Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 23, 2011 I feel like in one of those Man VS Machine type of RP mood. One day.Man kind decided to use military experiment chips to advance in technology.It wroked.They were all pleased.They were all happy...until the machines turned againts them.1000 years later of the machines' betrayl.The war between machine and man kind is still on.But the humans are losing.Hard.There's only a few human suvivors of this war in the world.And they're still fighting.It is belived that there's only 100 or less humans in the world right now.With that.The machines are now doubleling their patrols and searching to kill the last humans in the face of the earth.There for they teleported all of the remaning humans in the main city,or what's left of it.The city is Washington DC.You are one of those survivors.You'll need to fight your best to survive what's left of this war,and figure out a way to finish it,and bring earth's control back to the remaining humans.Will you live to tell the tale? Resume: The machines are taking over the world and you are one of the last humans on earth.They teleported all of the humans to Washington DC to kill them faster.You must fight againts the robots,try to not get killed,and find away to save the world. Rules: -No godmodding -No killing anyone's character without permision -No controling anyone's character's without permision -Cursing is allowed.But please keep it minimum.Don't over do it. -Have fun -If I forgot anything in the rules please just tell me and I'll add it up Character sheet: Name(first and second please): Gender: Appearences: Personality: Bio: Weapon(s)(From lazer guns to simple pocket knifes.All type of weapons are allowed.You can have maximum 2.And just incase.NO KEYBLADES.): Home location(Where you orginaly lived and came from before you were teleported to Washington DC.): Here's mine Name:Azura Rocecrant Gender:Female Appearences: Short brown hair and brown eyes with glasses.She wears a black tank top,black shorts,black boots and black fingerless gloves.Also a case thingys on one of her legs so she can put her guns there. Personality: She at the moment just cares about not dying.She 's usually sweet and soft hearted but she can get cold blooded when it comes to fight and protecting her allies.Be sure to stay a few feet away from her when she's angry and with her AK47 at hand and you'll get along great with her. Bio: She and her friends fought against the machine enemies back at her home in the island.Then they were teleported to Washington DC.They fought long and hard and as a team.But in less than a month.All of them were killed except for Azura.She now feels hollow inside and blames herself for not being able to protect her friends from the threath.She now looks for any allies.And possibly.Friends.And this time.She'll do anything in her power to protect them. Weapon(s):And AK47 along with a lazer beam gun. Home location: Puerto Rico Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wonderkid 2 Posted January 25, 2011 Name: Eden Nortroh Gender: Male Appearances: An African-American teen, with black hair and sideburns. He wears a black bulletproof vest, covering his black shirt. Wears grey heavy-duty boots, and baggy tan pants. He has night-vision black sunglasses, but never really wears but at night...sometimes. He has a black trench coat with two magnetic pads on the back, for his rifle. Personality: He's a nice and sometimes funny guy, mostly quiet and sensitive. He doesn't really care about living or dieing, the future or the present. He'll do what he think is right. He may seem harsh at times but he doesn't mean to. He just wants to protect. Bio: He lived with a group of people, fighting the machines. They were like family to him, especially since they found at a very young age. Soon enough, the machines bombed their headquarters, and his family-like partners gave their life to protect him. Ever since then, he tries not to make friends, but to help people as much as he can. Even if it kills him, cause he believes he has nothing to live or die for. Weapon(s): a contractable metal pole. It can absorb the heat from the air and can become hot like molten lava. He has a Silenced Sniper Rifle, that's attached to his coat and Two semi-automatic pistols for emergencies. Home location: Nevada Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted January 25, 2011 Name(first and second please): Joe Mahon Gender: Male Appearences: has short black spiky hair green eyes tanned muscler tanned wears torn up jeans with an old hoady Personality: full of life and always trys to look to the bright side of things will always look out for friends and will do anything to stop the machines Bio: Joe is a 16 year old boy from ireland who grow up in a rural part of the country where there where not many machines since they beleaved nobody lived there so unlike many others joe had a chance to have a child hoad with out many threats but when ever any machines showed up in the village it would be up to joe and his friends to make shore it didnt get a chance to leave joe is also the son of the leader of the general of the irsih resistance Weapon(s): AK47 bis there a better gun and Sword but he likes to pick up anything he finds Home location: Peterswell Galway Ireland Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 25, 2011 (Both accepted.We can now start the RP.Remember.The sighn ups are NOT closed.Join in when you please.) An explotion is heard throughout the area.It was no surprise in this war though.Azura ran as fast as she could from the explotion.In her hands.A high-tech device stolen from one of the higher machines.Azura was planning on use it to make a weapon to give her an advantedge in this war.Azura an as fast as she could as she saw flying robot disks after her."Damn."Azura says.She took out her beam gun and started to shoot as she ran.She got a few.She kept running."