Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 13, 2011 "Coming."Azura says.She looks out and thinks for a while.She looks at the moon.She takes out her two cases.One ofr badges and anotehr one for ribbons.They were empty."Soon enough.You two will be fiilled."Azura says.She puts them away.She jumps down and gets to her tent.She changes into her PJs so she could sleep more comfotably.She lays down.Luna sleeps besides her and Kurt sleeps on the other side of the pillow.But for some reason.Azura couldn't sleep. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dancinmoonlight 12 Posted February 13, 2011 wakes up in the middle of the night and runs to some whre hidden in the forest but not very far from the tents and azura sees my shadow so she follows me she sees my looking at a picture. o i miss you dad. looks up above the sky. hey no wonder why you named me sky because so everyone can see me haha. *still looks at the picture* oh dad i hope your ok Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 13, 2011 Azura was not alseep yet when she saw Sky walk out.She slowly and quietly walked out and followed him.She saw him looking at a picture."I miss you dad.Hey,no wonder you named me Sky.Because so everyone could see me.Oh dad,I hope you're OK."Sky says.Azura gets a sad expression on her face and then decides to go back.She goes into her tant and fell asleep but started to have nightmares. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 13, 2011 After the others went into there tents joe desided to stay up he then had pikachu and pigey at his side first night for us all together joe smiles i can tell already that were going to have some adventures together no matter where we go joe looks to the sky then sees a huge pokemon in the sky whats that joe pulls out his pokadex but it says an unknown pokemon cool we just saw a pokemon thats not even on record thats something else joe then looked at pigey okay time for bed you joe puts pigey in her ball Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 13, 2011 Azura started to move around.Luna and Kurt woke up and looked at her.Azura seemed to be having a pretty bad nightmare.Luna then used Water Gun on her face.Azura quickly woke up.She looked at Luna and Kurt."Sorry to scare you guys.I was having a nightmare..."Azura says.They fall asleep.Azura stood awake.She hugged her knees for a while wondering about the nightmare.She layed back down trying to sleep.But ends up having the nightmare again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dancinmoonlight 12 Posted February 13, 2011 *goes back to tent and sleeps dreams about something good will happen and then something bad will happen so warn your friends in my dream* wakes up and yawns cause sky is espically an early bird* hmm are you up squrtile and spear you guys are just so adorable sleeping by me thanks *sky makes breakfeast and the smell goes into all of the tents of my great food and for breakfeast was bacon,srcambled eggs,and toast with jelly. alrighty i know for sure someone is gonna get up right now Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 13, 2011 Joe had woken up an hour before anyone else and had brought pikachu and pigey out for some training then he smelt some fone guess one of them must of made breakfast joe then told pikachu and pigey to come on as they headed back to the tents on the way back pigey and pikachu had desided to jump on joes shoulder then soon after they emerged from the forest to see sky with breakfast ready pigey and pikachu jumped down from joes shoulder and started eating hey sky joe said Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 13, 2011 Azura slowly woke up.She stretched and got dressed.She fixed ehr hair and walked outside to see he others."Good Morning guys."Azura says.She sits down and looksat Sky."Thanks for breakfest Sky."Azura says.Luna and Kurt started eating.Azura eated and thought about the nightmare.It was a usual nightmare.But it was so scary.Her mother told her it was nothing.But she dissagreed.It had to have a meaning.That pokemon.Who was it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dancinmoonlight 12 Posted February 13, 2011 oh hey joe i saw a little bit of your trainning that was very good and i know all of you guys are injoying the food so lets pack up the tents and stuff alrighty *packs up the tents and the food in the huge backpack* alrighty here we go woo hoo oh guys i forgot i got us all 4 bikes heres your bike azura heres your bike joe and ehres mine paint it with you want or decorate it mines black and blue and its so cool so ok *we all 4 ride our bike so we dont have to walk * Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 13, 2011 (This is way back i hate posting off my phone it takes so long) Joe finished his breakfast then helped the others clean up he then saw the bikes woo thanks sky joe then jumped on the bike and picked up pikachu and put him in the basket and pigey then flow onto joes shoulder guess Theres no point to even try and put you in your pokeball is there pigey cheaped happyly Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 13, 2011 (I have a feeling that we need atleats a few enemies in this RP.Team Rocket anyone? ) Azura got on her bike.It had a casket on the front.She called Kurt back into his pokeball and then put Luna on teh casted.They all rided off.Azura was kind of distracted because of it all."(That was so wierd.)"Azura thinks.Luna then called out.Azura got back on track and saw that she was heading fro a small clift.Azura hitted the breaks just in time."Oh.Sorry.I need to get my focus on."Azura says as she catches up to the others. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dancinmoonlight 12 Posted February 13, 2011 sky had a basket to for everyone on their bikes so their pokemon could be up front so then gets on basket cmon squrtile *squrtile jumps on top of the basket* squrtile squrtile he says alrighty everyone ready to go? *everyone nods* hey you never know we dcould find a trainer to battle what town should we go to its your guys choice Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 13, 2011 Joe turns to the others how about we head for Viridian city there gym is rock type pokemon so you two should be able to handle it fine but i wonder what my odds would be like since both my pokemon are weak against rock types hum that would be one hard match i think i need to catch a water type pokemon what do you guys think Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dancinmoonlight 12 Posted February 13, 2011 umm u double posted the same thing and and yea i need a water pokemon to *but not right now are ohter people are gone* ok Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 13, 2011 "I heard there's going to be a contest in Viridian City in a few days,also a Gym that's mostly closed most of the time but sometimes it's open.And Pewter City is just after that city.So,um.Think we can stop by Viridian City for the pokemon contest?I want to try to get my first ribbon."Azura says.She thinks that choosing both Coordinator and Trainer was going to be a bit tough for her but that she would take on the challenge. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dancinmoonlight 12 Posted February 14, 2011 yea cause i wanna get a ribbion to Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VANiTAS INCARNATE 1 Posted February 14, 2011 Alex continued through the wilderness on his way to the first gym, the Pewter City Boulder gym. He decided he would catch his pokemon on the way. He caught a pidgey, resting on a nearby branch and decided it would be a good opportunity to snag it. He tossed out Charmander and he climbed up onto the tree. He used scratch and knocked the Pidgey out of the tree. The pidgey hit the ground and bounced, while Alex threw his pokeball and caught the Pidgey on its first bounce. It bulged once...twice...Alex gulped. Three times and Alex cheered at the sight of his first catch. "We did it Charmander!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 14, 2011 Joe looked at sky and Azura then i guess its desided first stop Viridian city pikachu and pigey cheer in excitement so which of your pokemon you two goin to use since you can only use one Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 14, 2011 Azura thinks."I think I'll be using Luna.Luna has Water Gun,Bite,Bubble and Skullbash.Kurt right now only has String shot and tackle.And I don't think Kurt would fit as a pokemon for contests since he's shy and there's alot of people watching him."Azura says."What do you say Luna?"Azura asks."Squirtle Squirtle!"Luna says.Azura smiles."Good to see that you're excited about this.Next time we get to stop for a rest you and I better get training on the preformance."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dancinmoonlight 12 Posted February 14, 2011 hmmmm hey guys i think that i should just do gym probally but yea am rdy for hte first gym leader are u 2 joe? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 14, 2011 Azura looks upfront and thinks."(Both Gym and contests.Going to be a whole lot of work and training.But it will all be worth it in the end...I just know it.)"Azura thinks.The three of them keep riding their bycicles until it was almost dusk.By then they decided to spend the night there.Tomorow in the morning they would be able to get to teh city in just a few hours.Azura decides to train with Luna. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted February 14, 2011 Joe turns to sky owe Ya bring on the first gym pikachu and pigey may not be the best pokemon against rock types but that wont stop us will it you two they both node when the group desided to stop for the night joe desided hed let pigey stay out with him and pikachu tomorrow you two lets find another train and win are first match both the pokemon cheer but the Pewter gym is going to be rough on us i just know it pikachu and pigey then jump on joes shoulder a we can handle it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aqua7KH 5,395 Posted February 14, 2011 (you guys frogot about me lol i was afk ) She frowns from her bike. "Awww why havent i caught any good pokemon yet?" She stoped her bike. "Hey guys can we stop for alittle bit? I havent caught any pokemon yet. I dont think im ready for the first gym battle i only have my Pichu." She frowns abit. Pichu jumps on her hat and sits on it trying to cheer Tori up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted February 14, 2011 Azura looks at Tori then at Luna."Let's cheer Tori up with a contest show."Azura says.Luna nods.They got in position."Allright.Ready?"Azura asks.Luna nods."Allrighty then.Use Bubble!"Azura says.Luna uses Bubble and bubbles float up into the air."Now use Water gun!"Azura says.Luna spins and uses water gun.Giving the water a spiral form.Making the bubbles go around it."Amazing Luna.Great finally.Skull Bash up and high!"Azura says.Luna then uses Skull Bash.Making her get covered in white as she got inside the spiral and passed through it.Making the bubbles explode and the water to spread.Making the air filled with sparkels.Luna did a few spins as she came back down and landed gracefully.Azura and Luna gave a bow."That was AMAZING Luna!"Azura says as she hugs her. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aqua7KH 5,395 Posted February 14, 2011 Tori sighs. "Im sorry guys im just not in the mood." She sits on the ground. "how am i going to defeat the gym leader with only one pokemon?" She frowns and looks at the ground. Pichu keeps trying to cheer Tori up but its not working. Pichu walks over to the other pokemon with determination is his eyes and starts talking to them. Tori still sits on the ground and just keep on sighing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites