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KHBbS BBSv2: Closer than we think

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Now I can say for sure that we won't get a chance to see Dream Drop Distance until next year when we all die. But there's another game, which if you saw the Secret Ending of BBSFM, Birth by Sleep Volume II. I think we might just get a chance for it to come out sometime this year. And I can support this.


But before I begin, here's just some things I want to point out. If BBSv2 comes out on the PSP2, we will NOT see the game until whenever. But if it manages to come out to PSP, then it's no problem to get it this year. This will probably come out before Dream Drop Distance, but I'm not entirely sure about this idea if it comes out on the PSP2. And also, if it does come out this year, Japan's only getting it. We have to wait, which sucks >.<


First off, it's only Feburary. The year pretty much just started. There's plenty of time to get a game here.


I've notice that people have been complaining that it won't come out this year, mainly due to the fact they think Nomura said he wants one KH game out every year. That's not true. He wants AT LEAST one game out every year. He's not saying we're going to get one game and that's it for the year. Check out Recoded and Birth by Sleep Final Mix. Both came out in the same month, which was last month. Technically, they are two games and therefore it means that we can get more than one every year. We still have a chance for another game.


However, this is what is going to help BBSv2 come out faster. Even if it is another game, it's just a branch off of Birth by Sleep, although it seems it will cover plot holes that go into future games such as KH1, 358/2 Days, KH2, and beyond KH2 (As we saw Kairi with Hayner and his gang at the mansion of Twilight Town. That's actually impossible for it to have been shown in KH2, mostly because Kairi reaches them for a few minutes, only for Axel to come and hauler her away). Meaning it will probably use BBS engine, along with the same battle system and Commands. And because this game will branch off, Nomura can easily reuse character models and world (Which they will). It's less time to reusing stuff instead of having to start over. Reuse = Less time to make the game, more smiles to the fans, and some money in Square Enix's pocket.


And finally, here's something you may of not noticed. When you saw the Secret Ending, you saw scenes from BBSv2 that will most likely be shown in it (Remember, we won't see everything, or some things will be change, like they did with BBS). But that's just it, we saw scenes from it. It could mean they are in development in BBSv2. Nomura most likely had this idea just around summer. He would then decide to put a preview of BBSv2 after announcing BBSFM. That was in September, right after the English version of BBS was released. If there was a start of development in September, then they could of worked on the game for 5 months. That doesn't seem like a lot of work but that's almost half a year of work! That would be great progress into getting this game out as soon as possible. If I could make an estimate, they can probably get BBSv2 out in Japan by November, at least that's what I think.


Does this mean I'm right? No. I don't doubt it coming out later with all their other games they are making, not to mention Dream Drop Distance. I'm not sure if they are working on it, even to begin with. But if they are, I think we can expect the game sooner than we all think.


Yes? No? Maybe? Lobster?

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I don't know whether the fact that you think that we'll die in 2012 is a joke or not, but I'm gonna watch that movie in 2013 and laugh. People must have hope, not just say "NO NO NO WE'LL DIE!". Also, why are you posting this since the only official proof is the secret ending of KHBBSFM. Nomura hasn't said anything else. No release date, no console, nothing. Also, I'm sure you know that PSP2 will not support any kind of disks or cartridges or whatever. Nomura said he didn't want to release Birth by Sleep on PSN. Well, he may want to release it on PSN, but not ONLY on PSN. Nomura will not win by releasing only on PSN, only lose, because some people still don't trust PSN. Getting something like a UMD would be safer for most people. So I really doubt it will be released on PSP2. I don't know why, but I think Birth by Sleep only suits PSP. Also, if Nomura wants at least one Kingdom Hearts every year, why did he say KHIII won't be released anytime soon? And that we'll be at around 2015 when it's released? There are many gaps in the KH story, but 2 years are more than enough to fill them. It's a good, theory, but I think you must trust time to make it stand. If you say you recognize all the above, then you should also recognize that this theory does not have enough ground to stand, yet.

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No...3D will most likely comeout first. They'll only work on one game at a time and the team that did BBS is doing 3D. Plus, they've always come out with games in order of announcement. In the case of Birth by sleep final mix there was a considerable amount less to do. They already had the story and everything done, they only needed to add a few fights and features, that's it. With BBSv2 they have to(cause with a game of this level they will use new worlds) make the designs along with deciding which worlds to use. Even though Aqua will most likely be the only playable character in this they won't have to put as much work into it, it'll still take a while cause they'll most likely make the story a bit longer.