(I wonder...when will I find anotehr human.)"Azura thinks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wonderkid 2 Posted January 27, 2011 (Both accepted.We can now start the RP.Remember.The sighn ups are NOT closed.Join in when you please.) An explotion is heard throughout the area.It was no surprise in this war though.Azura ran as fast as she could from the explotion.In her hands.A high-tech device stolen from one of the higher machines.Azura was planning on use it to make a weapon to give her an advantedge in this war.Azura an as fast as she could as she saw flying robot disks after her."Damn."Azura says.She took out her beam gun and started to shoot as she ran.She got a few.She kept running."(I wonder...when will I find anotehr human.)"Azura thinks. "Oh blue sky, did you ever exist?" Eden was resting on the edge of a cliff, legs crossed and hands behind his head. He gazed at the crimson sky, polluted with blood and bacteria. He heard from elder men that it's natural color was blue... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted January 27, 2011 joe and his friends where on patrol around the village keeping an eye out for machines over the years the villagers had learned that the machines where sending less and less machines to ireland as they beleaved there was nobody left anymore and even when the survivers destroied a machine no more machines would be sent as it would not be missed since so many machines where made day by day in central Europe. joe was posted out by the forest in the village when he saw to cyclebots coming his way "Cyclebots to easy" joe had already hopped for something like this and had planted bombs in the machines course hours ago the cyclebots touched the land minds and there was explotion heard all over the village the villagers spoke to one another "Joe again what is with him and them land mines" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 27, 2011 (Sora Mahon.Remember that you and all remaining humans on earth are in Washington DC.Not in their homeland.) Azura ran fast.She took out a small granade.She activated it and threw it.The bomb exploted and the robots blowed up into pieces.Azura then ran towards a sewer opening.She ran into it and closed it.The robots passed by and didn't minded to check.Azura sighs.She walks around the underground sewers.Witch had no water at all anymore.She gets to her base and puts the device down.She satted down and started to work on it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted January 27, 2011 (sorry star i though i could start in ireland then get sent to dc in the post below) joe had just finished patrol when he saw a bright light in the sky he stared at it for a moment then next thing he knew he was in washington DC joe looked around "Not good" joe then saw a large group of machines going toward him "Woo never seen so many in one place before" joe then turned and ran he could hear the machines behind him "KILL ALL HUMAN" "Owe come on what did we ever do to you guys if it wasnt for use you wouldnt even be here" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 27, 2011 (It's OK.Just making sure.) Azura finished with the high-tech technology.She applied it to her beam gun and now its beam was 5 times more powerful."Yes."Azura says.She puts the beam gun away and looks around.All machinary except weapons and small comunicators like cellphones were now robots trying to kill them.Azura then heard explotions.She knew that only explotions like that would occur if the machines were chasing someone.Azura ranned up one of the entrances and went to the surface. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted January 27, 2011 the machines began to fire at joe "Owe come on" joe then pulled out his ak-47 and turned running backwords while shotting the machines down "Now this is what i call multy tasking" joe then began to run forword again then saw a grenade he picked it up then armed it and threw it at the machines destroying two of them and damaging another "Ha good old human eninuwity one think you dum bots will never have" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 27, 2011 Azura ran as fast as she could.She then saw a boy running away from some robots.They were shooting at him.The boy tripped down.Azura took out her beam gun and pointed at the machines."Get down!"Azura says.She shoted the robots.The robots fell down."Guess this upgrade was a good idea after all."Azura says.She ranned to the boy and helped him up."Hey.You OK?"Azura asks.She didn't showed it.But she was extremely happy to see anotehr human. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolf on the Run 391 Posted January 27, 2011 joe jumped up and smirked "Ya i'm fine just a little shoke up never seen so many machines in one place at one time in ireland you'd see about two machines on patrol a week but that would be the last anyone would ever see of them" joe then tied his ak to his back then looked at the girl again "By the way my names joe and you are" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 27, 2011 Azura takes his hands and shakes it."Azura Stargazer.Nice to meet you Joe."Azura says with a smile.She hears the sirens."Come.I have a secret base.We can hide there."Azura says.She takes his hand and starts to run towards the base.After a few minutes they get there.It was furnished with a sofa,a futon,a table,a chair,a refrigirator,some weapons,and a bed."It has been a while since I've seen another human.You'll get used to this many robots after a while."Azura says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wonderkid 2 Posted January 28, 2011 Eden stood on a half destroyed building starring down at the streets. Many of the machines were on patrol looking for him, soon they'll start searching the buildings. Eden sighed before lying on his stomach on the edge of the building, taking out his Rifle. "What fun~" He muttered, before snipping down the enemies. After taking out the patrol he sat back and scouted the area with his scope. No sense going down without knowing what's down right? After five minutes of scouting he spotted two figures running down the street. One was a boy, the other was a girl. He rose an eyebrow and watched them run further down. "Hmm..." Attaching his rifle on his back, he sprinted down the stairs. "Wonder where they're going.." