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kh3 comes possibly before bbs.2.

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Hi! i have readed some of yuo others articles and some of you think that kh bbs vol 2 is coming before 3.

But i think its greater possibility that 3 comes before that.

facts are...1.Nomura has told,there was going to be two games before 3.

those games were and are bbs fm:D:D and upcoming game 3d.

2.kh3 is connected to end of 3d.

and i think it is better possibility that they have already making plans for 3.

like restoration of master xehanort and six playable characters and of course

:) the only plot "SORA must cure the suffering of T,A&V and R,X&A and namine.

And it should be about time to we get the game we all want...KH3.

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Hm, unfortunately this is very unlikely. If I'm not mistaken, Nomura has clearly stated that BBS FM is not the other game he was referring to, and that, in addition to DDD, there will be an additional "mystery game" that he has not yet revealed. It is highly speculated that this mystery game is, in fact, BBSvol2. Furthermore, in the teaser for BBSvol2, it provides us with a huge indication that the game will take place before KH1 and after BBS, in that the number "1" corresponds with the clip of Kairi running to sleeping Sora (from KH1), "0," as Nomura has actually mentioned, refers to BBS (he calls that game KH0), and in the video, the corresponding clip is of Aqua near the beginning of her time in the RoD. And then, of course, the number "0.5" appears, which, therefore, refers to the time, or a period of time, in between 0 and 1. The other clips in the game (Micky in RoD w/Star Seeker, Riku in Org XIII outfit/blindfold watching Roxas and Xion) may indicate that the game may actually move past KH1 and show us all that happened with Aqua, Micky, and Riku all the way up until KH2 or even further. However, the biggest indication that BBSvol2 will absolutely not take place after KH3 is the flurry of different Xehanorts we see at the end of the teaser. KH3, Nomura has said, will be the end of the "Xehanort saga," meaning no more Xehanort.

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I didnt mean time linely that 3 will come before bs v2.

Imeant creations of the game but i quess y are right,even when y told lots of stuff that i already knewd.

well...thanks to answering on my first message ever.

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I didnt mean time linely that 3 will come before bs v2.

Imeant creations of the game but i quess y are right,even when y told lots of stuff that i already knewd.

well...thanks to answering on my first message ever.


time linely lol. He was showing that because this game is taking place during (chronologically) the xehanort saga that this game must come before kh3 because kh3 will conclude the saga.

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Hi! i have readed some of you others articles and some of you think that kh bbs vol 2 is coming before 3.

But i think its greater possibility that 3 comes before that.

No, BBSV2 is set to happen all before the events of KH3. BBS is basicly KH 0.5 to tell you the truth. It should explain to us what events when on while Sora and gang were saving the worlds from being swallowed by darkness.


1.Nomura has told,there was going to be two games before 3.

those games were and are bbs fm:D:D and upcoming game 3d.

No, the last two KH games to come out before KH3 is BBSV2 and KH:DDD.


and i think it is better possibility that they have already making plans for 3.

Nomura already stated that there won't be any plans for KH3 until the team that's supposed to work on KH3 finish developement of Versus XIII.


like restoration of master xehanort and six playable characters and of course

Not only will Master Xehanort make a return, but there will be other forms of Xehanort that's said to appear in future KH games as well. We might possibly see them in KH:DDD.


:) the only plot "SORA must cure the suffering of T,A&V and R,X&A and namine.

Who says that Sora only has to end their hurtu=ing? Sora has more to do than that really. Like taking the Mark Of Mastery Exam and defeating Xehanort for good. And who knows, there could be a role that TAV, Roxas, Naminie, Xion, and Axel might play in future KH games.

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1.Nomura has told,there was going to be two games before 3.

those games were and are bbs fm:D:D and upcoming game 3d.


No. The two games were 3D and a mystery game. The mystery game is most likely BBSv2.

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Nope. KH3 is the last game overall of the Xehanort Saga. There can't be any more Xehanort-centered games after that. And what do you mean, "And it should be about time to we get the game we all want...KH3."? For all you know, there could be people who never want KH3 to come because they are so attached to this saga. Actually, I, myself, am looking forward to KH3D and BBS V2 more than KH3.

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1.Nomura has told,there was going to be two games before 3.

those games were and are bbs fm:D:D and upcoming game 3d.

BBSFM does not count as one of the two games to be released before KH3.



2.kh3 is connected to end of 3d.

So? What does this have anything to do with KH3 being released before BBSV2?



and i think it is better possibility that they have already making plans for 3.

They've probably made plans for BBSV2 as well so...



six playable characters and of course

Six playable characters?

1. What does this have to do with anything?

2. Where did you get this from?

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Hm, unfortunately this is very unlikely. If I'm not mistaken, Nomura has clearly stated that BBS FM is not the other game he was referring to, and that, in addition to DDD, there will be an additional "mystery game" that he has not yet revealed. It is highly speculated that this mystery game is, in fact, BBSvol2. Furthermore, in the teaser for BBSvol2, it provides us with a huge indication that the game will take place before KH1 and after BBS, in that the number "1" corresponds with the clip of Kairi running to sleeping Sora (from KH1), "0," as Nomura has actually mentioned, refers to BBS (he calls that game KH0), and in the video, the corresponding clip is of Aqua near the beginning of her time in the RoD. And then, of course, the number "0.5" appears, which, therefore, refers to the time, or a period of time, in between 0 and 1. The other clips in the game (Micky in RoD w/Star Seeker, Riku in Org XIII outfit/blindfold watching Roxas and Xion) may indicate that the game may actually move past KH1 and show us all that happened with Aqua, Micky, and Riku all the way up until KH2 or even further. However, the biggest indication that BBSvol2 will absolutely not take place after KH3 is the flurry of different Xehanorts we see at the end of the teaser. KH3, Nomura has said, will be the end of the "Xehanort saga," meaning no more Xehanort.


makes u think if its going to be like bbs cuase ull have Ricku,the KING!:D,and Aqua that would be three seprate storys but they could end up meging (some how idk about aqua) cuase i would thinnk that it took ricku sometme to even stumble upon the king

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Birth by Sleep Volume 2 has work already begun on it. Kingdom Hearts III will not begin work until Final Fantasy Versus is finished. Birth by Sleep Volume 2 will not take as long as Kingdom Hearts III. Remember how long Final Fantasy 13 took? Birth by Sleep Volume 2 will probably be released 2012 - 2014 depends on their progress on it.

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Just to clarify this for everyone - there's no WAY KH3 will be released before BBSv2. All it takes is recycling the BBS game engine. In fact, I'll put money on BBSv2 coming before DDD. For DDD and KH3, they're developing entirely new engines, and they won't even be beginning work on KH3 until FFvsXIII has been released, which will likely be in 2012. We have years to go until KH3. The development of BBSv2 should be a simple process.

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well sorry. i was just telling you my theories.

i read somewhere that nomura wanted lots of playable characters.

and i know that the bbs vol two is coming chronocially much before 3.

i know that "end of xehanort saga" thing.

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