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The keyblade war returns.RP

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Argus dismissed his keyblade. He looked up and noticed the city before him. He took a deep breath and began walking toward it. Maybe he'd find his answers to who he is and what this "Kingdom Hearts" was all about.


As he made his way through the streets of Hollow Bastion, Argus began to feel something he'd never felt before: hunger. He walked into the nearest store and came to face Xemrok and Ezzy. "This place wouldnt happen to sell food, would it?"

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"We don't need to leave we need to help" Xemrok said


Xemrok felt a rise in darkness and could feel it was coming from Ezzy and plus she said "Uh oh" so he was sure that sometihng was wrong. "What's wrong?" Xemrok asked as he looked into her eyes and they seemed to get darker." Dexer lit his palms with light hoping to fend off the darkness inside of her and hopefuly they wouldn't have to fight. Xemrok just studied her even more

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ezzys eyes grew darker. "guys get out of here now! Im fine just go get as far away from here as ou can. Now go!!" she said then suddenly she was full of darkness and summond her keyblade and headed towards the bailey.

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Tyriann looked at him, "Are you out of your mind?" The light on Xemrok's palms grew, "You really are out of your f***ing mind!" Ezzy's started to look a bit darker than usual to him. Tyriann summoned his keyblade, just incase.

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Xemrok put his light palms on her shoulders to see if it would help but he couldn't see any improvement. "Like he said I'm out of my mind, I don't want to fight you but I also want to help you" Xemrok said as he drew his keyblade and both ends of it glowed with a bright yellow light and his whole body was engulfed with the light. The more he stood next to the darkness the lighter he got.

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A orange color hit the top of Tyriann's keyblade.

"Huh?" He looked at it. Three small pumpkins were summonded, that started to orbit around the tip of his keyblade.

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When ezzy got to the bailey she was completly engulfed in darkness. And once again started on her rampage and started destroying the bailey but this time those weird creatures from before were helping her attack the bailey "So thses monsters are with me? Damn thats sweet!!" she thought to herself.

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Azura was getting a bit tired of waiting around for so long.She was glad that she was inside a house instead of just wondering around this unknown city.But she just wanted to go back home.Suddenly she hears some screams.She runs outside to see a whole bunch of people running in the same direction.Azura turns to see why.There was a huge creature(Orca).Azura looked at her blade and thinks.She gets ready to fight.The creature roars.

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Argus caught up to Ezzy and casted firaga on the dark creatures around them. "It would be a lot more fun if you wasted that power on me. I need an excuse to use this thing". He pointed his keyblade at her and spoke calmly "Unlike castles, I fight back".

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Tyriann got to Ezzy at the Bailey. He ran down the stairs, with his keyblade, and slashed through the shadows.

"EZZY! I'M DOING THIS FOR YOU!" He slashed all them, and did a frontflip behind Ezzy. He put his arm around her neck, and the other one around her waste, "Argus." He held her tighter, "If she tries to break free, help me get her."

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ezzy sighed "ok when im done with you theyre better not get anymore distruptions. She said and.pointed her keyblade at the man and dark creatures started attacking him. Tyriann grabbed her from behind. "let me go!!!" She yelled at him.

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Azura runs towards the creature.But then stops as she remembers and reqlizes that it was huge for her to just fight from below.Azura needed to get to higher ground.Azura sees a building that the stairs to the roof were outside.Azura ran towards it and went to the roof.It was night enough.She remembered the terrain of her home world.She ran and jumped.She landed on the creature's shoulder.She started to slams her blade against it.She actually did damage.But then the creature grabbed her with his huge claw and threw her against the ground.Azura hitted the ground hard.She struggled to look up.Blood was falling down her forehead.

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Argus slashed through two of the creatures and grabbed one by its neck, slamming it on the ground. Im getting the hang of this he thought. He looked right at Ezzy smiling. "About those disruptions...You're gonna be here awhile missy".

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Tyriann started to choke her, "Shhhh....." He said, gripping her by the waste tighter, and letting go a bit on her neck, "There, you can breath now.

"Hey, Argus!" He grabbed his keyblade, "To speed things up." He threw his keyblade at him, "Use two keyblades."

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Argus caught Tyriann's blade and stylishly twirled both of them. He readied his two keyblades and charged at Ezzy, dragging his blades on the concrete. He brought them up and swung at Ezzy's stomach. "Sorry about this." He slashed at her torso and dark smoke immediately poured out of her.

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Tyriann let go of her, as her knees fell to the ground. "The darkness is emptying out of her... for now." He picked her up and carried her into town, "Hey, Argus. Are you coming with me?"

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Tyriann walked up the stairs, confused, "Kingdom Hearts?.... Whats..." He took a pause, "Oh... Not much, but I hear it's behind a giant door, somewhere hidden in this place called...." Tyriann started to think again, "The.... I believe it's called the Destiny Islands..."

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