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"Hmm..., you know.. I can't remember.." He rubbed his chin in thought. "About...... a year now I believe." He looked up at the two, still thinking. "I live on the other side of the district.. in the metropolis area"


He began walking out the broken doorway, "It's much safer over there then here. Don't know why though.." He glanced back at them before jerking a thumb in the direction he was heading. "You wanna follow?"

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Azura and Joe looked at eachother and shruged."Sure."Azura says.They start to follow Eden around.Azura puts the energy tech on a bag she had.Joe followed too as well.Azura looks around and kept her AK-47 by her side at all times.She looked around and didn't see any machines.By miracle."This is the most peaceful place I've seen in weeks."Azura says.She looks around."I can't belive this place is so peaceful."Azura says.

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Eden smiled a bit by her words but quickly shook his head, making it disappear. "I was told that a long time ago, peace was everywhere.." Eden starred at the blood red sky, as they began to walk through a valley. "Kind of hard to believe that, don't you agree?" He glanced back at them to see their response.

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Azura nods."Yeah."Azura says.She looks down and thinks."If only it was like this back then."Azura says.She remembers when she lost her first friend at this war.


Azura and her friends,Rachel,Richard and Kelvin ran as fast as they could running away from the robots."We need to stay alret for everything and anything!"Richard says.They all nod.Azura then flet something grab her from the earth.She tripped and looked back to see a robot grabing her leg."Huh?!Let go of me!"Azura says.Richard looks back."Azura!"Richard says as he runs back.The robot stands up and takes out one of its arm.It points it at Azura."Look out!"Richard says.He gets in the way and takes the shots for Azura.Azura's eyes widen."RICHARD!!!!"Azura says.


Azura shakes her head.

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Eden stayed silent, staring at the two a bit longer before facing ahead again. Wonder what they're thinking about...


After a an hour of walking through many valleys and streams, the group finally came to a small clearing, on the edge of a cliff. A log house, shack, and a small farm was near a few hundred meters away from the cliff. Eden sighed and walked towards the log house. "And here we are~"

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Azura's eyes widen.She had no idea this was here.It was...peaceful..."It's...amazing."Azura says not beliving it.She smiles.After years of war and non stopping deaths.This was the first peace she has seen in years.Azura sighs."I cannot belive this peace was here all this time.And I was under it all this time."Azura says remembering that she would spend most of her time underground through the sewers then through the surface.

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Eden chuckled a bit, leading them inside the log house. Inside was a stove, bed, drawers, a small sofa, rocking chair, a wall with different weapons on it, a table and cabinets. "Really? Kind of find that hard to believe." He took off his coat and hung the Rifle on the wall, before sitting down in the rocking chair. He sighed a bit before eying Azura. "Have you ever thought to venture out of the city..?

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Azura stears at him and thinks for a while."Not really.Trying to get out of the city is like asking a death wish.These robots have put the highest and most dangerous of their army at every post that leads outside of the city.They want to.finish the human race once and for all.So they themselves have turned into.security freaks.They want all of the remaing humans.here and here only."Azura explains.She looked down.She remembers seeing a couple walking around a few days ago.They were trying to escape the city.But they got turned into ashes before Azura could do anything of the matter.

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Eden nods at her speech and stares out the window. Behind the cliff they could see the city from above, smoke rising from buildings and small explosions emitting. ".. Truth be told, it was by chance I even got out.." He cracked his fingers continue to stare out the window.


Eden laid on the ground gasping in pain. Blood was spilling from all the wounds and bullet holes in his body. Through his teary eyes he saw the small squadron of machines walking away from him.


Eden blinked snapping out of his daydream, before standing up, rubbing his chin in thought. "They original were suppose to just help protect us... but sometimes..." He stared at Azura then back out the window. "I feel like that there's more to that story then we were told.."

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Azura stears at him."Really?"Azura asks.She looks out the window for a while."Sounds like a hidden story that needs to be uncovered."Azura says.She stears at him for a while.Then she takes out the energy gear she had taken out of tue tank earlier.She looks at Eden."Here."Azura says as she hands it over to him."You can use it to upgrade your weapons.Take it as a 'thank you' gift for helping us out."Azura says.She looks out the window amd thinks for a while.She remembers her friend Richard died in her arms.Azura tries to forget the memory.

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He catches it and observes the material. "Wow, where'd you get this?" He sets it in his lap, slowly taking it apart, taking the parts he'll need. "This stuff is hard to find... and I'm pretty sure it wasn't just laying around." He glanced at her slightly chuckling before fully taking apart the gear. "Here, we'll split it into thirds, some for me, for you and for you." He divided the gear between the three of us. "We all need our share for the future anyways.."

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joe was sitting on a stole in the cabin then turns to the others yawning "You know this place reminds me of home just with even less machines feels good to not have to worry about any machines coming out of knower and attacking us" joe then remember the blue prints he had in his pocket "Owe dam i forgot all about them"joe pulls them out of his pocket then opens it onto the table "hey guys have a look at this i found in a few days ago in a machine factory that me and a few of my friends had to take down it looks like plans for some new machine one that looks and walks like a human"

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Azura took hr part of the gears."Thanks.And well.I might have needed to get into one of those tanks to get it."Azura says.She hears what Joe had to say.She walks over to the table."Looks and walks like a human?Oh great.They can't find us so now they're trying to blend in with us to kill us when we least expected.Now the enemy could be anyone if that things gets built."Azura says.She sits down on the floor and stars to mess with her AK-47 along with her part of the gear.Now it's bullets were bean bullets."Perfect."Azura says.

