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KHBbS about final mix releasing...

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hi.does somebody thinks its unfair that final mixes have released only in japan. i mean, re-makes is in america and europe but why in the h***

final mixes cant be released anywhere else?

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Final Mixes are only in Japan because the US versions of the games got extra stuff that the original Japanese versions didn't. So Japan complained about it and, since Square Enix is based in Japan, they made the Final Mixes to stop them from complaining.


I say be glad at what we did get. Originally, they weren't going to sell Re:CoM, it was just going to come with KH2FM+. But they decided to sell Re:CoM in the US, since they knew it would sell here. Also, think of all the extra stuff we have gotten in the US versions of the games, like MF, Void Gear, the four secret bosses in KH1.


Also, you have to remember that Japanese are more willing to buy a whole new game just for a few extra stuff than we are. They don't sell them here because they know most people won't want to buy a whole new game just for just a few extra stuff, we'd rather get it as a DLC. But Disney won't allow DLC's.

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disney sucks i say drop disney and make it an all around square game that way they will be able to have stuff like guns


Disney owns KH, they can't drop Disney. Besides, it's not KH without Disney.

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