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KH3D Kingdom Hearts!Dream-Drop-Distance

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Okay, so as I'm sure...we all saw the trailer to it, but for those who didn't here's a link to a

and English version.


Now that that's out the way and we have a full halfway of a 40% chance of actually knowing what's happening in this very confusing yet exciting game, understanding... What do you think of it? I'm honestly even more confused. Just when Birth by Sleep came out, I thought all our... confusion would be gone...but I guess not!



I'm sure we all pretty much know/think(still not 100% sure) that KH3D will be about their Mark of Mastery test. What we DO know though is that this is foreshadowing Kingdom Hearts III. I believe this theory as well. But anyways, so the game is called Dream Drop Distance. What does that mean though?



If you watch the trailer you see in the gameplay that there isn't any Mana, or Focus like in the other games, instead there's something else called DROP. So...what's this Drop business? Can you use magic, or is it like Birth by Sleep with the Commands? Can't really say, but id Drop is something like energy then could Dream, and Distance be like that as well?


If you go to the least part of the trailer, you see Xemnas/Ansem, I think somethings up. No, seriously! watch the trailer, when they first show the two, you can see Xemnas behind Xehanort, and Xehanort behind Xemnas! What makes it more confusing is that you would think that Sora and Riku would be...kinda working together or something. But, what if they're not? Check this out as well, when Sora faced Xemnas, he was in the exact same area Riku is as he faces Ansem! The only difference is the camera's point of view. See what I mean?


And although this isn't really..important I just wanted to say that in the trailer it said Goodwill & Malice, which are the exact opposite from each other. Someone like to help people, and someone who likes to harm people. It also said Sleep & Waking. Could this be referring to KHReCom, when Sora was in that pod or something? I don't know... Which leads me to yet ANOTHER theory! What is....this whole thing is a dream? Crazy I know but... what if it is? Like when Sora was asleep he got his Keyblade(or something like that)... what if it's like that?


So....yeah, before I go rant, or spoil you guys(and girls!) any further... what do you think of this?

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Okay, so as I'm sure...we all saw the trailer to it, but for those who didn't here's a link to a

and English version.


Now that that's out the way and we have a full halfway of a 40% chance of actually knowing what's happening in this very confusing yet exciting game, understanding... What do you think of it? I'm honestly even more confused. Just when Birth by Sleep came out, I thought all our... confusion would be gone...but I guess not!



I'm sure we all pretty much know/think(still not 100% sure) that KH3D will be about their Mark of Mastery test. What we DO know though is that this is foreshadowing Kingdom Hearts III. I believe this theory as well. But anyways, so the game is called Dream Drop Distance. What does that mean though?



If you watch the trailer you see in the gameplay that there isn't any Mana, or Focus like in the other games, instead there's something else called DROP. So...what's this Drop business? Can you use magic, or is it like Birth by Sleep with the Commands? Can't really say, but id Drop is something like energy then could Dream, and Distance be like that as well?


If you go to the least part of the trailer, you see Xemnas/Ansem, I think somethings up. No, seriously! watch the trailer, when they first show the two, you can see Xemnas behind Xehanort, and Xehanort behind Xemnas! What makes it more confusing is that you would think that Sora and Riku would be...kinda working together or something. But, what if they're not? Check this out as well, when Sora faced Xemnas, he was in the exact same area Riku is as he faces Ansem! The only difference is the camera's point of view. See what I mean?


And although this isn't really..important I just wanted to say that in the trailer it said Goodwill & Malice, which are the exact opposite from each other. Someone like to help people, and someone who likes to harm people. It also said Sleep & Waking. Could this be referring to KHReCom, when Sora was in that pod or something? I don't know... Which leads me to yet ANOTHER theory! What is....this whole thing is a dream? Crazy I know but... what if it is? Like when Sora was asleep he got his Keyblade(or something like that)... what if it's like that?


So....yeah, before I go rant, or spoil you guys(and girls!) any further... what do you think of this?


Hell we still dont know what the words "Birth by Sleep" even mean let alone this new title...


If i were to hazzard a guess as to what this game is about i would say that it is indeed a dream world, and from the points you brought up id say maybe both sora and riku see each other as the enemy and somehow the need to see through each other's guise in order to pass the test. Only a thought with no REAL evidence though...

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Well, my theory is that Mickey calls them to Mysterious Tower as Yen Sid asked, and Yen Sid puts them to sleep. He then uses his powers to manipulate their dreams for the Mark of Mastery exam. That would explain part of the title, why they are their KH1 selves, and why Ansem SoD and Xemnas have returned, even though they were defeated and merged back together to become Xehanort.


Basically, it's all just a dream Sora and Riku are having to prove they are worthy to be masters.

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Well, my theory is that Mickey calls them to Mysterious Tower as Yen Sid asked, and Yen Sid puts them to sleep. He then uses his powers to manipulate their dreams for the Mark of Mastery exam. That would explain part of the title, why they are their KH1 selves, and why Ansem SoD and Xemnas have returned, even though they were defeated and merged back together to become Xehanort.


Basically, it's all just a dream Sora and Riku are having to prove they are worthy to be masters.


it's a great theory, i agree with you

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Interesting. look, about this being during Sora's sleep... he hasn't met Xemnas yet. and then why would Riku be there as well?

And I thought about something about Goodwill and Malice. what if you can CHANGE the way each of the characters think? Like, Sora being able to make his own Good or evil choices. just like in Fable(360).


And yeah, what DOES birth by sleep even mean? -.-

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Guest captjapan

wonder if Maleficent will allow this little test to go on?

i could see her attempting to stop it and perhaps use Riku's dream to turn him back over to her side.

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Well, my theory is that Mickey calls them to Mysterious Tower as Yen Sid asked, and Yen Sid puts them to sleep. He then uses his powers to manipulate their dreams for the Mark of Mastery exam. That would explain part of the title, why they are their KH1 selves, and why Ansem SoD and Xemnas have returned, even though they were defeated and merged back together to become Xehanort.


Basically, it's all just a dream Sora and Riku are having to prove they are worthy to be masters.


Well, of course Mickey is gonna call Sora and Riku to go to Yen Sid's tower considering how Yen Sid TOLD Mickey to call them there. I really don't think that they will be put to sleep, a lot of people have already made theories about that, but it doesn't really seem true. I think that Yen Sid will pribably have them be in simulatiuons of worlds they nevver went to before as well as have a simulation of fighting both Ansem SoD and Xemnas.

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Interesting. look, about this being during Sora's sleep... he hasn't met Xemnas yet.

Not while he's asleep afterr Chain of Memories. They're saying he's going to be put asleep again.

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...sleeping and waking, good will and malice, Sora and Riku; could it be a possibility Sora and Riku switch off whatever sort of dreaming they are doing. I have a feeling they will both go about their own methods of achieving their goal; Riku through helping villains (malice) and Sora through, well, what he always does (good will).


If they are exploring new world in this dream world, then I feel the situation with snarl of memories already set up an example of reality breaking into dreams and vice versa, so I have no problem with this.

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