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Pokemon League Victors

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*yawns* hey guys i think we outta goto bed even thought we alreayd ate dinner *yawns* alright i call bottom bed joe can get top and azura can get middle *yawns am going to sleep goodnight *sleeps and squrtile and spear are sleeping right by the pillow :3*

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Luna and Kurt were just asleep on the feet of the bed as Azura steared at the selaling.Then Joe came in.Azura looks at Joe."Hey Joe."Azura says.She then jumps down and looks at him.He had a big smile on his face."Something tells me that by that smile it means that you must have gotten a catch on a water pokemon.So.Waht did you catched?"Azura asks.

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joe lloked at azura with the smile on his face "a magickarp i know there not much to begin with but i know i can train him and he'll evolve into a garadoes and hey if i couldnt train a maickarp i cant really call myself a trainer now can i" azura nodes pigey and pikachu then jump up to the top bunk

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* wakes up* hey u guys wanna goto a resturant i got money ^__^ and money for other stuff to just incase but hey you never know :P so want to joe and azura eh eh?? am guessing u want to but then maybe not hmmm ill jsut have to wait for u guys to say yes or no.

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Azura went into the bathroom and changed into her pijamamas and got on the top bunk bed."Good night guys."Azura says.She closes her eyes and falls asleep.Luna and Kurt fall asleep also.Azura then starts to have the same nightmare again.It was about a very strange pokemon.


Azura was underwater.She was somehow able to breath.She looked around.Then suddenly a giant pokemon came by her.It was huge.Yet...it was beautiful...


Azura slowly woke up.It was the next morning.She looked at Sky who was suggesting to go and get breakfest."You guys go ahead.I'll skip breafest this time.I need to go to the contest hall and clear things up with the people there."Azura says as she jumps down and goes to change into her normal clothes.She gets her backpack.She calls back Kurt."The contest is in an hour so don't miss it."Azura says as she runst owards the contest hall.

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joe listean to sky then turns to him "na i think its to late today plus we got an early morning tomorrow after all the contest starts at 10 so better get some sleep" joe then jumped up onto the top bunk and feel asleep with pikachu and pigey beside him and magickarps pokeball in his hand

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Azura was at he contest hall in the backstage area.She was wearing her contest outfit.It was the same that her father used when he was her age.It was a clear blue tunic with a white belt,white pants and white boots.She also wore a cape that was made out of a 'wolf' fur and she wore the hood on that was in the shape of a wolve's head.It was a little to big for her.But she wore it with pride.Besides.The really special outfit was saved for the time of the Grand Festival."OK everyone.Contest start in 10 minutes."One of the managers says.Azura looks at the screen to see all of the people there.

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joe had told azura before the contest that he would take care of caterpie so he could watch the contest as well joe sky and tori had got themselfs seats near the front and joe had pikachu on one sholder pigey on his head and caterpie on his lap he thought to himself "i must look so weird right now"

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Then the announcer came to the middle of the arena."Hello everyone!"The announcer says.Everyone cheered."Welcome to the first pokemon contest of the year!My name is Livian and I'll be your announcer today and throughout the pokemn contests of the Kanto region!"The announcer says.The crowed cheered again."Now to our judges.Mr.Raiko,Mr.Hano and our own Ms.Nurse Joy!"Livian says."Here and today pokemon coordinators will show off their pokemon and their moves to the ultimate challenge.Now.Let's PREFORM!!!!"Livian says as the crowed cheered on.

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joe and the others cheered for azura then caterpie got a little scared and used string shot on joes face but joe knew what was wrong he pulled the string shot off his face then looked at caterpie "hey caterpie its alright were just cheering azura on" joe smiled

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Coordinators came and went and preformed.Some of them screwed up and did mistakes as others did perfection to the ultimate.Azura backstage was nervus.It was her turn."Now up next is a new coordinator.Azura from Fuschia City!"Livian says.Azura came by.She was a bit nervus.She then saw Joe and the others.She smiled.


She came up to the stage."Luna,time to shine!!"Azura says as she threw her pokeball as gracefully as possible.Then blue strings covered in sparkles came out and twisted around.Then Luna appeared.The strings dissapeared and Luna landed gracefully on the ground.The crowed cheered."Use Bubble!"Azura says.Luna uses Bubble and bubbles float up into the air.