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 28, 2011 Azura looks at Joe."It's almost 6.Witch means that the Tank Robots are on their way to usual patrol.Last time.I tried to get into one of them to steal teh energy tube that gives them an upgrade to give an upgrade to my weapons.Almost go getting killed.I'm going in again.Wanna come?"Azura asks.Joe nods.Azura nods.They both go back to the surface.They see one of the tanks coming."Here I go."Azura says as she follows the tank and jumps over it.Not knowing there was anotehr human around. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wonderkid 2 Posted January 28, 2011 "Uhh... Okay, now where'd they run off to?" Eden muttered as he walked through the streets. "They were just here a moment ago.." He stopped feeling the ground begin to rumble, and empty car alarms begin to go off. He looked around quickly but saw no one around. "Okay, last time I checked... miniature earthquakes mean....death." Then he ran into abandoned building, hiding." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 28, 2011 The tank started to move around and start to throw missils around.Making explotions happen and buildings collapsing.Azura was on the inside.She looked around the inner controls.She found it.She took out the main energy source.The tank then just shutted down.She came out and lifted it up into the air."I GOT IT!"Azura says happily.But then her voice echoes throughout the city.She then sees more Robot Tanks come after her."Oh great."Azura says as she starts to run away. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wonderkid 2 Posted January 28, 2011 "Dundering dunder flakes, suck my-!" A red hot metal staff ripped through a machine, Eden lifted it and twirled it into two more, slicing them in half. He winced holding his injured arm, a bullet was stuck inside. Before he could do anything, he heard a whriling noise. He saw the tank, and it fired a missle into the building towards him. Eden jumped into the nearest glass wall that lead outside, right before the missile exploded. "FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDGGGEEEEE!!!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 28, 2011 Azura ran as fast as she could."Aw man this is what happens when I try to upgrade my weapons!"Azura says.She dodges another missil.She wasn't looking up obviously.Then someone fell over her.They both ended up on the floor.Azura looked up.""Azura says as she stands up and makes whoever falled on her get off.She turned to see a boy."Another human?"Azura asks.She stears at the boy.It was Eden.But she didn't knew him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wonderkid 2 Posted January 28, 2011 "Ughh.... my aching.." Eden up rubbing his head in pain before noticing two humans. He gasped and pointed at them. "You two-!!" A huge explosion boomed behind him, and he jumped. "-are going to help me blow them takes to hell!" He took out his rifle and loaded three neon colored bullets. "All I need you guys to do..." He tilted his head to the side as another missile flew past them. "..Is to distract them, kapeesh? Alrighty then! Let's do this!" Without even saying anything else he ran into a building trying to get to higher ground. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 28, 2011 Azura and Joe steared at eachother."Distract them?"Azura asks.Joe shrugs.The tanks sees them.They point at them.Azura and Joe run away from the missils.They bearly dodge it."Well,if he wants distraction.We'll give them some."Azura says.Joe looks at her with a serious look."He's human.He's an ally.That's my golden rule at this moment."Azura says.She stands up and starts to distract the machines.She bearly dodges missils and bombs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wonderkid 2 Posted January 28, 2011 Eden stood at the top of the building, focusing on the oncoming tanks. "Okay... there's one..two... six tanks. So if I could just get them from the middle..." He licked his lips before shooting one bullet. He missed and shot the sidewalk. A explosion boomed there and knocked a tank over another. "Fidgebuckletooners~!" He cursed in some weird random language. "Got to stay focus!!" He took a deep breath, and fired the last two bullets at the same time. One hit front of the tank squadron, the other hit the middle. Two huge explosions happened, and smoke filled the entire street. He winced. "There goes my last two.." With a sigh, he ran down the stairs, to see if the other two people were okay. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 28, 2011 Azura saw the bullets hit the tanks.She ran up to Joe."Run for your life!"Azura says.They jump away just when the explotions occur.They look back to see the tanks gone."Allright!"Azura says happily.She stands up and so does Joe.She sees Eden come down and towards them."Whoo-hoo!That was awsome!You've got some skill."Azura says.She extends her hand and shakes his hand."I'm Azura.And he's Joe.And you are?"Azura asks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wonderkid 2 Posted January 28, 2011 He rose an eyebrow at their friendly gesture before shaking her hand. "Eden, Eden Nortroh. Nice to see some people once in a while." He then stepped back and got a better look at them. "I'll say that... you two been here for a while right?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stardustblade358 806 Posted January 28, 2011 Azura nods."I have been here for about 3 months.Joe here has been here for about less hour according to what he told me a few minutes ago."Azura says.She stears at him."I haven't seen humans for weeks.Last one died to easily."Azura says as she gets her AK-47 on hand just incase there were anymore robots around."So.How long have you been here,Eden?"Azura asks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites