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Awesome Stuff! : D

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heres some awesome stuff im trying to get online:

Paopu Fruit Earrings $5.50



Vanitas Good Luck Charm $3.50



Ven Terra or Aqua Good Luck Charm $3.50 eacth



Ven Terra Aqua or Vanitas Avatar Keychain with charm $4.50 eacth



And theres more heres a link to look at the other stuff:


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i want the vanitas thing i didnt even know he had one


He didn't. If you read the description, you'll see that it's based off of TVA's, but stylized to suit Vanitas at a customer's request. Basically, if he had gotten one, it would've looked like that.

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Oh wow! So many cute things on that site! Thanks for giving us the link. =)


Hmm, let's see... I'm wanting the paoupu earrings, the Unversed necklace and earrings (Love that symbol!), the lucky charms earrings and bracelet...


You know what, Imma just stop there and just say I want a lot of stuff from on there, lol.

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