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Think Pink

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

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Dang, I have loads of stuff I want to do. Some of it is kinda, unrealistic for me though.


Author/Writer: I love fantasy. I love reading good books. With books you can travel to so many different worlds get to know so many different people and creatures. I want to create my own worlds, my own characters. I want to live through my characters, to do things that are impossible. If I could bring joy to even one other person with a story that I created, that would be the best thing in the world to me.


Video Game Director: This ties into writing. I love video games, heck I wouldn't be here (on this site) if I didn't. But, to me, creating games would be even greater than writing a book. Not only do I get to create, I get to see it with life and color. I would be able to see everything I imagined while writing, and then get to experience it in a way that is not able to be expressed by books. I get to be the character, and live in their world. Plus, I love to think up different battle systems for games. With the help of people who can design the visuals, and those who can help code the game, I think I would be able to make a good, enjoyable game.


Psychology: I don't really have any specific field in mind, but I just find psychology interesting overall. I am not sure if I can handle the studying and work required to become a psychiatrist, but I am definitely interested in learning how the minds of others work.


Cryptozoologist: Loch Ness Monster. Big Foot. El Chupacabra. I love animals, and I love fantasy. This is a combination of both with science sprinkled on top. To actually find an animal that many people don't believe to exist, that would be an amazing thrill. Of course, looking for the animals is a thrill in itself. Sure, there is no guarantee, and you are not likely to find anything at all, but of any science career, this would definitely interest me the most.

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Video Game Tester

Voice Actor

Character Desighner

Map Creator




Part time Violin and Flute player

well bacicly i want to be everything Tetsuya Nomura is because i love everything he does and also a Voice Actor

but i also want to make my own animes

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Well........... I have a lot and I have studied in all these fields so here we go...


Author: I love to write and my novel Antrium: REDEMPTION is a big hit with 600 readers and it is my passion.


Doctor: I want to be an MD because I love healing people.


Chef: I have always had a thing for the kitchen. I am really good with food.


Song Writer: I have tried to write some songs although they do not turn out as I wish :/

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pornstar........ >_> no not really but idk what i want, how about a family man.


I once wanted to be that lol jk xD


Come to think of it, I'd love to be a poet or a writer. I still want to be a vet but I can write and self publish or publish some other way in my spare time. I think I've found my calling <3

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Well... I've been working as an EMT for quite some time now. So I've known I want to be in the medical field for a long time. I'll be a pre-med student next year, so I'm on my way, it appears. Ideally, I'd love to be a heart surgeon. Cut people open. That sounds creepy. Please don't interpret that the wrong way... hahaha

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