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Remember. Jokes can hurt and harm others. Be wary of the way you use them. BBBBBBBBBBBBut on the other hand jokes are hilarious and being great joy at the expense of others pain and anguish which makes me laugh.   

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Remember. Jokes can hurt and harm others. Be wary of the way you use them. BBBBBBBBBBBBut on the other hand jokes are hilarious and being great joy at the expense of others pain and anguish which makes me laugh.


Wat no

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Please do so. Im hiding the children so they don't see the Lea. I need them to stay innocent please put your Lea away and never take it out. Or else you will be quilled.

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Please do so. Im hiding the children so they don't see the Lea. I need them to stay innocent please put your Lea away and never take it out. Or else you will be quilled.

Wat no you can't quill me.

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Yes, yes I can. With the almighty Xam, beware. But tho I like icecream man and cheese, cheese is good.

Cheese is very delicious, but not even Xam could quill me.

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Alright then if you want to.....Don't get your hopes up though. I wont let it happen

Edited by Joker

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Then the 7 Xams will give it all they got. Expect Xam is all. Even Lea. Cant change the future. "On that land Xam shall prevail and Lea expire." You cant change whats already written.

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Then the 7 Xams will give it all they got. Expect Xam is all. Even Lea. Cant change the future. "On that land Xam shall prevail and Lea expire." You cant change whats already written.

But maybe I can change it, and maybe Leas will survive. There is more to Lea than meets the eye. You might be surprised...

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Then the 7 Xams will give it all they got. Expect Xam is all. Even Lea. Cant change the future. "On that land Xam shall prevail and Lea expire." You cant change whats already written.


But maybe I can change it, and maybe Leas will survive. There is more to Lea than meets the eye. You might be surprised...

Stop taking drugs my kids

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