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Pokemon League Victors

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Azura walks over to Tori."Hey.Cheer up.We still have like a wekk to get to Petwer city.One day to get to Virdian City.one more day until the pokemon contest starts and 3 days on our way to Petwer city counting that we have bycicles.You are sure to find lots of pokemon on the way.You know.The deeper we go into the region the better are the pokemon we find."Azura says trying to cheer Tori up.

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Alex continued catching Pokemon throughout his entire journey there. Since his first capture he had already acquired a Kakuna, a Ratatta, and a Sandshrew. Alex was on a hotstreak. Sometimes he would even hide in the forest, waiting for a worthy Pokemon to cross by. He hid in the bushes as a Nidoran passed by. He readied his pokeball for the right moment. At last he tossed out Sandshrew and engaged in battle. Sandshrew used Sand-attack, blinding the Nidoran. It attempted to use Scratch but Sandshrew easily dodged it and countered with a Scratch of its own. The Nidoran staggered with pain. Still blinded by the attack, it tried to use Scratch again, but failed miserably. Sandshrew scratched it again and weakened it just as Alex tossed out the pokeball. The ball bulged three times. Alex bit his lip in nervousness.

"Cmon, cmonnnnn," he said, hoping it would work. The ball clicked and Alex jumped up with excitement.

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joe then looked at tori "hey dont worry azuras right plus i need to find another pokemon yet as well i cant take on a rock type gym with pikachu and pigey no affense you guys but we wont stand a chance" pigey and pikachu lower there heads "hey you to dont worry i'll still use you in the battle plus since i got you two you've gotten stronger then ever and pigey you seem like you might evolve any day now" pigey cheaps up joe then saw a trainer in the distance and got of his bike and walked over to him "hey there want to battle" "ya shore i dont see why not" "awesome okay pigey your up" "you dont got no chance man come on out bellsprout" "owe ya this is going to be good my first proper match" "bellsprout vine whip" "pigey dodge then use peck" "bellsprout look out" bellsprout dodge "pigey use wing attack before he can recover" this time it was a direct hit "now pigey use peck" pigey did as joe said and then bellsprout was knocked out "owe ya thats one down" "Hey im not dont yet man now come on out beedrill" "owe not good last time we faced a weedle pigey came out the worst end i wonder can pigey handle this" pigey flow beside joe with a face ready to battle "thats my girl pigey"

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Azura thinks for a while and sees Luna stearing at Pikachu again."You're stearing at him to much."Azura says as she laughs a little bit.She thinks and then walks over to Joe."Hey Joe.How about a Pokemon battle between you an me?That way we can start training our pokemn to becom stronger.And the sooner that happens the sooner they can level up to evolve."Azura says.

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joe turns back to azura "ya shore but i need to finish this battle first okay pigey wing attack" "beedrill pin missile" "crap pigey dodge fast" but pigey didnt manage to dodge in time and it was a direct hit but pigey was still going "thats it pigey come on okay pigey use gust" pigey did as joe said and beedrill got knocked back into a wall "where not done yet beedrill poison sting attack" "pigey fast" but again pigey got hit and this time was out cold joe walked over to her "its okay girl you did a good job you deserve a rest" joe then put pigey in her pokeball then pikachu jumped in ready for battle "okay pikachu quick attack" it was a direct attack "hold onto beedrill then use thunderbolt" pikachu did as joe said then beedrill fainted "and thats a wrap" "woo man your good" "thanks man your not that bad yourself" joe and the other trainer shock hands then the other trainer was on his way joe turns to azura "hey azura how about we save are battle till we make it to virdian city i want to bring pigey to the pokemon centre"

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Azura nods."Sure."Azura says.She then decides to walk around the area to kill a little bit of time.Azura the looked up a tree and started to climb up."I hope this has a good view from above."Azura says.But when she gets to the top she saw that there was a nest.Inside where Weedle."AW!~Weedle!OMG,they're SO cute!"Azura says as she smiles.Then she heard a buzzing noise."Huh?"Azura asks.Suddenly some Beedrill fly up infront of her.Azura freaks out and falls back down."Ow..."Azura says.Then she looked at the trees to see Kakuna falling down and hanging from the branches.Azura gluped and stood up only to see some angry Beedrills."Uh oh."Azura says.

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joe then hears some buzzing "that sounds like beedrill and alot of them to" joe then sees azura running really fast with a large group of mad beedrill behind them "owe man one thing you should never do make a large group of beedrill mad" joe looks at the others "time to go" joe then started cycling as fast as he could with the others behind him and with pikachu in his basket and the large group of beedrill behind them "well think of it this way guys well make it to virdian city in record time this way"

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hey yea we will *skys breaths allot* ok now am all better and yea yea AH WATCH OUT!!! alright i know hwere gonna get their very fast and find some great pokemon guys :) and yea so who here thinks its fun to be a pokemon master huh? i do :P and i bet us 4 will become famous one day but right now where kids xP but hey its fun bein a kid

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"Yeah.But no fun if we get stung!"Azura says as she looks back.She looks at Luna."Luna.Use water gun."Azura says.Luna used a water gun.She got one down.But the Beedrill quickly got up.They kept cycling as fast as they could.At a certain time the Beedrill stopped following them.Then they get to the city.They stop at the entrance and pant for their breath.People stear at them for a few moments but then just keep walking like if nothing happened."Well...atleats we got here..."Azura says as she pants for breath.