3D also has test runs going, as they are figuring out what to do with the controls. It was already stated that 3D is in the final stages of production. So that just means that by E3 we should have a release date for late this year in Japan.


BBSv2 has only begun development. Sure character designs can be the same but has Nomura ever stopped at the old look for a game equal to a numbered title? No. Bith by sleep was on par with a numbered title and we had three new characters. Kingdom Hearts 2 we hadSora's form Changes.


Also Re: Coded coming out here and BBS Final Mix coming out in Japan doesn't really count as two games in one month. It counts as one game for us and another for them. RE: Coded came out in Japan back in October. All they did was record the voice acting and translate everything. Sure my logic is slightly flawed, but yours is even more flawed.


Sorry to say it, but BBSv2 isn't coming out until at least next year.

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Yes, lobster.


It sounds like a reasonable theory, but I can't help but doubt it.

As Sephiroth pointed out, there has to be at least a game a year. If both KH3D and BBSv2 came out this year, then that would leave a year or two empty before we get KHIII. =(


Also, just because we saw scenes from it in BBSFM doesn't mean development has started.

Remember the early trailers for BBS? They contained scenes and elements that did not show up in the finished product.

Changing those elements would take time. Should Square decide to do something a little different from those scenes, it will take more time to recreate them.

And, in my opinion, some of those scenes seemed a bit too lacking to be a part of a full cutscene, so I don't think they'll be used in the game.

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I don't know whether the fact that you think that we'll die in 2012 is a joke or not, but I'm gonna watch that movie in 2013 and laugh. People must have hope, not just say "NO NO NO WE'LL DIE!".


It was a joke lol.


Also, why are you posting this since the only official proof is the secret ending of KHBBSFM. Nomura hasn't said anything else. No release date, no console, nothing.


I'm posting this because I can? Because I feel like posting my thoughts? I really don't have to go into details.


And just because he didn't say anything doesn't mean anything. You know Assassin's Creed Brotherhood? Nobody heard of that game until E3, and only a few months it would then come out. If anything, they might just present this at E3. We don't know if he's hiding this from us. We don't know if he's secretly developing it. You can't prove me wrong on this.


Also, I'm sure you know that PSP2 will not support any kind of disks or cartridges or whatever. Nomura said he didn't want to release Birth by Sleep on PSN. Well, he may want to release it on PSN, but not ONLY on PSN. Nomura will not win by releasing only on PSN, only lose, because some people still don't trust PSN. Getting something like a UMD would be safer for most people. So I really doubt it will be released on PSP2. I don't know why, but I think Birth by Sleep only suits PSP.


Skip these because it has nothing to do with the topic.


Also, if Nomura wants at least one Kingdom Hearts every year, why did he say KHIII won't be released anytime soon? And that we'll be at around 2015 when it's released? There are many gaps in the KH story, but 2 years are more than enough to fill them. It's a good, theory, but I think you must trust time to make it stand. If you say you recognize all the above, then you should also recognize that this theory does not have enough ground to stand, yet.


Lol, what did Kingdom Hearts III have to do with this? You're just bringing up topics that doesn't prove anything.


I know I can wait, but like I said, I might as well get my thoughts out of the way.


No...3D will most likely comeout first. They'll only work on one game at a time and the team that did BBS is doing 3D. Plus, they've always come out with games in order of announcement. In the case of Birth by sleep final mix there was a considerable amount less to do. They already had the story and everything done, they only needed to add a few fights and features, that's it. With BBSv2 they have to(cause with a game of this level they will use new worlds) make the designs along with deciding which worlds to use. Even though Aqua will most likely be the only playable character in this they won't have to put as much work into it, it'll still take a while cause they'll most likely make the story a bit longer.


Er...I seriously don't think you get it. It's mostly going to be copy and paste, I'm sure it's not to hard to transistion from the original format into a new one, aka BBSv2. If this game is to fill plot holes, there isn't going to have new things like worlds or characters. Recycle and done. That's why Recoded has BBS's battle system.


3D also has test runs going, as they are figuring out what to do with the controls. It was already stated that 3D is in the final stages of production. So that just means that by E3 we should have a release date for late this year in Japan.


Yeah that's true, but really? Have you seen the trailer? Didn't you see Sora and Riku interacting with the enviornment such as jumping off waps or swinging on poles? You do realize that it takes a lot of programming for this? This isn't some Tetris game. It's going to be a fast paced, high qualitied, and three-dimensional game in which will take a long time to perfect. They already had to jam everything in the PSP with BBS. No doubt they'll do it again. You've seen them push the system to the max. They'll also have to scrap ideas, change things around, and fix bugs. I don't think that something this powerful can release in a single year. You have to understand, there's a difference between creating something brand new and doing a crap load of stuff in, compaired to BBSv2, which it's mainly can just recycle. But that's in my opinion.