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Eden nods and stares at the blueprints. He bit his lip, "With every mechanism comes a contradiction... There's always something abnormal or unique about that mechanism." He traced his finger over the blueprints, observing the details and info. "But I can't even seem to find a single error... It's completely perfect- but that's impossible.." He groaned rubbing his temples frustrated, "Nothing's perfect, not even humans."

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Azura stands up and looks at the blueprints carefully."You're right.Everysingle thing in this world has a flaw.Something that makes them just like the others.But this...is...perfect."Azura says.She tries to look at any flaw at all.Any miscalculation.Anything.But there was nothing.The robots themselves had desighned the perfect machine.The prefect them.Azura sighs and looks down."This is not good.If this gets accomplished.It will be the total end of humanity."Azura says.

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Joe exams the blueprints again wait i think i got something these blueprints where made only a week ago so the machines have only just designed this thing so if we find where there making them and destroy the place and anything to do with that machine we could stop it before its even made so what you guys think you in find it and destroy it before it can get us

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Eden thought for a moment before slowly nodding. "That seems to be the best answer to this problem. But," He rubbed his chin, closing his eyes. "You're actually considering that we infiltrate a base that we have no location to. Not only that but it's the Machines base, if their patrol men are deadly like that.." He shot a silent glare at Joe, then at Azura. "Do you believe that their security force are actually at the same level as them?"

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Azura sighs and thinks."I don't know.This project seems to be their biggest yet.And they must be doing it in the main central factory.From what I've seen.There's the highest security system yet."Azura says.She looks down."We shouldn't go there.I've been there only once and never more I will step foot on that place."Azura says.She looks out the window."I lost her there..."Azura says thinking outloud.

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I dont see why not plus ive done it before thats how i got the blueprints and that security system was beyond beleaf but there all falty with one think they all use heat sensor easy to trick but very cold if Ya do i had to lower my body heat to below 20 degrees man im still not right temp after that so should be easy for me to trick

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Azura stears at Joe and gives him a stern look."The one you went was bearly anything compared to this one.This one is the capital of them all.The main core of all of this.Is in there."Azura says.She looks down.


Azura,Rachel and Kelvin ran through the factory."We need to get out of here!!"Kelvin says."There's no exit!They locked us in!!"Rachel says.They hear the robots coming."I'm making an exit."Azura says.She takes out her last granade and throws it against the wall.They make a very small opening."Kelvin.Go!"Azura says.Kelvin goes through and now is outside."Come on girls!"Kelvin says.Azura gets through."Rachel!"Azura says.Rachel was about to get through when a robots catches her."AHHHH!"Rachel yells.Azura grabs her hand."Don't let go!!!"Azura says as she hangs on as hard as she could.She was now getting dragged along with Rachel.Kelvin grabbed her by the waist and pulled her away."Let go Azura.You need to go."Rachel says."You crazy?!I'm not going to leave you!!"Azura says.Rachel then lets go of the grip.The robots pull her away."No!!"Azura says as she tries to get in there to save her.But Kelvin pulled ehr away."No Azura!"Kelvin says."Let me go!We need to save her!Rachel!!!"Azura says as she cries.

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Eden stood in front of the window, starring at the cliff deep in thought. "Everything has a limit, nothing is perfect- well except God, but He's an exception." Eden sighed and leaned against the window, starring at the city below. The room was silent for a few minutes before Eden spoke again. "Wait a second... Let me see those prints again."

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Azura snapped out of her memory and head what eden had to say.She took the prints and gave it to him."Is something wrong?"Azura asks.She then hears an explotion.She goes to see through the window what was going on.There were robots shooting and buildings for no reason.Or just because they were chasing a human.Azura sighs and looks at Eden.She walks towards him."Is there something wrong with the prints?"Azura asks.

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joe thinks for a minute as well then looks at the blueprints again "wait i think i found something" the others look at him and he points to a sentence in the prints "look see there made of Steel just plain old ordinary steel and last time i checked high-speed steel could cut throw that no problem when hot enough" joe pulled out his old sword "look at my sword its made of high-speed steel and it can with stand heat up to 600 degrees but normal steel cant take anymore then 300 degrees thats how we do it thats how we beat it with heat use the very thinging the machines use to make themselfs a blast furnace"

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Eden rose an eyebrow at Joe. "That's quite the theory you have there, but have you ever questioned WHY they used ordinary steel pallets in the first place?" Eden spread out the paper on the table "Look," he pointed at a print. "If they used high-speed steel, then it would be obvious that they're not entirely human." He looked up at Joe, "Humans can barely take over a hundred degrees..." He stood back some, observing the paper again. "That means they're trying to make EXACT replicas of us, but with some major upgrades." He pointed at another picture. "Such as eyes that can shoot laser beams."

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Azura looked at the prints."Hold it.So they're eliminating us.Yet...they're trying to create us in their image?"Azura asks."We created them.Now they're trying to create us.This is not good."Azura says.She looks at the prints."It seems that when they camuflaudge like us.They look exactly and can act Like any other human being."Azura says.Azura sighs and holds her head as she was getting a headache."This war has taken a whole new direction to their side.Robots advances:90%.Human advances:...0%"Azura says in the irony.

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