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joe pants "ya and with record time now i think we should head to the pokemon centre" everybdy nodes then heads to the centre when they arrive they all hand in there pokemon and wait till they are handed back to them when joe gets pikachu and pigey back pikachu jumps on his sholder and joe then let pigey out an she flew onto hi other sholder "feeling better" pigey cheaps happyly

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Hmmmmm i think i need a another pokemon i wonder which one i should get hmmm what do you guys think hmmm a ha i got it how about from a different region o wait we cant goto a different region where to young -.-' but hey i know when we get older we will get to i know it for sure :)

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joe looks to sky "ya man for shore all go together cause if we stick together no one will be able to beat us when we get stronger" joe then thought "ya know i think i need to get a water type pokemon what you guys think"

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"Well.The Petwer City Gym is a rock type Gym so getting a water pokemon is a good choice on this."Azura says.She looks back at Nurse Joy."Nurse Joy.Do you know where the Pokemon contest will start?"Azura asks."Oh yes.It's in the contest arena.It's right in the middle of the city.The contest starts tomorow so if you are going to compete you better sighn up today."Nurse Joy.Azura nods."Thanks Nurse Joy."Azura says.She turns to see them."I'm going to go to sighn up."Azura says as she walks out of the Pokemon Center.

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joe then looks to the others "well if todays the last day to sign up you we better hurry up so you can make it azura" azura nodes then they all head to the contest centre on the way to sees the virdian gym but it was closed then joe sees a fishing rode shop "hum that could work"

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hmmmmmmmmm am just gonna be a pokemon gym battler ill be a contseter later on when we get older :3 but hey i cant wait till the new regions to spare hey i heard in some other regions they think are pokemon are rare o.o like our beignner pokemon o.o but still yea haha :P

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Azura sighned up for the contest."Good.Are you new at pokemon contests?"The lady asks."Yes.This will be my very first contest."Azura says."Oh.That's good.Be sure to give it your all tomorow.Also be sure to impress the judges."The lady says.Azura nods."OK.Thanks."Azura says.She was about to go when the lady interrupts."Oh.Hold on a sec."The lady says as she looks for something."Here.These just came out yesterday.They're from the sinnoh region.They're capsules to give your pokemon's entrance an extra wow.Now new coordinators get one of these."The lady says as she hands over teh capsule to Azura."Thanks."Azura says.She puts it away and turns to see the others."So,where should we stay for the night?"Azura asks.

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cmon joe lets watch her perfom *sits down in front row and watches the perfomance* wow shes good very talented to wow :)

i bet shes gonna become famous like her father did :P and yea hey joe i think when we goto a new region it will be so fun :)

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"we could stay at the pokemon centre for the night mom told me they always have rooms for trainers but i was hoping to stop off at a fishing gear shop before we headed anywhere else i wanted to get a fishing rode maybe catch myself a water type pokemon cause theres a few lakes around here full of magicarp"

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"i think i want to get a magicarp because when they evolve into garadose there awesome pokemon" the others node in agreement they all then head to the fishing gear shop and joe gets a fishing rode they then head for the lakes and joe begins to fish "hey if you guys want to head to the centre ya can i'll catch up later"

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Azura nods."OK.Sounds like a good idea.Good luck then.I'll go and book us some rooms at the Pokemon center."Azura says.Azura goes back to the pokemon center.The pokemon center was kind of full because of all of teh coordinators that were staying for the night to compete in the contest tomorow.They got a room that had two bunk beds.Witch meant four single beds.One for eachone.Azura,Sky and Tori walk into the room."Cool.Bunk beds.I want the top bed."Azura says as she gets to one of the bunk beds.

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joe lies back with pikachu and pigey by his side just waiting for a bite on the lie then he begins to think "man how cool would that be a team with pigey as a pigeot and pikachu and maybe soon a garadose if i'm lucky" joe then feels a pull on the rode and pulls it back a magicarp then jumps into the air "pikachu fast before it gets away thundershock" pikachu nodes then uses thundershock on the magickarp knocking it out joe then throws a pokeball at it the ball shokes for a minute then clicks closed "yes i got myself a magickarp" joe then picks up the ball "okay magickarp come on out okay lets see what you can do magickarp use bubble beam" nothing happens "owe ya magickarps can only use's splash owe well guess i just got to hope you evolve soon" joe then rubs magickarp

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* xD a pokemon can not elevoe that fast joedid u read the rules they can elvove that fast xP* as sky reads a book he realizes their are some better looking pokemon in other regions. hey guys i think we should try to get to the other regions soon they seem much more better no lie look at some of those pokemon cause my dad is in one of the newer regions i jsut can remember the name but they look very nice see *shows a couple of good loking and powerful poke* but hey we start here first :)

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Azura looks at Sky."We just started our journey.Slow down.It will be a whole lot of time before we finish here."Azura says as she looks at Luna."So Luna.You ready for the contest tomorow?"Azura asks Luna nods."Squirtle Squirtle!"Luna says.Azura nods."That's the spirit."Azura says.She layes down on her bed and wonders how Joe is doing on his water pokemon catching."I hope he brings a good pokemon."Azura says.

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joe looked at magickarp "well cant let you walk around sorry magickarp but return" joe puts magickarp back in his pokeball joe then heads back to the pokemon centre with his fishing rode in his hand and when he arrives he asked nurse joy where the others are he then enters the room and puts down the fishing rode "Hey guys"

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