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I bet ol' Winnie was a lot of help.

Well, since we're summoning...

Shiva Sisters! *uses an Ice Sigil for good measure*

Combo: Spinfreeze, Wheelie, Icicle Drift, Icicle Ramp, Diamond Dust. Dmg 150 hp.

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Activates Auto-Life. Restores 30 HP.

Defender Activated. 40% more Defense.

Oh, you've done it now.


Pyro Drive Form: Fire Damage increased by 100%, Ice Weakness 75%, General Attack Damage: 50% increase.

Usable only twice. Works for 3 turns.

Attack/Magic Combo: 4 Hits. Damage 130. Finisher: Explosion Damage: 35.


You've sealed your fate.

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Xoncron, how the firetruck do I have 10hp when I've been using my potions like every turn? And she only had 120, while I have 170, x2 with bubble belt, 340. >_> and with Doctor's Code, the potency, potion's effects are doubled. Go do the math and then come back.


Now, 340 - 195(+weakness to fire) = 135 HP remaining.


Ah. Good one. *uses X-potion, recovering all health*

[Paradigm Shift: Commando]

Combo: Attack x10, Blitz, Finisher Sovereign Fist. HP dmg 110.

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Xoncron, how the firetruck do I have 10hp when I've been using my potions like every turn? And she only had 120, while I have 170, x2 with bubble belt, 340. >_> and with Doctor's Code, the potency, potion's effects are doubled. Go do the math and then come back.


Now, 340 - 195(+weakness to fire) = 135 HP remaining.


Ah. Good one. *uses X-potion, recovering all health*

[Paradigm Shift: Commando]

Combo: Attack x10, Blitz, Finisher Sovereign Fist. HP dmg 110.


You calculations are way off.

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Xoncron, how the firetruck do I have 10hp when I've been using my potions like every turn? And she only had 120, while I have 170, x2 with bubble belt, 340. >_> and with Doctor's Code, the potency, potion's effects are doubled. Go do the math and then come back.


Now, 340 - 195(+weakness to fire) = 135 HP remaining.


Ah. Good one. *uses X-potion, recovering all health*

[Paradigm Shift: Commando]

Combo: Attack x10, Blitz, Finisher Sovereign Fist. HP dmg 110.


Why are you trying to make sense out of this?!?

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Actually, no, we're both wrong. I have 50. Just did all the math. *uses elixir*

[Paradigm Shift: Sentinel]

*assumes defensive pose, steelguard active]

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*Ultimate Limit: Axel's Final Words. Damage 335. Drains 5 HP, all MP*

*pants* Must get elixir *fall to knees, manages to get Hi-Potion, restores 60 HP*

Shaking it off!

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(With Steelguard and Fringeward active, 335 - 65, = 270. Then with weakness, dmg =310)

Pretty good.. *uses X-Potion, recovering all health*

[Paradigm Shift: Commando]

Combo: Attack x7, Blitz, [Paradigm Shift: Ravager] Icestrike x2, Blizzara. Dmg =150.

Did'ya see that?!

(Snow starts breathing heavy.)

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I get it. Nice one.

I'll guess it's from American Dad? I've heard it before but I'm not good at remembrance. *_*

Edited by Snow

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