I also like to point that DDD will directly lead into KH3 when it's done. Why not just get the plot holes done and over with by getting BBSv2 in first? It just seems like too much trouble to get a main installment out first than to just get a side game out of the way.


BBSv2 has only begun development. Sure character designs can be the same but has Nomura ever stopped at the old look for a game equal to a numbered title? No. Bith by sleep was on par with a numbered title and we had three new characters. Kingdom Hearts 2 we hadSora's form Changes.


And here's where citing proof is needed. I have yet to see Nomura say anything along the lines of, "Hey everyone, we're beginning the development of BBSv2". I may of said he could of been secretly developing the game, but you're making this out like you know you're sure they just began the development when that's just a poor assumption.


And yes, he did. DDD is the perfect example.


Also Re: Coded coming out here and BBS Final Mix coming out in Japan doesn't really count as two games in one month. It counts as one game for us and another for them. RE: Coded came out in Japan back in October. All they did was record the voice acting and translate everything. Sure my logic is slightly flawed, but yours is even more flawed.


And yet, it's two games, regardless of whether they released in different countires or not. He said he wanted to release a KH game at least every year. It doesn't say it can't be in different countries, does it? Contradiction on your part.

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Yes, lobster.


It sounds like a reasonable theory, but I can't help but doubt it.

As Sephiroth pointed out, there has to be at least a game a year. If both KH3D and BBSv2 came out this year, then that would leave a year or two empty before we get KHIII. =(


Also, just because we saw scenes from it in BBSFM doesn't mean development has started.

Remember the early trailers for BBS? They contained scenes and elements that did not show up in the finished product.

Changing those elements would take time. Should Square decide to do something a little different from those scenes, it will take more time to recreate them.

And, in my opinion, some of those scenes seemed a bit too lacking to be a part of a full cutscene, so I don't think they'll be used in the game.


ya but if they come out early then there will be more time to work on KH III and get it out faster i don't know

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ya but if they come out early then there will be more time to work on KH III and get it out faster i don't know


The team responsible for numbered KH titles is also making FF Versus XIII right now. The release date for the game is expected in 2012, maybe even later, since Normura has confirmed that it will not release in 2011. Source


It will probably take a year or two to create KHIII, so the earliest we can see it coming out is in 2013, maybe.


So, in 2011, there's the release of KH3D.

Then, in 2012, BBSv2.

And in 2013, KHIII.

This estimate is based on Nomura's goal to get out at least one KH game a year.

They probably won't get done early, unless Versus XIII gets done early.

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It's to long so i'm not gonna read the whole thing and u really pissed me off when you said it was coming out on the PSP2 if it will back it up where's your proof and i see everyone else doing it so lobster i didnt read any part with lobster lol

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You may be right, after all he wanted to tell people about bbs v2 at e3 2010. This was the mystery game he was talking about, I think it will come out for psp 1, after all final fantasy type O is coming out for the psp as well, but their hasn't been a realese date.

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It's to long so i'm not gonna read the whole thing and u really pissed me off when you said it was coming out on the PSP2 if it will back it up where's your proof and i see everyone else doing it so lobster i didnt read any part with lobster lol


Woah, he never said it would. He said it might. Chill out. >.>

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It's to long so i'm not gonna read the whole thing and u really pissed me off when you said it was coming out on the PSP2 if it will back it up where's your proof and i see everyone else doing it so lobster i didnt read any part with lobster lol


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Anyways, I do think BBSv2 is coming out this year, early next year at the latest. Because if it doesn't, well that's gonna blow off the whole KH3 coming out 2013 theory.

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You make good points. Like you said, you can't be dis-proven, but you can't be proven either, it's basically a stalemate situation right now, so in all technicalities, speculations like this are totally acceptable. I would really hope that they wouldn't put BBSv2 on the PsP2, because that would mean that I would have to buy another game system, which means more money out of my pocket. I look forward to any Kingdom Hearts game that's coming, as it will move the story along and that is good to me.

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Just hope that 2012 doesn't happen.


Technically the way you are saying that is basically saying that you want the world to end before the year 2012 or that you want to skip the year entirely and go straight to 2013 xD

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It's to long so i'm not gonna read the whole thing and u really pissed me off when you said it was coming out on the PSP2 if it will back it up where's your proof and i see everyone else doing it so lobster i didnt read any part with lobster lol


If it's so long that it's going to make you bitch about it, why bother posting? All you had to do was leave the thread. I'm not asking you to read it. What is it with these members these days? I must be demanding millions of dollars or something @_@


Ummm.....I never said it was coming out on the PSP2. I said IF it comes out on the PSP2, then it won't come out this year, god knows when it will come out. No need to twist my words to make it seem like I said something else.