"Now use Water gun!"Azura says.Luna spins and uses water gun.Giving the water a spiral form.Making the bubbles go around it."Great finally.Skull Bash up and high!"Azura says.Luna then uses Skull Bash.Making her get covered in white as she got inside the spiral and passed through it.Making the bubbles explode and the water to spread.Making the air filled with sparkels.Luna did a few spins as she came back down and landed gracefully.Azura and Luna gave a bow.The crowed cheered.And Livian looked at the judges to see what they had to say.

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ohhh joe i bet shes gonna do good oh i just got a feelgins and so for the battle to but what do you think do oyu think the same thing oh spear and squrtile u guys are so funny cheering for azura :P ehhh their just so funny and nice :) but hey thats they way of friendship :)

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Azura returned back stage."That was amazing Luna."Azura says.Then a girl with a wizard kind of outift."Nice.To bad you will have to lose."The girl says with a british kind of accent.She had a Persian by her side.She smirked and walked away.Her Persian following her.The contest went on and Azura made it to the next phase.She fought and then meeted up inthe finals with the girl again."You."Azura says."Azura VS Marina."Livian says.

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joe and the others cheer as the final match begun caterpie was starting to get use to the cheering and yelling now and was jumping up and down for the fun of it joe then shouted out to azura "remember concertrate dont let her catch you off gaurd" azura nodes

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Marina threw the pokeball and Persian came out.Then Azura got Luna out."GO!"Livian says."Go my Persian.Use scratch!"Marina says.Persian's nails glowed and became super long.Giving it quite the look.Persian then ranned over to Luna and went for a scratch.As it charged white streaks came around it."Dodge it."Azura says.Luna jumped and spun around giving Luna a sparkle around her as she dodges."Water gun!"Azura says.Luna spins faster and uses watergun.It hits Persian and it falls back.Marina glares at Azura.

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Marina's points went down a bit."Skullbash!"Azura says.Luna uses Skullbash and spins.Witch gives a comet effect.Persian spins and dodges it."Payday!"Marina says.Persian uses payday and coins shotted from it forehead towards Luna."Dodge it."Azura says.Luna dodges it but then Persian uses scratch.Luna gets hit and falls down.Major points are cutted down on Azura's side."Oh no..."Azura says.

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Persian was about to attack again when Luna jumped up."Bite!"Azura says.Luna bites at the Persian's head and dosn't let go.Persian runs around."My Persian!"Marina says.Points are cutted off on both sides.Luna then lets go."Bubble!"Azura says.Luna uses Bubble."Payday!"Marina says.Persian uses payday.The two attacks clash and an explotion occurs.The smoke faded away.Luna and Persian steared at eachother.The Persian fell down."Winner!Azura and Luna!"Livian says."Luan!We did it!"Azura says as she hugs Luna.Luna seemed weak.They recieved their ribbon and walked backstage."You were great Luna."Azura says.

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when the match was over joe and the others walked back stage to congrajulate azura and when caterpie saw azura he leaped from joes arms over to azura "azura you were great and that was only your first contest you looked like a pro"

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Azura hugged Kurt."Thanks Joe."Azura says.Then Marina walks over to them.Azura walks over to her."You were a great oponent.Thanks for a great battle back there."Azura says as she extends her hand to shake it with Marina.Marina slaps her hand away.Azura took it back."You were just lucky as all.Next contest we enouncter.I WILL win!You got it you little freak?!"Marina asks.Kurt gets angry and shots stringshot at Marina's face.marina gets angry."Why you little-!"Marina says as she tries to get Kurt."Get away!"Azura says.

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joe steps between azura and marina then turns to Marina "its people like you who i had to see having pokemon cause you have no respect for them all you care about is winning" "hum" pikachu looks at joe "okay but just this once" marina looked confused by what joe said then pikachu used thunderbolt on her "good boy pikachu" "why you little rat" "careful lady this rat knows how to fight" marina then growls at joe and azura "next time your done girl" marina then walks away "what a hag"

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