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Keyblade Master Xoncron

KHBbS BBS Final Mix coming to the USA

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Well, Nomura is a genius guy!


He'll probably make a cutscene at the start of BBSv2 and shows what happened to the secret ending of BBSfm :D So yeah, I have a feeling that they're not going to release final mixes at the US (also, they used english voices... not because they're better or anything but I think its just a consideration for English players who will try and play Final Mix)


They use the English voices because Nomura and many other Japanese prefer them over the Japanese voices.

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@Azure Flame: Oh I see, lol. I never read that, but I do believe you now that I too prefer the english actors (and I admit that they're better.. Just thought it was some consideration or anything) :P

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For everyone saying about how the secret episode is a must play and that, and even Nomura stated he wanted everyone to expirence it, they will. Just us Westerners will get to expirence it in BBS volume 2. As for a Final Mix release here, it's very, very unlikely, even if there is high demand. Ba the secret episode, all the new content was planned to be in the English version, however was cut due to time constraints. So, story wise we're not missing out on anything. And I just can't see it releasing as DLC here sadly, Square-Enix and Disney (US branch, although Disney Europe funnily enough doesn't mind digital distribution) aren't too big on digital distribution.


And Japan's a little different when it comes to games, they're willing to buy a second version of the game with more content, westerners on the other hand, well I can't predict that, but I'd doubt they'd be as willful to buy it again just to get a few more extras. So, from a business point of view, it probably wouldn't sell well outside of Japan, and not many sales means not much profit for Square-Enix.


Infuriatingly enough, those features WEREN'T planned to be in the western release. There are features specifically made for Final Mix, we didn't get them simply because they wanted a 'timely release'


I smell a troll!!!


This, or you really don't know how the release of KH games go.


Here's what happens with the releases:

1. Japan gets the original.

2. Westerners get the game with some extra content.

3. Japanese fans complain, so Square makes a Final Mix that includes the content Westerners get and then some.

4. Final Mix never comes to Westerners. EVER.


Next time you make a claim like this, post a link to where you found the information.

Some sites aren't reliable sources of news.


Besides, in regards to Final Mixes, I wouldn't trust anyone's word on the matter besides Normura.


Okay, has everybody forgoten that western releases have only ever gotten new features twice? KH1 had some new bosses (And some graphic tweaks I believe) and BBS had quite a few new features.

No other KH has had new stuff like that though (I'm not including small edits and censors that have persisted since KH2)

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