wonderkid 2 Posted January 29, 2011 Eden mumbled something to himself before crumbling up the paper and tossing it aside. He sighed depressingly and sat back in the rocking chair. "They're trying to become the evolution of us.." Eden chuckled, "Kind of funny since they're just...Machines..." Eden stoodback up, "They're just machines... Machines....Robots..." His eyes just went wide, and turned to Azura and Joe, smiling widely. "They're just MACHINES!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 29, 2011 Azura steared at him."Yeah.They're machines.So?"Azura asks.She stears at him and soon catches up with the idea."Wait.You're right.They're nothing more or less then machines.And machines are made out of parts and they MUST have a power source somehow.If we eliminate the main power source.The machines will lose their power...and they'll be nothing but pieces of machinery."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted January 29, 2011 joe looked at the prints then Eden "hey they werent easy to get" joe then hears what eden says then listen to azura's theory then something in his head clicked wait ya and since there made of metal and circuits magnets can mess them up and they can be hacked into rewired reprogramed to work for us how could it take us this long to figure it all out" everyone then began to smirk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wonderkid 2 Posted January 29, 2011 Eden snapped his fingers, pointing his pointer at her. "Exactly, my point." He looked out the window down at the city, just in time to see a tall building collapse. "And for some reason... I think I know exactly where their source of life resides.." He waved the two over to the window. "Look..." He pointed at wires around the city. "I couldn't help but wonder why they never venture out the city, and why they brought us here in the first.." He glanced a look at the two. "So maybe it's because they can't leave it... and I believe that's because.." He then pointed towards the city of the city. "That they can only 'live' within city walls- because the city is actually the power source!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted January 29, 2011 joe listens to the theory then thinks it over "But what about the ones back in ireland i lived in a village and we still got machines there and we where about 100 miles from any big city but then again the machines where lowering in number but we all though it was because they though ireland was human free" joe rubs his head and looks out the window again Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 29, 2011 Azura nods."I see.Impressive thinking.But Tue city itself..."Azura says.She looks at the city for a second."Hold it.I GOT IT!!Look.See that the city is surrounded by those walls?Those walls must be the ones sending the siynals and powering up the machines.I bet that if we take down that wall.The signal will fall.And the machines will fall.Leaving us an advantage to take down the main power source in the main factory."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wonderkid 2 Posted January 29, 2011 Eden nodded. "The chaos theory is logical.." He glanced at them, "But putting that theory... into reality?" He sighed and starred out the window. "It's scientifically impossible.." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted January 29, 2011 joe listen "hey your right and it explains how they where powered in ireland they had one of them walls all over the country from east to west" joe then though "But that wall is huge how do we take it down we dont have any explosives powerful enough" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TripleNipple 308 Posted January 30, 2011 Character sheet: Name(first and second please):Jakob Klain Gender: Male (Not female ) Appearences: Short black hair with bangs that cover his eyebrows. Skinny body and green eyes. A neon green t-shirt he wears almost all the time with a darker green stripes shirt under. Black cargo shorts and an ear flap beanie. Personality: Jakob is a nice guy without an attitude. He can be frustrated at some times but most of the time, he has a warm heart. He was a pacifist until he was transported into D.C. At D.C., Jakob started to realize this is real life, and started to get more cold hearted. Bio:(Aged 16) Jakob Klain grew up in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where he had many friends, most Amish. Since his friends were Amish, they didn't know anything about electricity, wouldn't take pictures with him, or go to parties with him. Most of the time, he stayed home to read a book about agriculture, farming, irrigation and such things. But he saw the horizon, a machine. It was so extraordinary. He found a pocket knife his father gave to him, and held it. Jakob was then transported into D.C. Weapon(s) Pocket Knife Home location: Lancaster, Pennsylvania Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 30, 2011 (Accepted) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TripleNipple 308 Posted January 30, 2011 Jakob opened his eyes. He was in a base or something. He remembered...an object...What was that? Did it mean anything? Where was he? He lifted his body off of a cot. He twisted his head left to right. Jakob was in a place of metal. On his left was a drawing of a robot, to the left was a picture of a man and a woman cuddling to each other while the sun was setting. Jakob defiantly wasn't their. He was in a room. A stone room. His pocket knife was still in his pocket of his shorts. His pocket had a note that said, "Schedule. Your schedule is 1:00 P.M." The time was 12:34 P.M. "What the..." he mumbled to himself. He jumped off of the cot. He sighted a drawer and took out a green shirt and black cargo shorts. He was currently wearing only shorts. Jakob took off the shorts and put on his shirt. Quickly, he put on his belt and ran out of the room. Instantly, he was outside. Nothing was going right. A machine was ramming into a building. "Where am I?" he pondered. He walked into the battlezone. There was smoke emitting from the buildings which were crumpling down. The machines were as big as orange trees and as wide as a house. He saw a sewer. "I must go there....I don't know why...But I must..."he mumbled to himself. He ran to the manhole and pulled out of the way. Inside was a sewer with no water at all, and a door. Jakob jumped off the ladder and opened the door, which led to a base. He grabbed a knife and threw his old one. This knife was more of a dagger, but still had the simple knife blade. It was Labeled,"WE FIGHT FOR USA!" Jakob took it and put his old knife there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 31, 2011 Azura sighs and holds her head as she was starting to get a headache again."OK.Let us review shall we?The main factory is the main power source.It has some cables that send that power directly to the walls.The walls send a signal through out the world giving the machines orders and power to functionate.If we destroy those walls.The robots from OUTSIDE the city will fall down and de-activate.Leaving only the robots of the city working since from the factory itself has a low range.That's the first step.Then the second step would be to destroy the factory.We destroy the factory.Not only do we stop the production of more machines.But also the last power source that the robots have to stand and work."Azura says as she explains it while pointing at different places in the map. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted January 31, 2011 joe looked over the map at all the points azura points at "well if where going to do this where going to need more humans and since we were all telelported here that shouldnt be to hard then we'll also need more weapons and explosives cause we cant fight the machines defenceless" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites