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What Is the main selling point of a video game for you?

What Is the main selling point of a video game for you?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. What Is the main selling point of a video game for you?

    • Characters/Character design
    • Graphics/Art style
    • Story
    • Music/Sound design
    • Genre
    • Gameplay
    • Studio/Staff reputation
    • Reviews
    • Something else? Tell us below!

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The most important thing is that the game is fun to play. If the gameplay system is incredibly sophisticated but difficult to understand it can cause levels of frustration that leaves me coming out the other end of the game not wanting to finish it or not wanting to replay it if I do commit to finishing it. Rarely do I find it actually rewarding and worth my time that a gameplay system is significantly complex instead of simple.

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Story is very important to me. I honestly don't care about the gameplay as long as the Story is good and compelling. If the Story is good than I'll definitely play it again and again. Gameplay is easy to understand and I consider it a tertiary focus after Story and Characters.

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Story/Art style and gameplay.

Having simple gameplay is okay as long as it's challenging enough, a good example is Cuphead. The game play is very straight forward, but it's definitely challenging. 

However if the game play is a little more complex like the Metroid games that's fine too, because they balance out the difficulty.

There's also games where the gameplay is dumbed down so much it's not as fun as previous games. For example Dissidia NT really sucked cuz because you would spend half your time playing on running up to your opponent. Not to mention the dumbed down fighting mechanics really made the game just less interesting in general. You didn't have either of these problems in the previous games. And it's not like they were too complicated they were just directional attacks and I think they kept some but they got rid of the variety of directional attacks. And it's not like directional attacks are too complex either because Super Smash Bros has that and little kids play it all the time.

Now when it comes to art style and story I think Cuphead is a good example cuz the story isn't anything like Lord of the rings, but it fits the art style perfectly. The creators for that game knew their target audience and they stuck with it. Instead of trying to please everyone they just decided to please a select group and so the game did really well.

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As a Digital Storyteller, I am always interested in the Storyline straight away.  
The rest of the video game comes second and on down the line.

Whether or not I replay it multiple times always depends on how connected I felt with its story and characters.

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Story mostly. I like games with good gameplay, but if story not clicking with me I'll probably drop it after 10-15 hours.

I also tend to be more forgiving to companies and series that I'm familiar with, hence why I'm still here

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Prior to a couple years ago, I would have said story; JRPG's were my jam and easily my preferred genre. Even during the height of my KH mania I would have said the story was my favorite aspect, despite adoring the gameplay, graphics, music, and everything else. lol Although in hindsight, I think character/character design would have been the more accurate choice, because how much I like the characters greatly affects my enjoyment of the story. Even now I have a saying: good characters can make up for a meh plot, but a good plot can't make up for meh characters.

But since then, I've mostly fallen out of playing JRPG's, and adding one to the long list of games to play feels more like a chore. Do I really need another 50+ hour RPG when I already have several I need to get to? Doesn't help I'm somewhat addicted to replaying some of the Tales games. lol

Nowadays, I'm all over the place with games. I've started going crazy over 2D Metroid, whose plots are near non-existent. I want to get into the Prime series, too, and I've never been into first-person shooters. lol
I picked up this roguelike deckbuilder Pirates Outlaws because I was attracted to its pirate aesthetic and the charming papercraft art style. I barely even knew what a roguelike deckbuilder was!
And if I ever play FANTASIAN Neo Dimension, it'll likely be because Hironobu Sakaguchi's and Nobuo Uematsu's names are on it. lol

So I'm voting "something else," because what sells me now is whether or not I'm interested in the experience I think a game will give me. That might be a cheap "all of the above" answer, but every game is case-by-case and the only constant is that I'm interested in trying it. lol

Edited by DestinysUnion

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