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Last Post Wins!

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Because I'm impatient and you were gone to long, Vanitas won by default.

That is what happened.


But I'm assuming Lexa was controlling Vanitas, and if she hasn't posted, I don't see how Vanitas won, since technically, by your logic, he refused to fight as well.

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But I'm assuming Lexa was controlling Vanitas, and if she hasn't posted, I don't see how Vanitas won, since technically, by your logic, he refused to fight as well.




Because of my impatience I declared Vanitas the winner by default. There, It's fixed.

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And what gives you the right to declare Vanitas the winner, hm? Who made you the referee, and how can you declare a winner just because your impatience?

Edited by Snow

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Look. It's simple.

And what gives you the right to declare Vanitas the winner, hm?


I have the right due to the fact that no one else took the job of referee. Therefore I took it.

Who made you the referee?


As stated above, No one else took it so I claimed the spot. No one argued my position so I stayed the referee.


how can you declare a winner just because your impatience?


Because of 3 reasons:

1. I'm the referee

2. I'm the most rational person on kh13

3. Because internet


There that should sum up everything for you. :)

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Okay, but by your logic, neither of us have posted to fight, so we both refuse, equaling a tie.


Lol. What makes you think that? Where did I say something that implied that?

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Lol. What makes you think that? Where did I say something that implied that?


You said I didn't post, thus I lost. But to be fair, Lexa didn't either. So we both lose. Tie.

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I will take back my declaration of Vanitas's victory if, and only if, we actually get to see a battle. Edited by Keysofblades

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