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KHBbS Unlock secret episode SPOILER

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ok i have it know you have to the stickers at the places where you get 7 point some places only give 5 points.


SPOILER of the secret Episode:


The fight against the red eye Heartless was pretty easy on Proud.


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Interesting. Red eyes looks pretty hard on Critical mode, tough. He does a lot of damage, but his attacks seem easy enought to avoid by spamming dodge roll. :P

EDIT: I also heard he is called Alpha Heartless.

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I don't like after you kill Red Eye. It just jumps to the cutscene where Aqua is walking to Cinderella's world.


It's a secret episode, I'm sure if BBS V2 comes out that it will be in the game seeing as though it looks like the secret episode sort of a demo...but that's just me.

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Kind of on topic... is the PSP region-locked?

Because all this talk for FM is making me want to buy it. OWO


I don't think so. People in America have been buying it as well, but I don't have any foreign games, so I wouldn't know.

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