we wished to catch when we became pokemon trainer when we grew up.Mom gave me her old pokedex that she used when she was a pokemon trainer to look for some pokemon to write down.And out of all of them.These are the ones I wished to catch.And I still am holding on to that wish."Azura says as she puts the list away.Luna looks at her and stears at her.Azura looks at her and smiles."Don't worry Luna.I already knew witch pokemon I was going to choose out of all three of you."Azura says as she picks her up.Luna laughs a bit.

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pikachu then jumps on joes sholder rubbing at his face "no pikachu i didnt make a list i catch pokemon that i think will not just be a great team but will also be great conpanys just like you magickarp and pidgeotto and the pokemon in this egg i hope as well" joe then thought to himself "i wonder does the pokemon centre in pewter city have those things to hold pokemon eggs"

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They kept walking when then Luna looks to the side."Huh?Luna.What's wrong?"Azura asks.Luna then jumps out of Azura's grip and runs towards the forest area."Luna!Um,you guys go.I'll catch up in a sec."Azura says as she follows Luna."Luna,come back here.We can't trail off just like that.Even if it's fun at times."Azura says as she keeps looking for Luna.She finally finds her."Luna,what are you..."Azura asks when she saw a whole bunch of Venonat and Venomoth in the area.They were in pairs and were playing."Aw..."Azura says.It was a very cute scene.

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joe looked to the others "better go after her" the others node and they run into the forest until they find azura "there you are so what had luna so fixed on this place" azura then pointed to the venonats and venomoths "owe now i see"

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"It's SO cute!"Azura says whispering so the pokemon wouldn't notice that they were there.Then all of the Venonats evolved all at the same time into Venamoths.Then they all started to fly off into the sky.Everyone steared in awe."Oh..."Azura says.It was a beautiful sight.Luna then walked away looking at something else.Azuar turned around and crossed her arms."Luna."Azura says as she goes after her.

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"azura wait you cant wonder off into a forest like that" but i was to late azura had taken off after luna again joe looked to the others and they noded joe then took out pidgeottos pokeball "pidgeottto come on out okay girl look for azura and luna come back to us here if you find them" pidgeotto then took off

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