Even if it was true, there is no proof. BBSv2 is something brand new and the PSP2 was just recently announced. So no cigar.


And please guys, stop spamming the whole lobster thing. It was a minor joke, but not meant to be used as a discussion in here :/

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I thought BBSv2 would be coming out this year ever since I remembered that 3D wont see the light of day until at least mid/late next year. The secret episode's a big, big hint to me that the game's already well under development on PSP, when playing it I found it very unusual that they happened to have chests on the map in random places that contained drops like crystals for command fusion. It really really implied to me that what I was playing was a map from the final game, although with a few changes (enemy levels).


Also, it seems very odd to release a game that fills the gaps (from the looks of it) for Birth By Sleep/1 while solving alot of the series mysterys before Kingdom Hearts 3D where the plot seems to have gone out of whack and is the prologue to the final conflict.

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I can't see BBSv2 being the same world gameplay, just with Aqua.

This is just coming from past Square Enix. They don't seem content to blatantly rehash. There's always some new aspect to it.

But especially considering the specifications of the PSP, and the fact that teh trailer hints at KH 0.5, I think this will have the significance and effort of a numbered KH.

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Er...I seriously don't think you get it. It's mostly going to be copy and paste, I'm sure it's not to hard to transistion from the original format into a new one, aka BBSv2. If this game is to fill plot holes, there isn't going to have new things like worlds or characters. Recycle and done. That's why Recoded has BBS's battle system.


Okay first. IT WILL NOT JUST BE CUT AND PASTE! I've taken multiple programming classes and let me tell you, IT'S NEVER CUT AND PASTE. It's a separate game. plus if it's for the NGP it'll need different programming entirely. If it's just cut and paste we'll end up with the origional BBS in a different order. BBSv2 should include different worlds as if it were the same worlds with just Aqua it would suck major.


This isn't some Tetris game. It's going to be a fast paced, high qualitied, and three-dimensional game in which will take a long time to perfect. They already had to jam everything in the PSP with BBS. No doubt they'll do it again. You've seen them push the system to the max. They'll also have to scrap ideas, change things around, and fix bugs. I don't think that something this powerful can release in a single year. You have to understand, there's a difference between creating something brand new and doing a crap load of stuff in, compaired to BBSv2, which it's mainly can just recycle. But that's in my opinion.


Really dude? You really think I belive that 3D will be like some tetris game? (don't get me wrong I love tetris) but what I was saying is that if they already have test runs going they're far enough along so that there's no reason for anyone to doubt how close it is to being released.


I also like to point that DDD will directly lead into KH3 when it's done. Why not just get the plot holes done and over with by getting BBSv2 in first? It just seems like too much trouble to get a main installment out first than to just get a side game out of the way.


Okay, you have a good point, it would be smart to do that. But they'll fill all plot holes before KH3, if they did it before KH3D then it'll just end up looking like 3D is 3.


And here's where citing proof is needed. I have yet to see Nomura say anything along the lines of, "Hey everyone, we're beginning the development of BBSv2".


Okay, you're right, but I was only assuming it was in production, I appologise for any confusion. But assumed that since it was technically annouced by the secret video that is might have been in production.


And yes, he did. DDD is the perfect example.


Only about a week or two ago Nomura stated that he's thinking about having their appearences(clothes) change halfway through the game.



All I'm saying is that your logic is flawed to the extreme. If BBSv2 isn't in production, then there's no way 3D will come out after it. Plus please stop acting like everyone else that doesn't agree with you is an idiot. I'm sorry if you don't agree but all I do is state known facts(for the most part: aka; when I'm wrong about something)

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if they do make BBS vs2 then there going to put allot of work into it so meaning there not going to one year half ass it meanwhile game reviews ar consistently anoying him about spinoffs, considering we now know the world of darkness is acually big and a "world" most maps and such will prob be done there. with everyone talking about KH3 should realize that no matter how fast the spinoffs are done kh3 wont be worked on, until the kingdom hearts team which works with ps2 and ps3 finishes final fantasy verses its not gonna come out, the PSP team has no diffrence to a main system game coming out so like all the other games numara will put effort into it which dosent really get done in a year especially considering how important aqua is to the story now and the mass plotholes in the world of darkness.

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