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  On 7/4/2012 at 4:47 AM, 'Wuver' said:


that moment when this is all said through the internet and no way of anyone getting hurt


I'm not going to let anyone get their hands on my girlfriend Ami! I will protect what is mine! I won't let anyone hurt her! She is my divine rose, she is my angel, and I love her! And I'm not going to let anyone insult her by saying she's a porn star, because she's not a pornstar! >.<

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L O O K I N G . . . . .


  On 7/4/2012 at 4:54 AM, 'Dark Sora' said:

I'm not going to let anyone get their hands on my girlfriend Ami! I will protect what is mine! I won't let anyone hurt her! She is my divine rose, she is my angel, and I love her! And I'm not going to let anyone insult her by saying she's a porn star, because she's not a pornstar! >.<


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nah, nobody's gonna get ami lol

Edited by Gumi

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  On 7/4/2012 at 4:54 AM, 'Dark Sora' said:

I'm not going to let anyone get their hands on my girlfriend Ami! I will protect what is mine! I won't let anyone hurt her! She is my divine rose, she is my angel, and I love her! And I'm not going to let anyone insult her by saying she's a porn star, because she's not a pornstar! >.<


chill pills


noones gonna take her O3O


plus she agrees with it.

i think

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  On 7/4/2012 at 4:56 AM, 'Wuver' said:

chill pills


noones gonna take her O3O


plus she agrees with it.

i think


I'm sorry if I'm sounding like a jerk, but I'm doing what any boyfriend would do. I'm taking care of her and watching over her, and I always come online every day for her, and I always leave her messages. She changed my life, and I don't want anyone to bother her. Sorry if I sound like a jerk, but like I said, I will protect what is mine!

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  On 7/4/2012 at 5:04 AM, 'Dark Sora' said:

Look guys, I'm gonna go now, its 1:00am over here, the only reason that I came online this late was to talk to Ami, but since she's not here, then I guess I'll just leave. :( Good night guys. Happy 4th of July.


it's 1am over here too. i stay up all night xD. goodnight

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  On 7/4/2012 at 5:05 AM, 'Gumi' said:

it's 1am over here too. i stay up all night xD. goodnight


I would stay here longer, but my internet is limited, and plus, I snuck in, so mom doesn't know that I'm using my internet, so I'm gonna go before I get caught. I only snuck in here to talk to Ami. I love Ami more than anything and anyone in this world, and as I promised her, I told her I would always be here for her. And I plan to keep that promise. Night everyone.

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ok gumi heres ur spanish translation xD



En el dia de agosto 15 en la tarde a las 12 y medio

la clima esta bonita.

Dentro de la rayas del sol, se estaba haciendo malo.

No tenia nada que hacer so empeze hablar contigo.

"Pues, yo odio al verano un poquito.''

dejites bravamente con un gato en tu mano.

Ah, como corres para garar el gato que se fue de tu manos

Corres en la calle caundo la luz de trafico se cambio a rojo

De repente, una troca se eso a ver y te pego y gritates

Tu sangre roja en todos lugares se mesclo con el olor juntos, me orcaba con el

Se veia como una mentira pero la bruma de calor dijo "Todo esto no es una mentira,'' riendose

Todo el sonido de la luz azule verano se fue ligeramente

Yo me llevante en la cama al sonido de el relo

Que tiempo es ahora?

En el dia de agosto 14 antes de la 12 de la tarde, te encontre

Muy precupado,yo te agare, aquerdando me de la forma de tu voz

pero, milagros son muy pocos, verda?

El mismo parke de hayer me eso aquerdar el sueno del el

"Es tiempo para regresar a la casa ya'', llevando te por la calle esta vez

Toda la gente arrededor se fijaron arriba, hablando callados con la vocas abiertas

Se vea una palo metal que callo y fue por te

Tus gritos lleranon el aire, cielo and todo arrededor

El bruma de calor estudio la escena y dijo "Esto no es un sueno", sonriendo

Por mi vision escuro, se veia como tenias una sonria en tu cara

Cauntas veces yo me ha desmallado en este mundo otra vez? El sonrio de el lumbrosa de calor tomada de el.

Esto se ha repetido 10 anos. Pero yo ya mi di cuenta de esto mucho tiempo atras.

Ciertamente, ay solo una manera para acabar esto.

Esos dias de veranos que nunca se acabavan distantes.

Derepente, te empuje al lado y corre en la calle, y en ese momento una troca se atrabeso conmigo.

Mi sangre roja todos lados, tus ojos reflejaban mi cuerpo.

El bruma de calor se veia soprendido and yo le dije,"Pues, eso es lo que tu agaras'', y sonrie.

Esos experiencias de verano se pasaron.

Pero cosas como eso llegan a un fin.

Una nina se despierto en el dia Agosto 14 arriba de su cama.

Simplemente dijo,

"Otra vez, no esta bien.'' abrasando un gato en su mano sola.

Edited by Wuver

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