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KHBbS BBSFM secret Ep. gameplay

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Here's a 20 minute long video finally showing a gameplay/walkthrough of the BBS Final Mix secret episode. Enjoy.




Yeah I saw the dude play it live twice now and he's data installing his game right now.

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Here's a 20 minute long video finally showing a gameplay/walkthrough of the BBS Final Mix secret episode. Enjoy.




Yeah I saw the dude play it live twice now and he's data installing his game right now.


Yeah, I know he streamed it twice. But I thought I'd share this with everybody. Especially for those who didn't see this yet. (:

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I reconize that heartless....


How can you? It's never been seen before. Though, it does look similar to the one in Beast's Castle in KH2. Though this one is more dog-like than the other one. And is so much stronger.

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ok what did aqua say when that big thing came out and his this guy going to make a second vid of him winning aginst that thing


The first part was something along the lines of "That thing- its not a unversed" I think thats basically it. The next part was something about "World of darkness..." but I don't know the rest of that line

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