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Any Drama People Here?

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If so, who do you think you could act as? Like characters from movies or even KH and FF


  • Darth Vader: He's big and intimidating. I've also been told that I can mimic his voice really well.
  • Master Xehanort: I do the voice really well and I can do the hand gestures.
  • The Lingering Sentiment: See Darth vader. I've also developed a voice for him, it's deeper than Terra, but higher than Xehanort
  • Vanitas: I'm just good as Vanitas, with his moves, speech, the whole she-bang
  • Buzz Lightyear: I've done of lot of praticing with acting by doing Buzz Lightyear's lines and blocking. Not to mention that my Mrs. Nezbitt skit leaves them laughing
  • Theseus (Midsummer Night's Dream): Cause my school is currently putting on Midsummer and I am Theseus

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Well, I think I'm just playing as Demyx, you know, just sit around playing sitar, doesn't require much to do, wait, I can't play sitar, maybe piano/organ, without script. Yeah you get the idea I think I'm pretty awesome acting laziness. [how hard could it be?]

I don't think of any movies, though maybe [if this allowed] playing as Len Kagamine in servant of evil drama will be nice since I have good instinct for butler action.. sorta. lol

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I've been acting since I was 6 <3 and even been on TV a few times.

/enjoys bragging


I think I could do any KH character well but I would be best as Xemans, Roxas or Axel.

Xemnas cause I've always done the evil person with an epic death better than anyone else in any of my drama classes.

Axel because I'm good at hyperactivness and always keeping a straight face.

Roxas cause he's a lot like me, kinda quiet and always a little sad looking. <3

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Drama. . . good times. Haven't done it for 2 years now. Interesting that you're doing Midsummer's Night Dream, my school did that last year. I didn't watch the play though so I have absolutely no idea what it's about or who Theseus is lol.

Acting is really my specialty but I can do some pretty good voices though. I tricked my dad into thinking I was an Indian telemarketer once. . . good times.

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i was on drama school in 2 years but i only did 3 roles through that time it was gandolf the grey

a troll

and an christmas elf and i am realy good at acting i have been told i miss ben an actor ....

thats why i always do acting in spare time at school and stuff i am realy good at dying dramaticly

and playing sick :P

to tell you this way i am not going on that ski trip >=D

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hmm Puck(form midsummer nights dream, since I was him, and those charaters i useally do.)


Mickey mouse: A little bit tricky but when i do mickey i seem to get this" you sund liek wayne allwine!" or "you sound liek a young wayne allwine." I don;t think i do,but i'm better then bret Iwan so, i'm okay with it.


Donald Duck: long story short, I sound like tony Anselmo's DOnald.


Ven: I jsut seem to ease well as him. he's a good kid, obbesive to points but when he Relly wants to go save terra, or has a thickheaded goal in mind theres no stoping him.


Sora: Becuase we have simler personalities, cept i think i'm a bit of an emotional wreck form time to time who is more into kairi then riku. and i'm not as annoying as he can be.


Gravedigger form hamlet-he's funny, and i see him as a stoner for no reason, jsut i find that charater interesting.


Beast: Beacuse appently like Mickey mouse I can do him. really good. i think i'm not as good as robby benson is, but I can do him very good.



Spider-Man: I Played spidey in a few live action productions & web series, so Its great, glad having him under my belt and were all peter parker.

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I have no doubt that I could act alright, however, I have never had the opportunity to be in a drama class, so meh. I just really like to pretend and use my imagination. My whole fan-fiction I wrote started when I was bored and decided to pretend I was a Kingdom Hearts character. As for my voice, well I am not sure. I have a low voice, and it sounds slow. I don't talk slowly, my voice just has a certain something and it just sounds, well, slow. Not really sure how to explain it. I think I would be a decent voice actor for a bad guy, I am really good with the evil laugh and sarcastic comments.


Anyway, I could probably voice Terra. Maybe Xemnas, but his voice actor does him perfectly, so I wouldn't be an improvement.

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I've done a lot of stuff inside of Drama classes (I've been taking it for three years, and plan on carrying it on to AS/A2 level) and with my city's youth theatre company. There have been a lot of productions that no one will have heard of, probably- my favorites were Punk Rock and Mogadishu. Both were really rude, but awesome. Even if they were kind of depressing.


Voice wise, I... have an okay range. I can manage an American and Aussie accent as well as a lot of English regional accents- which is pretty awesome. And, pitch wise, I can hit from about Namine, Vanille kind of pitch, to Lightning. Little boys, I can kind of manage, but I end up sounding a little like Ash from Pokemon, which isn't good.


But, like Lexi said, if you're a good enough actor, you should be able to manage a lot of different roles fine.

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